Publications by authors named "Knoll H"

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza strain H5N1 has caused a multi-state outbreak among US dairy cattle, spreading across 15 states and infecting hundreds of herds since its onset. We rapidly developed and optimized PCR-based detection assays and sequencing protocols to support H5N1 molecular surveillance. Using 214 retail milk from 20 states for methods development, we found that H5N1 concentrations by digital PCR strongly correlated with qPCR cycle threshold (Ct) values, with dPCR exhibiting greater sensitivity.

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Objectives: To see if an outreach approach with telehealth is feasible and acceptable to patients to talk about their reproductive health; and as a secondary outcome, capture data on time spent on the visit and what kind of information was discussed.

Methods: A registry was created from three family physicians' panels of all adult patients with anticipated ability to become pregnant ages 18-45 who had not had a documented reproductive health discussion in the previous 6 months. Using that registry, outreach was performed to schedule a telehealth visit to discuss their reproductive health with their primary care provider.

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Purpose: Numerous studies have shown that transgender or gender nonbinary (TGNB) individuals encounter significantly more health care barriers, including overall lack of access to gender-affirming care providers. This study describes 2 assessments of transgender care services at a large family medicine teaching practice.

Methods: Staff and providers were invited to attend an optional, practice-wide, hourlong free training session on gender-affirming care offered on 3 different dates in 2019.

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Background: The unrestricted use of linezolid has been linked to the emergence of linezolid-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (LRSE). We report the effects of combined antibiotic stewardship and infection control measures on the spread of LRSE in an intensive care unit (ICU).

Methods: Microbiological data were reviewed to identify all LRSE detected in clinical samples at an ICU in southwest Germany.

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Introduction: Interconception care (ICC) is recommended to reduce maternal risk factors for poor birth outcomes between pregnancies. The IMPLICIT ICC model includes screening and brief intervention for mothers at well child visits (WCVs) for smoking, depression, multivitamin use, and family planning. Prior studies demonstrate feasibility and acceptability among providers and mothers, but not whether mothers recall receipt of targeted messages.

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This article reports the case of a 29-year-old female Jehovah's Witness with severe anemia after intrauterine fetal death in the 25th week of gestation, complicated by vaginal bleeding, acute renal failure and hemolysis. Due to her religious beliefs the patient categorically refused blood transfusions. Despite adhering to the recommendations for patient blood management, the hemoglobin (Hb) level gradually decreased to 1.

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Polyfluorenes (PFs) represent a unique class of poly-para-phenylene-based blue-emitting polymers with intriguing structure-property relationships. Slight variations in the choice of functionalizing side chains result in dramatic differences in the inter- and intrachain structures in PFs. Dioctyl-substituted PF (PF8) is characterized by different backbone conformations that depend upon the torsion angle between the monomers.

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The fabrication of one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures and microstructures inside the pores of porous templates is intensively investigated. The release of these structures is commonly accomplished by etching and destroying the templates. The 1D nanostructures and microstructures tend to condense because of the occurrence of capillary forces during drying of the specimens.

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Background: Vocal cord injuries, postoperative hoarseness, and sore throat are common complications after general anesthesia. One-lung ventilation can be achieved via two techniques: double-lumen endotracheal tube or endobronchial blocker such as the Arndt blocker. The current study was designed to assess the impact of these techniques for one-lung ventilation on the incidence and severity of postoperative hoarseness, vocal cord lesions, and sore throat.

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Postoperative hoarseness (PH), sore throat (ST), and vocal cord injuries (VCI) are common complications after general anesthesia. Excellent endotracheal intubating conditions are associated with less laryngeal morbidity than good or poor intubating conditions. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that a rapid-sequence induction (RSI) with succinylcholine would lead to less PH and VCI than with rocuronium.

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Vocal cord injuries (VCI) and postoperative hoarseness (PH) are common complications after general anesthesia. Poor muscle relaxation at the moment of tracheal intubation may result in VCI. There is a large interindividual variation in neuromuscular depression after administration of neuromuscular blocking drugs.

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Purpose: There is increasing evidence for gender differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anaesthetic drugs and neuromuscular blocking agents, e.g. rocuronium (Roc).

