Introduction: Tonsillectomy is associated with significant pain and post-operative pain control is often unsatisfactory. This study sought to evaluate the effect of peritonsillar infiltration of tramadol-ketamine combination, tramadol alone and ketamine alone on post-tonsillectomy pain in children.
Patients And Methods: A randomized double-blinded interventional study involving 90 patients aged 3-15 years of American society of anesthesiologists I or II physical status scheduled for elective adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy or adenotonsillectomy at JUTH was conducted.
Background: Post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage (PTH) is one of the more life-threatening /lethal complications and the leading malpractice claims/convictions in Oto-laryngological practice.
Objective: A Study on PTH reduction strategy in Jos, North Central Nigeria.
Study Design: Prospective Cohort Study.
Purpose: In critical care situations, there are often neither the means nor the time to weigh each patient before administering strict weight-based drugs/procedures. A convenient, quick and accurate method is a priority in such circumstances for safety and effectiveness in emergent interventions as none exists in adults while those available are complex and yet to be validated. We aimed to study the correlation and accuracy of a quick bedside method of weight estimation in adults using height.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Epistaxis, though a mere nuisance can have life-threatening consequences. This first study from Jos on epistaxis aims to determine its sociodemographic characteristics, causes, the treatment modalities and the predictors of patient outcome.
Study Design: A retrospective chart review.
Introduction: There are no documented formal mentoring programs for medical students in Nigeria. This study aims to determine the perception of undergraduate medical students at the University of Jos on professional mentorship, with a view to informing University authorities on creating and developing a mentoring program.
Materials And Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted in December 2017 in which self-administered questionnaires were distributed among the sixth-year medical students in a University in North-Central Nigeria, eliciting information regarding biodemographic data, knowledge of and experiences with mentoring, desired benefits of mentoring, and the willingness to participate in a mentoring relationship.
Background: Worldwide evidence indicates that environmental and life-style related factors are associated with increased risk for cancers in the head and neck region. We aim to study the association between these risk factors and cancers in the sinonasal and nasopharyngeal regions in our environment.
Methods: Longitudinal prospective cohort study at the Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria.
Background: Stage of head and neck cancers at presentation is a strong determinant of outcomes.
Objective: To evaluate predictors of stage of head and neck cancers at presentation and survival in a Nigerian tertiary hospital.
Patients And Methods: Health records that met the inclusion criteria for head and neck cancers were retrieved using the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision and analyzed with associations between variables modeled using logistic regression analysis.
Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the epidemiology, treatment, and factors that determine the outcomes of head and neck cancers (HNC).
Patients And Methods: Retrospective analytical review of HNC managed at the Jos University Teaching Hospital between May 2007 and April 2017 using the International Classification of Diseases version 10.
Results: Of 487 head and neck neoplasms, 129 (26.
Objectives: To report the incidence, socio-demographic characteristics, otorhinolaryngological presentations and outcomes of management of patients at the Jos University Teaching Hospital following terror attacks.
Methods: A prospective descriptive hospital based study of consecutive patients presenting with ear, nose and throat injuries as a result of bomb blasts and ethno-religious crises within a six-year period and managed at the Jos University Teaching Hospital were studied for age, gender, ear, nose and throat presentations, injury mechanism, interventions and outcome of interventions. A designed proforma was used for data collection.
Background: There is no consensus opinion on a definitive surgical management option for ranulas to curtail recurrence, largely from the existing gap in knowledge on the pathophysiologic basis.
Aim: To highlight the current scientific basis of ranula development that informed the preferred surgical approach.
Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Background: Tinnitus is a distressing ailment with limited options for therapy and affecting the quality of life of sufferers. This study aims to investigate the impact of tinnitus on the health related quality of life, the psychological and emotional wellbeing of patients in our environment.
Patients And Methods: Consecutive patients with tinnitus presenting to the Otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic of the Jos University Teaching Hospital and The Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic, Jos were assessed and administered the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the RAND-36 item health survey 1.
