We introduce the domain wall color code, a new variant of the quantum error-correcting color code that exhibits exceptionally high code-capacity error thresholds for qubits subject to biased noise. In the infinite bias regime, a two-dimensional color code decouples into a series of repetition codes, resulting in an error-correcting threshold of 50%. Interestingly, at finite bias, our color code demonstrates thresholds identical to those of the noise-tailored XZZX surface code for all single-qubit Pauli noise channels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeterministic sources of multiphoton entanglement are highly attractive for quantum information processing but are challenging to realize experimentally. In this Letter, we demonstrate a route toward a scaleable source of time-bin encoded Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and linear cluster states from a solid-state quantum dot embedded in a nanophotonic crystal waveguide. By utilizing a self-stabilizing double-pass interferometer, we measure a spin-photon Bell state with (67.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClassical electromagnetism and quantum mechanics are both central to the modern understanding of the physical world and its ongoing technological development. Quantum simulations of electromagnetic forces have the potential to provide information about materials and systems that do not have conveniently solvable theoretical descriptions, such as those related to quantum Hall physics, or that have not been physically observed, such as magnetic monopoles. However, quantum simulations that simultaneously implement all of the principal features of classical electromagnetism have thus far proved elusive.
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