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The new hydrophobic azo dye 4-(N-phenyl-N-decylamino)-4'-nitroazobenzene (AzoC10) has been synthesized. It is compared with 4-(N-phenylamino)-4'-nitroazobenzene (Azo) in terms of reactivity (k(iso) of the thermal cis-->trans isomerization, microsecond flash photolysis) and of the solvatochromic behavior (lambda(max) of the trans-isomer, UV/vis absorption), respectively, within membrane mimeting amphiphile microstructures in aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene oxide)(m)-poly(propylene oxide)(n)-poly(ethylene oxide)(m) micelles and of extruded vesicles. The temperature-induced micelle formation and phase transitions in bilayers of vesicles, respectively, caused characteristic discontinuous changes of k(iso) and lambda(max) with temperature.

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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether gender influences the perception of pain on injection of rocuronium.

Methods: In this prospective, placebo-controlled trial 120 patients were randomized into four groups to receive rocuronium 0.03 mg kg(-1) (40 female and 40 male patients) or saline (20 female and 20 male patients).

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The UV/Vis absorption band maximum lambdamax of trans-4,4'-nitrophenylaminoazobenzene, the thermal isomerization rate constant kiso of its cis-isomer, the fluorescence intensity ratio of monomer and excimer, and the fluorescence lifetime of the excimer, respectively, of 1,3-di(1-pyrenyl)propane were determined as probes for polarity, water content, and viscosity, respectively, in unilamellar vesicles of di-n-alkyl-dimethylammonium bromides and 1,2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines. The dependence on vesicle size, the solvent (water or HEPES buffer/NaCl solution, each with H2O or D2O), and the temperature (20-60 degrees C) was studied. Apparent Arrhenius activation energies and kinetic solvent isotope effects (KSIE = kiso,H2O/kiso, D2O) were derived.

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A drainage tube was made by radiation vulcanization of a high polymeric substance based on natural rubber elastomers. Pentosan polysulphate sodium bound to a carrier substance (synthetic type 4A or 13X zeolite) was incorporated in the drainage tube which was then tested for its anticoagulant properties during perfusion with Tris buffer solution, citrated plasma, and blood, resp. The amount of pentosan polysulphate sodium released from the tube walls during perfusion with human citrated plasma in an open circulatory system was sufficient to exert an anticoagulant effect on the streaming plasma.

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Group A streptococcal strains were isolated from the throats of 46 children suffering from scarlet fever. For detection of erythrogenic toxins (ETs), the culture supernatants were concentrated 100 times by ethanol precipitation and solubilisation in acetate buffer. ELISA was used to identify ETA and double immunodiffusion to identify ETB and ETC.

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Report on the first case of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome in the GDR. The patient was a 54-year-old female. One week before admission to the hospital she cut her finger.

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One hundred patients suffering from relapsing erysipelas were treated with streptococcal vaccine consisting of a phenol- und heat-inactivated mixture of 12 different types of streptococci. Simultaneously the entry point was cured and general disposition and local terrain factors were treated. In the majority of cases further relapses were avoided or their frequency reduced.

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A toxoid of erythrogenic toxin type A (ET A) was prepared by formaldehyde treatment. Already 15 min after exposure to formaldehyde in isoelectric focusing the ET A band at pH 5.2 shifted to a band at pH 4.

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Purified erythrogenic toxin type A (ET A) and the corresponding toxoid, prepared by formalin treatment, were used for the immunization of rabbits (200 micrograms per rabbit). The impact of anti-erythrogenic toxin and toxoid immunity was investigated under the conditions of experimental infection with the ET A-producing Streptococcus pyogenes strain SF 130 (type 1). Whereas non of the immunized rabbits (n = 14) died after infection, 40% of nonimmunized animals did not survive (Table 1).

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Antithrombotically effective drugs (heparin, pentosan polysulphate, streptokinase) were incorporated into elastomeric materials by means of zeolites as carrier. The incorporated antithrombotic agents can be delivered to the surrounding medium. These self-antithrombotic elastomers may be used as tubes to drain off body fluids (catheters, drains, etc.

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