We present a study of the IR behavior of a three-dimensional superrenormalizable quantum field theory consisting of a scalar field in the adjoint of SU(N) with a φ^{4} interaction. A bare mass is required for the theory to be massless at the quantum level. In perturbation theory, the critical mass is ambiguous due to IR divergences, and we indeed find that at two loops in lattice perturbation theory the critical mass diverges logarithmically.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a Feynman integral representation for the general momentum-space scalar n-point function in any conformal field theory. This representation solves the conformal Ward identities and features an arbitrary function of n(n-3)/2 variables which play the role of momentum-space conformal cross ratios. It involves (n-1)(n-2)/2 integrations over momenta, with the momenta running over the edges of an (n-1) simplex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe show that supersymmetry is anomalous in N=1 superconformal quantum field theories (SCFTs) with an anomalous R symmetry. This anomaly was originally found in holographic SCFTs at strong coupling. Here we show that this anomaly is present, in general, and demonstrate it for the massless superconformal Wess-Zumino model via a one-loop computation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe test a class of holographic models for the very early Universe against cosmological observations and find that they are competitive to the standard cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM) of cosmology. These models are based on three-dimensional perturbative superrenormalizable quantum field theory (QFT), and, while they predict a different power spectrum from the standard power law used in ΛCDM, they still provide an excellent fit to the data (within their regime of validity). By comparing the Bayesian evidence for the models, we find that ΛCDM does a better job globally, while the holographic models provide a (marginally) better fit to the data without very low multipoles (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a general prescription for the holographic computation of real-time n-point functions in nontrivial states. In quantum field theory such real-time computations involve a choice of a time contour in the complex time plane. The holographic prescription amounts to "filling in" this contour with bulk solutions: real segments of the contour are filled in with Lorentzian solutions while imaginary segments are filled in with Riemannian solutions and appropriate matching conditions are imposed at the corners of the contour.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe revisit the relation between fuzzball solutions and D1-brane-D5-brane microstates. A consequence of the fact that the R ground states (in the usual basis) are eigenstates of the R charge is that only neutral operators can have nonvanishing expectation values on these states. We compute the holographic 1-point functions of the fuzzball solutions and find that charged chiral primaries have nonzero expectation values, except when the curve characterizing the solution is circular.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe show that all domain-wall solutions of gravity coupled to scalar fields for which the world-volume geometry is Minkowski or anti-de Sitter admit Killing spinors, and satisfy corresponding first-order equations involving a superpotential determined by the solution. By analytic continuation, all flat or closed Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker cosmologies are shown to satisfy similar first-order equations arising from the existence of "pseudo Killing" spinors.
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