Aim: To investigate the impact of Acuros XB (AXB) algorithm in the deep-inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) technique used for treatment of left sided breast cancer.
Background: AXB may estimate better lung toxicities and treatment outcome in DIBH.
Materials And Methods: Treatment plans were computed using the field-in-field technique for a 6 MV beam in two respiratory phases - free breathing (FB) and DIBH.
Aim: Aim of the present study was to compare the dosimetric impact of different photon beam energies and number of arcs in the treatment of carcinoma cervix.
Background: Carcinoma cervix is a common cancer in women worldwide with a high morbidity rate. Radiotherapy is used to treat such tumours.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the central axis dose in the build-up region and the surface dose of a 6 MV and 10 MV flattened photon beam (FB) and flattening filter free (FFF) therapeutic photon beam for different square field sizes (FSs) for a Varian Truebeam linear accelerator using parallel-plate ionization chamber and Gafchromic film. Knowledge of dosimetric characteristics in the build-up region and surface dose of the FFF is essential for clinical care. The dose measurements were also obtained empirically using two different commonly used dosimeters: a p-type photon semiconductor dosimeter and a cylindrical ionization chamber.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe main purpose of this study is to know the effect of three different photon energies viz., 6, 10, and 15 mega voltage (MV) on RapidArc (RA) planning for deep-seated cervix tumor and to develop clinically acceptable RA plans with suitable photon energy. RA plans were generated for 6, 10, and 15 MV photon energies for twenty patients reported with cervix carcinoma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To measure and compare the head scatter factor for 7 MV unflattened and 6 MV flattened photon beam using a home-made designed mini phantom.
Background: The head scatter factor (Sc) is one of the important parameters for MU calculation. There are multiple factors that influence the Sc values, like accelerator head, flattening filter, primary and secondary collimators.
To measure and compare the head scatter factor for flattened (FB) and unflattened (FFF) of 6MV and 10MV photon beam using indigenously designed mini phantom. A columnar mini phantom was designed as recommended by AAPM Task Group 74 with low and high atomic number materials at 10 cm (mini phantom) and at approximately twice the depth of maximum dose water equivalent thickness (brass build-up cap). Scatter in the accelerator (Sc) values of 6MV-FFF photon beams are lesser than that of the 6MV-FB photon beams (0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To compare the Collimator scatter factor (Sc), Phantom scatter factor (Sp) and Total scatter factors (Sc,p) of 6MV flattened Beam (6MV FB) and 7MV Unflattened beams (7MV UFB).
Methods: The flattening filter and primary collimator are the major sources of producing the scattered radiation. In this study, the field sizes from 5×5 cm to 40 × 40 cm compared for 6MV FB and 7MV UFB.
Purpose: To evaluate impact on surface dose, Depth of dose maximum (dmax) and depth dose distribution due to physical wedge filters for different wedge angle were studied for 6MV flattened (6MV FB) and 7MV unflattened (7MV UFB) photon beams.
Methods: The flattening filter and primary collimator are the major sources of producing the scattered radiation and these parameters affect the surface dose, dmax and dose distribution. In this study, open fields surface dose, dmax and depth dose distribution values were compared with physical wedge filter for 6MV FB and 7MV UFB .
Purpose: To study the effect of the virtual wedge and physical wedge filters on the surface and build-up region doses for 6 and 15MV high-energy photon beams for different field sizes and various source to surface distance(SSD).
Methods: The measurements were made in water equivalent (PMMA) solid phantom in the build-up region at various SSD for various field sizes using virtual and physical wedge filters having different angles. A parallel-plate ion chamber (Markus) was used to measure the percent depth doses at surface and buildup region.
Purpose: To evaluate the IMAT patient specific quality assurance (QA) performed using ArcCHECK detector array in reference with standard ion chamber for routine clinical use.
Methods: Twelve patient plans having different tumor sites chosen for this study. On Eclipse planning system,IMAT patient plans were calculated on ArcCHECK phantom inserted with Ion chamber using superposition algorithm.