Concerns about the negative impacts of microplastics on human health are increasing in society, while exposure and risk assessments require high-quality, reliable data. Although quality assurance and -control (QA/QC) frameworks exist to evaluate the reliability of data for these purposes, manually assessing studies is too time-consuming and prone to inconsistencies due to semantic ambiguities and evaluator bias. The rapid growth of microplastic studies makes manually screening relevant data practically unfeasible.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNumerous reviews have consistently highlighted the shortcomings of studies evaluating the effects of microplastics (MP), with many of the issues identified in 2016 still relevant in 2024. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on MP effect testing, compare guidelines, and provide an overview of risk assessments conducted at both single species and community levels. We discuss standard test materials, MP characteristics, and mechanisms explaining effects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhether microplastics cause different effects than inert natural particles, and how to create relevant testing materials, are key questions in microplastics research. We prepared Environmentally Relevant Microplastic (ERMP) and Mineral Microparticle (ERMS) mixtures with similar levels of polydispersity and tested their 28-day chronic effects on the reproduction and growth of L. variegatus at two different organic matter (OM) contents (average and enriched).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwenty years after the first publication that used the term microplastic, we review current understanding, refine definitions, and consider future prospects. Microplastics arise from multiple sources, including tires, textiles, cosmetics, paint, and the fragmentation of larger items. They are widely distributed throughout the natural environment, with evidence of harm at multiple levels of biological organization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe influence of algae presence in surface water on the settling velocities of microplastics is unknown, and determining it is challenging due to the turbidity of algal suspensions. Measuring the settling velocity of microplastics has traditionally relied on either manual measurement techniques or 2D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). This study introduces a 3D-PTV method tailored to determine the effects of algae (Synechoccocussp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInsufficient data on nano- and microplastics (NMP) hinder robust evaluation of their potential health risks. Methodological disparities and the absence of established toxicity thresholds impede the comparability and practical application of research findings. The diverse attributes of NMP, such as variations in sizes, shapes, and compositions, complicate human health risk assessment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnalysis of microplastics in the environment requires polymer characterization as a confirmation step for suspected microplastic particles found in a sample. Material characterization is costly and can take a long time per particle. When microplastic particle counts are high, many researchers cannot characterize every particle in their sample due to time or monetary constraints.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe risk characterization of microplastics (MP) in soil is challenging due to the non-alignment of existing exposure and effect data. Therefore, we applied data alignment methods to assess the risks of MP in soils subject to different sources of MP pollution. Our findings reveal variations in MP characteristics among sources, emphasizing the need for source-specific alignments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicroplastics require a risk assessment framework that takes their multidimensionality into account while exclusively considering robust data. Therefore, effect tests should use a diverse, environmentally relevant microplastic (ERMP) standard material that adheres to high-quality requirements. In this study, we provide chronic dose-effect relationships and effect thresholds for 16 benthic species exposed to ERMP.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Yangtze River (YR) is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world, and is recognized as one of the most microplastic-polluted rivers globally. However, to date, no consistent and systematic risk assessment has been conducted for the YR basin or other rivers in China. Previous assessments of microplastic occurrence, distribution, or risks in the YR basin did not take into account the sometimes-limited quality of the data or compared incomparable data, which can lead to biased assessments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effects and risks of microplastics correlate with three-dimensional (3D) properties, such as the volume and surface area of the biologically accessible fraction of the diverse particle mixtures as they occur in nature. However, these 3D parameters are difficult to estimate because measurement methods for spectroscopic and visible light image analysis yield data in only two dimensions (2D). The best-existing 2D to 3D conversion models require calibration for each new set of particles, which is labor-intensive.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe transfer kinetics of plastic-associated chemicals during intestinal digestive processes is unknown. Here, we assessed whether digestive processes affect chemical exchange kinetics on microplastics, using an gut fluid digestive model mimicking the human upper intestinal tract. Chemical exchange kinetics of microplastics were measured for 10 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as proxies for the broad class of hydrophobic organic chemicals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBeaches are known as hotspots for the accumulation of plastic debris and are widely used for monitoring marine litter on a global scale. However, there is a significant knowledge gap regarding temporal trends in marine plastic pollution. Moreover, existing studies on beach plastics and popular monitoring protocols only provide count data.
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July 2023
Nano- and microplastic (NMP) is a diverse and challenging contaminant and data on NMP concentrations are therefore not fully available for all environmental compartments. For environmental assessments of NMP, screening-level multimedia models can fill this gap, but such models are not available. Here, we present SimpleBox4Plastic (SB4P) as the first multimedia 'unit world' model capable of addressing the full NMP continuum, explore its validity, and evaluate it based on a case study for microbeads and by comparisons with (limited) concentration data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Laurentian Great Lakes represent important and iconic ecosystems. Microplastic pollution has become a major problem among other anthropogenic stressors in these lakes. There is a need for policy development, however, assessing the risks of microplastics is complicated due to the uncertainty and poor quality of the data and incompatibility of exposure and effect data for microplastics with different properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn Europe, policy frameworks demand the monitoring of microplastics in marine sediments. Here we provide a monitoring and data analysis method for microplastic particles designed to be used in the context of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and OSPAR policy frameworks. Microplastics were analysed in marine sediments at four different locations in Dutch coastal and transitional waters using replicate sampling to investigate micro-spatial variation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrent methods of characterizing plastic debris use arbitrary, predetermined categorizations and assume that the properties of particles are independent. Here we introduce Gaussian mixture models (GMM), a technique suitable for describing non-normal multivariate distributions, as a method to identify mutually exclusive subsets of floating macroplastic and microplastic particles (latent class analysis) based on statistically defensible categories. Length, width, height and polymer type of 6,942 particles and items from the Atlantic Ocean were measured using infrared spectroscopy and image analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo fully understand the potential ecological and human health risks from nanoplastics and microplastics (NMPs) in the environment, it is critical to make accurate measurements. Similar to past research on the toxicology of engineered nanomaterials, a broad range of measurement artifacts and biases are possible when testing their potential toxicity. For example, antimicrobials and surfactants may be present in commercially available NMP dispersions, and these compounds may account for toxicity observed instead of being caused by exposure to the NMP particles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDetermining the risks of microplastics is difficult because data is of variable quality and cannot be compared. Although sediments are important sinks for microplastics, no holistic risk assessment framework is available for this compartment. Here we assess the risks of microplastics in freshwater sediments worldwide, using strict quality criteria and alignment methods.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Microplastics have been documented in drinking water, but their effects on human health from ingestion, or the concentrations at which those effects begin to manifest, are not established. Here, we report on the outcome of a virtual expert workshop conducted between October 2020 and October 2021 in which a comprehensive review of mammalian hazard studies was conducted. A key objective of this assessment was to evaluate the feasibility and confidence in deriving a human health-based threshold value to inform development of the State of California's monitoring and management strategy for microplastics in drinking water.
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