Diabetes is a risk factor for dementia, but we do not know whether specific diabetes medications ameliorate this risk. To systematically review and meta-analyze such medication's effect on the risk of developing dementia, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or cognitive decline. We searched three databases until 21 November 2023.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Objectives: Given the stigma of dementia, individuals with the condition may be wary to disclose their diagnosis to other people, both in face-to-face and digital settings. While sharing one's dementia diagnosis with others is essential for accessing valuable support for social, cognitive, and physical well-being, this area of research has largely been neglected. In this meta-synthesis, we aimed to systematically review qualitative research on the factors associated with online and offline self-disclosure in people with dementia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Sharing a dementia diagnosis with others is a prerequisite to accessing important support for social, cognitive, and physical activity. However, due to the stigma associated with dementia, individuals may be hesitant to disclose their diagnosis. Despite the importance of this issue, there is limited research on personal experiences with sharing one's diagnosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Online interventions hold promise in supporting the well-being of family caregivers and enhancing the quality of care they provide for individuals with long-term or chronic conditions. However, dropout rates from support programs among specific groups of caregivers, such as caregivers of people with dementia, pose a challenge. Focused reviews are needed to provide more accurate insights and estimates in this specific research area.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBullous pemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune blistering disease characterized by autoantibodies targeting type XVII collagen (Col17) with the noncollagenous 16A (NC16A) ectodomain representing the immunodominant site. The role of additional extracellular targets of Col17 outside NC16A has not been unequivocally demonstrated. In this study, we showed that Col17 ectodomain-reactive patient sera depleted in NC16A IgG induced dermal-epidermal separation in a cryosection model indicating the pathogenic potential of anti-Col17 non-NC16A extracellular IgG.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: People living with dementia can feel hesitant disclosing their diagnosis to social networks, partly due to stigma. Little attention has been paid to the measurement of disclosure decisions and stigma, and few standardised stigma tools have been validated in languages other than English. We investigated the psychometric properties of Dutch translations of three stigma measures, and explored the stigma experiences of Dutch and English people living with dementia as well as patterns and predictors of comfort with disclosure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: People with young onset dementia can experience stigmatization and social isolation. Peer support provides an opportunity for social connection and support. However, access to in-person peer support groups varies across the UK, and during the COVID-19 pandemic in-person peer support groups moved online.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe gut mucosal environment is key in host health; protecting against pathogens and providing a niche for beneficial bacteria, thereby facilitating a mutualistic balance between host and microbiome. Lack of dietary fiber results in erosion of the mucosal layer, suggested to be a result of increased mucus-degrading gut bacteria. This study aimed to use quantitative analyses to investigate the diet-induced imbalance of mucosal homeostasis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCoevolution with predators leads to the use of low-risk habitats by many prey species, which promotes survival during early developmental phases. These nurseries are valued by conservation and management agencies because of their contributions to adult populations. However, the physical and geographic characteristics, like shallow depths and isolation from other marine habitats, that restrict access to predators and thereby reduce risk to juvenile animals can also limit scientific research.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn microbiome research, phylogenetic and functional marker gene amplicon sequencing is the most commonly-used community profiling approach. Consequently, a plethora of protocols for the preparation and multiplexing of samples for amplicon sequencing have been developed. Here, we present two economical high-throughput gene amplification and sequencing workflows that are implemented as standard operating procedures at the Joint Microbiome Facility of the Medical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOrganic anion-transporting polypeptide 2B1 (OATP2B1) is a multispecific membrane transporter mediating the cellular uptake of various exo- and endobiotics, including drugs and steroid hormones. Increased uptake of steroid hormones by OATP2B1 may increase tumor proliferation. Therefore, understanding OATP2B1's substrate/inhibitor recognition and inhibition of its function, e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe anaphylatoxins (AT) C3a and C5a are effector molecules of C3 and C5 exerting multiple biologic functions through binding and activation of their cognate G protein-coupled receptors. C3a interacts with the C3a receptor (C3aR), whereas C5a and its primary degradation product C5a-desArg engage C5aR1 and C5aR2. In the past, analysis of AT expression has been hampered by cross reaction of antibodies designed to recognize the different AT receptors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe major histocompatibility complex haplotype represents the most prevalent genetic risk factor for the development of autoimmune diseases. However, the mechanisms by which major histocompatibility complex-associated genetic susceptibility translates into autoimmune disease are not fully understood. Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is an autoimmune skin-blistering disease driven by autoantibodies to type VII collagen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: We tested the feasibility, implementation strategy and mechanism of impact of FindMyApps. FindMyApps is a tablet intervention consisting of a selection tool to help people with dementia find usable apps for self-management and meaningful activities, including training to support informal carers in employing errorless learning principles to help people with dementia learn tablet and tool usage.
Methods: We conducted an exploratory, pilot randomized controlled trial with a mixed-methods design.
Many ephemeral mudflat species, which rely on a soil seed bank to build up the next generation, are endangered in their natural habitat due to the widespread regulation of rivers. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the role of the soil seed bank and dispersal for the maintenance of genetic diversity in populations of near-natural river habitats and anthropogenic habitats created by traditional fish farming practices using as a model. Using microsatellite markers, we found no difference in genetic diversity levels between soil seed bank and above-ground population and only moderate differentiation between the two fractions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDysregulation of pH is a feature of both tumor growth and tissue repair. In tumors, microenvironmental changes, like in lactate metabolism, lead to altered intra- and extracellular pH (pH , pH ) and vice versa. In wounds, barrier disruption results in extensive variations in pH on the wound surface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFColorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with loss of epithelial barrier integrity, which facilitates the interaction of the immunological microenvironment with the luminal microbiome, eliciting tumor-supportive inflammation. An important regulator of intestinal inflammatory responses is IRAK-M, a negative regulator of TLR signaling. Here we investigate the compartment-specific impact of IRAK-M on colorectal carcinogenesis using a mouse model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA common mode of speciation in oceanic islands is by anagenesis, wherein an immigrant arrives and through time transforms by mutation, recombination, and drift into a morphologically and genetically distinct species, with the new species accumulating a high level of genetic diversity. We investigate speciation in Drimys confertifolia, endemic to the two major islands of the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile, to determine genetic consequences of anagenesis, to examine relationships among populations of D. confertifolia and the continental species D.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study analyses and compares the genetic signatures of anagenetic and cladogenetic speciation in six species of the genus Robinsonia (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), endemic to the Juan Fernández Islands, Chile. Population genetic structure was analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite (simple sequence repeat, SSR) markers from 286 and 320 individuals, respectively, in 28 populations. Each species is genetically distinct.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise Of The Study: Anagenesis (or phyletic evolution) is one mode of speciation that occurs in the evolution of plants on oceanic islands. Of two endemic species on the Juan Fernández Islands (Chile), Myrceugenia fernandeziana and M. schulzei (Myrtaceae), believed to have originated anagenetically from different continental progenitors, the first is endemic to Robinson Crusoe Island and has no clear tie to continental relatives; the last is endemic to the younger island, Alejandro Selkirk Island, and has close affinity to M.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTen microsatellite markers were developed for (Asteraceae), a genus endemic to the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile. Polymorphisms of these markers were tested using one population each of , , and . The number of alleles for these markers ranged from 2 to 17 per locus, and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise Of The Study: Microsatellite markers were developed in Erigeron rupicola and tested by amplification in six Erigeron species endemic to the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile, to investigate genetic diversity and population structure. •
Methods And Results: Using 454 pyrosequencing, 24 primer pairs were developed in E. rupicola, 12 of which amplified and presented polymorphism among endemic species of Erigeron in the Archipelago.