A deceased 10-yr-old male ostrich was diagnosed with severe necrotizing enteritis and septicemia. The bird was inappetent for 3 wk and had neurologic signs 2 days prior to death. Macroscopically, no significant lesions were noted aside from congestion of the liver, kidneys, and spleen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUlcerative enteritis-like disease due to Clostridium perfringens type A was attributed as the cause of mortality in excess of 50% in a flock of 1000, 10-to-16-wk-old bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Clinical signs in these birds ranged from sudden death to listlessness, depression, watery white droppings, ruffled feathers, loss of weight, and death in a few days. Necropsy of 30 birds revealed multiple deep ulcers of the mucosa throughout the small intestine and ceca, some with perforation and subsequent coelomitis (peritonitis).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFListeriosis was diagnosed in a 4-yr-old female cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) that died after exhibiting clinical signs that included a fluffed-up appearance, weakness, and loss of weight of several days duration. Grossly, the bird was moderately emaciated, and the liver and spleen were enlarged. Microscopically, there was mild-to-moderate inflammation associated with rod-shaped, gram-positive bacteria in the liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, bone marrow, and esophagus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA considerable proportion of patients with chronic hepatitis C who achieve a virologic end-of-treatment response relapse after discontinuation of therapy. It is conceivable that polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays with a lower detection limit of 100 to 1, 000 hepatitic C virus (HCV) RNA copies/mL are still too insensitive to detect residual viremia. End-of-treatment serum samples of 47 patients with a virologic relapse according to results of qualitative PCR assays (Amplicor HCV; Roche Molecular Systems, Mannheim, Germany) were tested by transcription-mediated amplification (TMA), an isothermal, autocatalytic target amplification method that has the potential to detect less than 50 HCV RNA copies/mL.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe QUANTIPLEX HIV-1 RNA assay, version 3.0 (a branched DNA, version 3.0, assay [bDNA 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe transmission of perinatal hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was studied retrospectively in 62 infants born to 54 HCV- and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-coinfected women enrolled in a prospective natural history study of HIV transmission. Infant HCV infection was assessed by nested RNA polymerase chain reaction. The overall rate of vertical HCV transmission was 16.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHepatitis C (HCV) infection is frequent among hemophilic patients treated with non-inactivated factor-concentrates. Both HCV genotype and viral load have been suggested to be important prognostic markers of disease progression and treatment outcome. In addition, co-infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been associated with increased level of HCV replication and higher risk of developing liver failure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are thought to control hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, since they are readily detectable in patients who clear the virus whereas they are hard to detect during chronic HBV infection. In chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, however, the virus persists in the face of a CTL response. Indeed, most infected patients respond to one or more HCV-1 (genotype 1a)-derived CTL epitopes in the core, NS3, and NS4 proteins, and the CTL response is equally strong in patients infected by different HCV genotypes, suggesting broad cross-reactivity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are present in the peripheral blood and liver of chronically infected patients. The current study was performed to study the relationship between the strength of the CTL response, liver disease severity, and viral load. The results may be summarized as follows: first, using CTL precursor frequency (CTLpf) analysis to quantitate the peripheral blood CTL response, chronically infected patients were less strongly sensitized to a panel of well-defined HCV epitopes than they were to an epitope within the influenza matrix protein.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To investigate the relation between the quantity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA in plasma and the risk for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or a decline in the CD4+ T-cell count after seroconversion.
Design: Prospective study.
Patients: 62 homosexual men with documented HIV-1 seroconversion.
Quantification of HIV-1 RNA in human plasma has provided unique insight into AIDS pathogenesis and promises to hasten progress in antiretroviral therapy and vaccine research. However, no generally available HIV-1 RNA assay has yet been subjected to rigorous clinical testing or to comparative evaluation with research-based RNA assays using large numbers of well-characterized clinical specimens. In this study, the Chiron Quantiplex branched DNA (bDNA) signal amplification assay was used to measure viral RNA in the plasma of 152 HIV-1-positive individuals at all stages of infection and in 12 patients before and after initiating zidovudine therapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrobiology (Reading)
October 1994
Forty strains of Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas veronii recovered from invasive and non-invasive infections were tested for their susceptibility to complement-mediated lysis by 65% pooled human serum (PHS). Based upon the results of this assay, two major populations could be defined. The first group (n = 20) consisted of serogroup O:11 strains, all of which possessed a paracrystalline surface layer (S layer); all of these strains were refractory to the bactericidal activity of 65% PHS with the exception of A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSix procedures for quantifying plasma human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA were evaluated by nine laboratories. The procedures differed in their sample volume and preparation of samples and methods of amplification and detection. Coded samples in a 10-fold dilution series of HIV-1-spiked plasma were correctly ranked by all six procedures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe retrospectively analyzed clinical and epidemiological data on and laboratory characteristics of 53 cases of aeromonas septicemia. Only four Aeromonas genomospecies (species defined by DNA relatedness) were associated with the 53 cases, with Aeromonas hydrophila (sensu stricto) predominating (47%). Nearly 60% of all Aeromonas isolates from blood fell into one of four somatic groups: serogroups O:11, O:16, O:18, and O:34.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To determine the relative effect of sample matrix on the quantitation of HIV RNA in plasma.
