Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi
December 2007
Objective: To investigate the factors influencing on the ephedrine contents in different compositions of Maxingshigan decoction.
Method: Adopt mixed uniform design to dismantle recipes, employ the stepping regression analysis to deal with experimental statistics, use the partial correlational analysis to analyze the correlation coefficients and the results were validated.
Result: The regressive equation was of significance, that is Y = 4.
Objective: To determine the contents of amygdalin in traditional and granular decoctions of Maxingshigan decoction.
Methods: The determination was carried out by HPLC with an ODS column and a mobile phase of water-methanol (23:77) at 215 nm.
Results: The content of amygdalin in traditional decoction of Maxingshigan Decoction was 17.