Publications by authors named "Kovler K"

Traditionally, for indoor radon testing, predominantly passive measurements have been used, typically applying the solid-state alpha track-etch method for long-term and the charcoal method for short-term measurements. However, increasingly, affordable consumer-grade active monitors have become available in the last few years, which can generate a concentration time series of an almost arbitrary duration. Firstly, we argue that consumer-grade monitors can well be used for quality-assured indoor radon assessment and consequent reliable decisions.

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Coastal regions, home to a significant portion of the world's population, confront a formidable challenge: the corrosive impact of chloride-rich environments on vital infrastructure. These areas often host essential transportation systems, such as trains and metros, reliant on pre-existing electrical infrastructure. Unfortunately, complete isolation of this infrastructure is rarely feasible, resulting in the emergence of stray currents and electrical potentials that expedite corrosion processes.

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Indoor radon measurements have been conducted in many countries worldwide for several decades. However, to date, there is a lack of a globally harmonized measurement standard. Furthermore, measurement protocols in the US (short-term tests for 2-7 days) and European Union countries (long-term tests for at least 2 months) differ significantly, and their metrological support is underdeveloped, as clear mathematical algorithms (criteria) and QA/QC procedures considering fundamental ISO/IEC concepts such as "measurement uncertainty" and "conformity assessment" are still absent.

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The main trends of indoor radon regulation in Europe are expressed through the standard ISO 11665-8. This standard, however, ignores the short-term tests (2-7 days in practice)-the main tests in the USA, and instead requires conducting long-term tests only (2-12 months)-without any justification. Moreover, the temporal (key) uncertainty of indoor radon is ignored altogether, a fact that does not allow the assessment of a room's conformity with a normative at a given reliability (usually 95%).

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There now exists a broad consensus among the European radon community members that long-term measurements are the best practice in managing the risk of indoor radon exposure. This, not with standing the fact that <1% of buildings have been tested in Europe so far. At the same time, US' experience over the years shows more effective regulation has been accomplished through tests that are short-term.

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Significant temporal variations of radon and other air pollutants can be observed in any room, even one with permanently closed windows and doors. Therefore, a question arises: how can one assess the conformity of a room with a normative and make a reliable decision if the test lasts <1 year (days or months)? The measurement protocol fundamentally differs between Europe with its long-term testing tradition lasting several months, and the US where short-term tests of several days are more common. Neither the European nor the American protocols considers the temporal uncertainty of indoor radon, a factor that usually exceeds the instrumental uncertainty (including in long-term tests) and is 2-3 times higher the coefficient of variation (COV) commonly used to estimate temporal variations.

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Acoustic Emission (AE) nondestructive tests have attracted great interest for their use in the determination of structural properties and behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) elements. One of the applications this method can contribute to is in high-strength concrete (HSC) columns. These elements have a great advantage in the lower stories of high-rise buildings.

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A 'citizen science' approach was evaluated as an approach to organize an extensive radon survey to be representative of the population of either single regions or a whole country. The "RadonTest" online system allowed schoolchildren to undertake and record short-term radon tests in their homes. Measurements were carried out in Israel using charcoal in miniature flacons and simple detectors with high sensitivity.

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Mass measurements of indoor radon concentrations have been conducted for about 30 years. In most of the countries, a national reference/action/limit level is adopted, limiting the annual average indoor radon (AAIR) concentration. However, until now, there is no single and generally accepted international protocol for determining the AAIR with a known confidence interval, based on measurements of different durations.

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Orvieto (Italy) has a large network of underground tunnels quarried to extract tuff and pozzolana by Etruscans and Romans. One of these tunnels was chosen as natural laboratory to compare different radiation measurement and dose assessment methods. Indeed, tuff and pozzolana are very rich in natural radioactivity and are interesting from the radiation protection point of view since they are still used as building materials.

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Radon exhalation rate from the soil surface can serve as an important criterion in the evaluation of radon hazard of the land. Recently published international standard ISO 11665-7 (2012) is based on the accumulation of radon gas in a closed container. At the same time since 1998 in Russia, as a part of engineering and environmental studies for the construction, radon flux measurements are made using an open charcoal chamber for a sampling duration of 3-5 h.

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The main goal of the current survey was to collect the results of the natural radiation tests of concrete produced in the country, to analyze the results statistically and make recommendations for further regulation on the national scale. Totally 109 concrete mixes produced commercially during the years 2012-2014 by concrete plants in Israel were analyzed. The average concentrations of NORM did not exceed the values recognized in the EU and were close to the values obtained from the Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy.

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The mathematical apparatus and the experimental installation for the rapid determination of radon diffusion coefficient in various materials are developed. The single test lasts not longer than 18 h and allows testing numerous materials, such as gaseous and liquid media, as well as soil, concrete and radon-proof membranes, in which diffusion coefficient of radon may vary in an extremely wide range, from 1·10(-12) to 5·10(-5) m(2)/s. The uncertainty of radon diffusion coefficient estimation depends on the permeability of the sample and varies from about 5% (for the most permeable materials) to 40% (for less permeable materials, such as radon-proof membranes).

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The current paper makes an attempt to check whether the scintillation NaI(Tl) detectors, in spite of their poor energy resolution, can determine accurately the content of NORM in building materials. The activity concentrations of natural radionuclides were measured using two types of detectors: (a) NaI(Tl) spectrometer equipped with the special software based on the matrix method of least squares, and (b) high-purity germanium spectrometer. Synthetic compositions with activity concentrations varying in a wide range, from 1/5 to 5 times median activity concentrations of the natural radionuclides available in the earth crust and the samples of popular building materials, such as concrete, pumice and gypsum, were tested, while the density of the tested samples changed in a wide range (from 860 up to 2,410 kg/m(3)).

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The unique properties of radon as a noble gas are used for monitoring cement hydration and microstructural transformations in cementitious system. It is found that the radon concentration curve for hydrating cement paste enclosed in the chamber increases from zero (more accurately - background) concentrations, similar to unhydrated cement. However, radon concentrations developed within 3 days in the test chamber containing cement paste were approximately 20 times higher than those of unhydrated cement.

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Increased interest in measuring radionuclides and radon concentrations in fly ash (FA), cement and other components of building products is due to the concern about health hazards of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). The paper focuses on studying the influence of FA on radon exhalation rate (radon flux) from cementitious materials. In the previous part of the paper the state of the art was presented, and the experiments for testing raw materials, Portland cement and coal fly ash, were described.

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Increased interest in measuring radionuclides and radon concentrations in fly ash, cement and other components of building products is due to the concern of health hazards of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). The current work focuses on studying the influence of fly ash (FA) on radon-exhalation rate (radon flux) from cementitious materials. The tests were carried out on cement paste specimens with different FA contents.

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Industrial by-products were used for the production of controlled low-strength material (CLSM). CLSM, also known as 'flowable fill' is used as a replacement of compacted soil in cases where the application of the latter is difficult or impossible. The low mechanical requirements (compared with structural concrete) enable the use of industrial by-products for the production of CLSM.

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This work presents a technique for determining the radon (222Rn) diffusion length in porous materials. A mathematical model that describes the process of radon diffusion in a closed chamber, divided into two sections by a porous building material, is proposed. The derived relations allow evaluating the radon diffusion length in the material from measurements of the radon concentrations in the two sections.

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