Method: Two HIV-positive specimens were diluted into five and 10 different HIV-negative plasma samples, respectively. Branched DNA signal amplification technology and reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction were used to measure the viral load.
An immunoglobulin G3(kappa) monoclonal antibody (MAb), MAb 32-1-E3, which was prepared in BALB/c mice by using a heated, alcohol-acetone-extracted Salmonella newport CDC 50 antigen, reacted with protein-free lipopolysaccharides from Salmonella groups C2 (O:6,8) and C3 (O:-,8) but not with those from any other serogroup tested. Sodium periodate did not inhibit antigen reactivity, which was consistent with its identity as the abequose-containing disaccharide O:8 antigen. Reactivity was inhibited by competition with serogroup C2 (O:6,8) and C3 (O:-,8) antigens but not with non-O:8 antigens.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe biochemical, immunological, and biological properties of an S layer purified from an Aeromonas hydrophila strain (AH-342) involved in a case of bacteraemia were investigated. The S layer selectively removed from the cell surface was composed of a single acidic (pI 4.56) protein subunit (surface array protein, SAP) with a molecular mass of approximately 52 kDa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigated the phenotypic, structural, and pathogenic properties of 11 Aeromonas schubertii strains recovered from extraintestinal sites. Most A. schubertii strains were autoagglutination positive, possessed a high surface charge but low hydrophobicity, and fell into one or two biogroups on the basis of carbon substrate utilization patterns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFEMS Microbiol Lett
December 1991
The relative pathogenicity of 80 Aeromonas strains typed by biochemical (phenospecies) and genetic (genospecies) methods was assessed by determining the 50% lethal dose for each isolate in Swiss-Webster mice by intraperitoneal injection. Overall, the maximum difference in virulence potential observed between the least and most pathogenic strains was a four log (10,000-fold) difference. Results according to phenospecies designation supported previous investigations indicating that both A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe pathogenic characteristics of 35 Edwardsiella strains from clinical and environmental sources were investigated. Overall, most Edwardsiella tarda strains were invasive in HEp-2 cell monolayers, produced a cell-associated hemolysin and siderophores, and bound Congo red; many strains also expressed mannose-resistant hemagglutination against guinea pig erythrocytes. Edwardsiella hoshinae strains bound Congo red and were variable in their invasive and hemolytic capabilities while Edwardsiella ictaluri strains did not produce either factor; neither E.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe genetic characteristics and biochemical and structural properties of a number of autoagglutinating (AA) strains of Aeromonas associated with invasive and noninvasive disease in humans and infections in animals and from environmental sources were investigated. Of 27 strains analyzed by multilocus enzyme typing and DNA hybridization studies, 25 (93%) were confirmed to belong to either hybridization group 1 (phenospecies and genospecies Aeromonas hydrophila) or 8 (phenospecies Aeromonas sobria; genospecies Aeromonas veronii). Further analysis of 19 of these strains indicated that four major groups could be identified on the basis of serologic and surface characteristics, protein and lipopolysaccharide composition, and virulence properties; these groupings held true regardless of the site of isolation or disease process involved.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Clin Microbiol
January 1991
The pathogenic properties of 16 Plesiomonas shigelloides strains recovered from humans with extraintestinal and intestinal illnesses, infected animals, and environmental sources were investigated. Most strains possessed a high cell charge and low surface hydrophobicity analogous to those of Shigella spp.; additionally, serogroup O:17 strains reacted with Shigella group D antisera.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA number of different techniques were used to analyse classic and atypical serogroup O:11 Aeromonas isolates. Five of seven atypical O:11, S layer-negative strains lacking a homogeneous LPS side-chain pattern exhibited varying degrees of mouse pathogenecity. One virulent atypical strain (AH-77) synthesized a surface array protein (SAP) but was unable to anchor it to the cell surface in an intact form, presumably due to a defect in its LPS architecture.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe protein and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) compositions of 10 autoagglutinating Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas sobria strains were studied; one group consisted of five serogroup O:11 strains that contained an S layer, while a second group was composed of diverse serogroups that were S layer negative by transmission electron microscopy. All serogroup O:11 strains were found to contain a predominant 52,000- to 54,000-molecular-weight protein that was present on both whole-cell and outer membrane protein profiles; this protein was found to be glycine extractable under low-pH (pH 4) conditions and was identified as the surface array protein. LPS analysis revealed that all O:11 strains exhibited homogeneous-length O-polysaccharide side chains characterized primarily by two or three major bands.
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