Afr J Med Med Sci
September 2014
Background: Vocal cord paralysis is one of the challenging laryngeal clinical entities confronting the Laryngologist and indeed, the Phono-surgeon. The ability to maintain an effective balance between voice and airway function to ensure good quality of life requires expertise. This study is therefore designed to highlight our experience on surgical management of vocal cord paralysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Development of craniofacial structures is a complex process and disruption of any of the numerous steps can lead to development of oro-facial clefts. This is a surgically amenable anomaly as from early life that has had conflicting pattern of demographics reported by various researchers globally. There are several factors that are critical to the surgical outcome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNo therapy is currently available to reverse the serious damage that can be caused by ototoxic drugs, such as permanent hearing loss and balance disorders. Otolaryngologists in various regions of the world have developed strategies aimed at curtailing drug-induced ototoxicity, but similar efforts in most developing nations have yet to be well established. We conducted a study to document our experience in Nigeria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Head and neck cancer is the 10(th) most common cancer in the world constituting 5-8% of total cancer burden in Europe and America. However, it is difficult to appreciate the burden in Nigeria because of inadequate data. This retrospective study analysed the clinicopathological variables of head and neck malignancies seen over a 10-year period at a northeastern Nigerian referral centre.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Endobronchial metallic foreign bodies are serious injuries best treated by rigid bronchoscopy as quickly as possible to avoid life threatening respiratory sequelae.
Case Presentation: We report the case of a 13-year-old male Nigerian child of the tangale ethnic group who aspirated a metallic foreign body, highlighting the "difficulties" encountered in managing this patient.
Conclusions: There is a need to adequately equip our hospitals for the management of this otherwise straight forward case and alleviate the sufferings of our people.
We conducted a study to determine how accurate various ENT specialists were in estimating the size of 100 tympanic membrane (TM) perforations with standard otoscopy. The specialists included, in descending order of rank, 2 Consultant Surgeons, 2 Senior Registrars, and 2 Registrars, all of whom had confirmed good vision. We compared their estimates, which were made independently and expressed as a percentage of the total area of the TM, with exact measurements calculated with computer-based video-otoscopy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmyloidosis is a rare disease characterised by the deposition of insoluble extracellular fibrillar proteins in various tissues of the body. The pattern of manifestation is organ dependent and also on whether the disease is localised or systemic, primary or secondary.Though the disease is usually fatal with a 5-year survival rate of 20%, there is still paucity of literature on this disease entity worldwide.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConclusion: Salivary gland diseases should be handled with a high index of suspicion. Although an inference could be drawn it is not clear from this study if primary head and neck cancers (HNCs) have a significant association with HIV/AIDS.
Objective: HIV/AIDS manifestations and malignancies do occur in the head and neck region.
Background: Teratoma is a rare developmental neoplasm that arises from totipotential tumor stem cells. Head and neck teratomas constitute about 10% of all cases. Only two cases of mature teratoma of the nasal septum have previously been documented in the world literature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study aimed at finding out the clinicopathologic, ophthalmic and visual profiles, management and outcome of mucoceles of the paranasal sinuses in Nigerians. The study was a retrospective review of 20 cases of mucoceles who presented to the ENT clinic and referred to the eye clinic of the University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria. These included nine males and 11 females with a male:female ratio of approximately 1:1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: This study aims to highlight the problems associated with impacted acrylic dentures and proffers advice to check them.
Patients And Methods: Retrospective review of all cases of impacted acrylic dentures over a 16-year period.
Results: Twenty-two adults had impacted esophageal acrylic dentures of which 16 (72.
Afr J Med Med Sci
March 2004
The outcome of laryngeal carcinoma is favourable and cure rate high if detected early. A major complication experienced post surgery for advanced laryngeal carcinoma is recurrence especially at the tracheostome. This study aimed at evaluating the incidence of stomal recurrence post total laryngectomy with respect to the risk factors.
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