Local hyperthermia and the hypoxic cytotoxin SR 4233 were administered to nude mice with 693 +/- 47 mm3 (mean +/- SE) s.c. HCT-8 human colonic adenocarcinoma xenografts in an attempt to enhance the antitumor effects of radioimmunotherapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUsing laser Doppler techniques in nine healthy volunteers, we contrasted the effect of increasing local skin temperature at the elbow, a skin site with nutritive microvasculature, and the finger pulp, with predominantly arteriovenous anastomic (AVA) perfusion). We also assessed flow at the finger dorsum, with contributions of both types of microvasculature. In parallel with the laser Doppler studies, we determined the effect of increasing temperature on the red cell deformability of our subjects, using the new technique of Cell Transit Time Analysis (CTTA).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper reviews the radiobiological aspects of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with radiolabeled antibodies, including comparisons between RIT and external beam irradiation. The effectiveness of cell killing by radiation decreases with the dose rate and the rate of decrease is determined by the size of the shoulder on the radiation survival curve. Tumors with poor repair capabilities exhibit less of a dose rate effect than tumors with good repair capabilities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRotating delivery of excitation off-resonance (RODEO) is a new magnetic resonance (MR) imaging pulse sequence that uses a jump return sine excitation on fat resonance to produce fat-suppressed, T1-weighted images. New three-dimensional MR imaging techniques were used to examine 57 women with abnormalities suspicious for breast cancer. MR imaging findings were compared with those of mammography in all cases and with those of other imaging techniques when appropriate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe lack of preparation for the experience of admission to a nursing home, as represented by these family members, indicates there is a need for nursing interventions targeted to the family before the admission of a loved one to the nursing home. The program could address information and problem solving, as well as provide emotional support. The day of admission is too late to prepare for this experience.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOpen lung biopsy (OLB) is often performed as the definitive diagnostic procedure in patients with undiagnosed pulmonary infiltrates, but controversy exists as to the clinical utility of this practice. A retrospective review of 50 consecutive patients who underwent OLB for undiagnosed pulmonary infiltrates was done to assess the diagnostic value as well as the frequency with which these results affected therapy and mortality. Histologic tissue diagnoses were obtained in all patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe 38C13 murine B cell lymphoma model was used to study the effect of the preinjection of unlabelled anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody (mAb) on the subsequent biodistribution of 131I-anti-idiotype mAb. Mice with established tumors received 0-500 micrograms of unlabelled anti-idiotype mAb 24 h prior to the administration of 131I-anti-idiotype (specific), or both 125I-anti-idiotype and 131I-isotype-matched irrelevant control (nonspecific) mAb. Mice were counted daily in a gamma counter and sacrificed at 2-144 h following injection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo ascertain the prognostic significance of tumor hormone receptor status in premenopausal patients with node-negative breast cancer, a retrospective review of 199 patients who met these criteria was conducted. Of these 199 patients, estrogen receptor (ER) data were available for 147. One hundred four patients (71%) had ER-negative disease and 22 (21%) exhibited local or distant recurrence with a median follow-up time of 85.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCell transit time analysis (CTTA) is a new filtrometric technique for assessing red blood cell deformability by measuring the conductivity change caused by passage of erythrocytes through a polycarbonate filter. Most reported studies to date using CTTA have focused on the transit time (TT), the duration of passage of an individual red cell through a micropore. Bulk flow rate has not been previously measured via CTTA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs the field of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) continues to develop and looks increasingly promising, there is growing interest in the radiobiology of RIT. Recently, several investigators have conducted studies in animal models comparing the relative efficacy of RIT with dose equivalent external beam irradiation. Although these studies are the first of many to follow, the results are provocative and several patterns are suggested by the available data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is considerable evidence that blood viscosity is greater than normal in diabetes, and decreased red blood cell deformability has been suggested as the cause. However, viscosity can be influenced by changes in the properties of blood proteins in addition to red cells. Direct interpretation of red cell filtrometry data in terms of deformability has been complicated by the interfering effect of white cells and platelets and clogging of micropores.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
June 1991
To assess a variety of issues concerning physician-trainees in radiation oncology, a survey was conducted by the Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO). Ultimately, 70% of residents responded to the survey. The survey identified perceived strengths as well as shortcomings in training programs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChimeric (murine/human) anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody was infused into seven patients with mycosis fungoides. Successive patients received doses of 10, 20, 40, and 80 mg of antibody twice a week for 3 consecutive weeks. All patients had some clinical improvement, but responses were of relatively short duration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe murine B-cell lymphoma 38C13 model was used to study the radiobiological effect of 131I-monoclonal antibody (MAB) therapy compared with dose equivalent external beam irradiation. Continuous exponentially decreasing low dose rate (LDR) gamma-irradiation, and multiply fractionated (MF) X-irradiation were compared with dose equivalent 131I-MAB. The relative therapeutic efficacy of radioimmunotherapy, and the relative contribution of (a) low dose rate; (b) whole body irradiation; and (c) microdosimetry to the overall effect were determined.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA high incidence of local recurrence, spread to regional lymph nodes, and distant metastases has been reported after surgical excision of Merkel cell tumors (MCT). The use of postoperative radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy is reviewed from the literature. Despite adjuvant treatment, local tumor recurrences frequently develop.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEpirubicin is a new anthracycline with a potentially more favorable toxicity profile than the parent compound, doxorubicin. Accordingly, the feasibility and toxicity of 6 courses of adjuvant chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide (C), epirubicin (E), and 5-fluorouracil (F) were assessed in 10 patients with Stage 2 (node positive) breast cancer. Doses of C and F were 600 mg/m2 and E was 75 mg/m2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA structured interview concerning emotional coping patterns was administered to 63 28-year-old men included in a psychophysiological study of blood pressure elevation. The interviews were tape recorded and subsequently evaluated by a rater not otherwise involved in the study. The interviews involved discussion of four emotions: anger, sorrow, anxiety, and joy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFScand J Prim Health Care
September 1986
The present study was a pilot project to determine the feasibility of a stress management program for treatment of hypertension in the Swedish primary health care system. Those patients in the catchment area of the primary health care center at Tumba hospital who were under 45 years old and diagnosed with primary hypertension during 1979-1981, were chosen to participate if they had had at least one measurement of 150 mmHg systolic and/or 95 mmHg diastolic during 1981. Patients on diuretic medication were included but those being medicated with beta-blockers were excluded for ethical reasons.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMen who had high, medium and low blood pressure at age 18 (compulsory screening for military service in Stockholm) were examined ten years later at age 28. Interviewers, having had no information regarding past or present blood pressure, interviewed them about life events experienced during the year preceding the examination. Men with high blood pressure at rest reported fewer life events for the past year than other men.
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