Publications by authors named "Klimm W"

BACKGROUND Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and serious complication after massive burn injury. One of the postulated etiologies is destruction of the extracellular matrix of nephrons, caused by a local imbalance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and specific inhibitors. The aim of this study was to analyze the dynamics of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) during the first 5 days after massive thermal injury and the relationship with the risk of AKI.

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Carbon nanotube (CNT) polymer composites exhibit outstanding electrical conductivity that enables a myriad of sensing and actuation applications. Highly sensitive strain sensors can be realized through piezoresistivity in which a resistance change is induced by mechanical strains. Tunneling conduction between CNTs in close proximity is a major mechanism contributing to the overall piezoresistivity of the CNT network, and is sensitive to the separation distance, lattice registry and the orbital overlap of the interacting CNTs.

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Purpose: The usefulness of FRAX in predicting major bone fractures in patients with end-stage kidney disease on maintenance hemodialysis treatment has been confirmed in previous studies. For meaningful clinical use, the prognostic and intervention FRAX thresholds need to be established.

Methods: The primary aim of our study was to calculate the optimal cut-off point of FRAX for the best prediction of an increased bone fracture risk in dialysis patients and additionally, to propose its intervention threshold, indicating the need for antifracture pharmacological treatment.

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BACKGROUND This study evaluated factors influencing early and late occurrence of AKI in severely burned patients and assessed the relationship between time of occurrence of AKI and mortality of AKI patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS Renal function was evaluated at 3 time points: at admission, at the critical point or middle point of hospitalization, and at the endpoint for which death or a discharge from the center was considered. AKI criteria were: decrease in GFR of less than 60 ml/min at admission, decrease in GFR of more than 75% compared to baseline, and decrease in the daily diuresis of less than 500 ml/24 h.

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Diagnostic of renal tubular disorders can be often difficult. Incomplete form of distal Renal Tubular Acidosis (dRta) in course of Graves' disease was de novo recognized in a young woman hospitalized with a deep deficiency of potassium in blood serum complicated with cardiac arrest. Series of tests assessing the types and severity of water-electrolyte, acid-base and thyroid disorders were performed during a complex diagnosis.

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Purpose: This 3-year prospective clinical study evaluated the clinical performance of a one-step self-etching adhesive (Futurabond NR) in combination with a nanohybrid composite (Grandio) for the treatment of different Class V cavities.

Methods: 122 restorations were placed in 42 patients (mean age of 54 +/- 13.2 years) evaluated according to modified Ryge-criteria at baseline, 6 months, 1, 2 and 3 years.

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In addition to occasional opportunistic colonization of the oral mucosa, Candida albicans is frequently found in carious dentin. The yeast's potential to induce dental caries as a consequence of its pronounced ability to produce and tolerate acids was investigated. Eighty caries-active Osborne-Mendel rats were raised on an ampicillin-supplemented diet and exposed to C.

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Both Candida albicans and lactobacilli are common colonizers of carious lesions in children and adolescents. The purpose of this study is to compare the velocity of acid production between C. albicans and several Lactobacillus species at different pH levels and concentrations of glucose.

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The proteolytic potential of the pathogenic fungus Candida albicans was evaluated by the identification and functional characterization of a peptidolytic enzyme isolated from the cell wall of the microorganism. Determination of basic structural and kinetic data identified a neutral arginine/alanine/leucine-specific metallo-aminopeptidase of unknown function termed CaApe2, which is encoded by ORF CaO19.5197 (GenBank RefSeq XM_705313).

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The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro microbial leakage in 4 micro-hybrid composites in combination with 4 single-component dental adhesives (Scotchbond 1/Z100 MP = group 1; Syntac Single-Component/Tetric Flow = group 3; OptiBond Solo/XRV Herculite = group 5; Solobond M/Arabesk Top = group 7) and 4 multi-component dental adhesives (Scotchbond Multi-Purpose/Z100 MP = group 2; Syntac/Tetric Flow = group 4; OptiBond FL/XRV Herculite = group 6; Solobond Plus/Arabesk Top = group 8). Ninety-four mixed standardized Class V cavities of human caries-free extracted premolars were filled with eight different composite adhesive systems using a one-layer (groups 1-4) or a two-layer technique (groups 5-8). After thermocycling and incubation in a broth culture of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus, followed by decalcification and staining, the extent and the type of microbial leakage were measured histologically.

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The aim of this cross-sectional study was to record the living conditions, lifestyle variables and health status in a part of the population of Saxony and to examine statistical relationships between the three categories. The interview by post took place from March 1993 to August 1994. The sample consisted of 602 participants, i.

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The microbial flora of the root canal dentin can cause failures in the conventional treatment of infected root canals if it cannot be sufficiently removed by preparation and chemical disinfection of the root canal. The aim of this study is to examine the bactericidal effects of neodymium:yttriumaluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation in the depth of the root canal dentin. Following sterilization, longitudinal section dentin slices of different thicknesses (100-1000 microns) were inoculated on one side with 4 microliters of a Streptococcus mutans suspension.

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The present 4-year Dresden preventive study was carried out to realize a dental care concept with preventive emphasis in 6 Dresden state health services. 2502 patients aged 16-35 years were randomly selected in 1988. The effectiveness of this study was evaluated by means of the parameters oral health behaviour, oral health state and preventive care needs.

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Oral health behaviour, oral health state, dental care effectiveness and preventive-curative care needs were subject of a basic examination using 2500 randomly selected patients aged 16-35 years in 6 Dresden state health services in 1988. The spectrum of methods included extended anamnesis, plaque index according to Silness & Löe, DMF/T index and DMF/S index according to WHO criteria without X-ray diagnostics, GPM/T index, CPITN, as well as assessment of gingival recessions, acute and chronic trauma and the prosthetic status. Considering a mean DMF/T of 9.

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For covering of hypersensitive, morphologically disturbed and non-esthetic cervical (wedge-shaped) defects of hard dental tissues, dentine adhesive composite systems are suitable for a careful and less invasive preparation. Presumption is a smooth and at probing hard-touched defect surface. A clinical 2 year study (15 patients with 143 cervical lesions) using 5 different dentine adhesive composite systems resulted in superiority of the hybrid composite P-30 in view of low filling losses (after 1 year: 1 of 28 fillings after 2 years: 2 of 27 fillings), the acceptable bond zone morphology (after 1 and 2 years clinical intact bond zones), and a constant volume behaviour (after 1 and 2 years no clinical changes of volume).

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In a baseline examination of a preventive study 319 randomly recruited patients of a dental school aged between 16 and 35 years were inquired about oral health behavior and the oral health state was determined clinically. The spectrum of methods included extended anamnesis, plaque index according to Silness/Löe, DMF/T- and GPM/T-index. The health behaviour and the derived preventive and curative care needs show that the majority of patients need individual oral hygiene and nutrition advising, professional oral hygiene measures, fluoride application, as well as filling therapy.

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Clinical variations of 288 so-called wedge-shaped defects were described at the model and in the clinic in 50 patients aged 21 to 67 years and classified according to depth, profile and en face contour. Defect formation starts in early adult age increasing in dependence on age. The term "wedge-shaped defect" is only partly indicative and incorrect.

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In a dental-psychological investigation 100 young adults, aged 18-25, characterized by different courses of education, were subject to a standardized interview, action oriented diagnostics and dental examination. Knowledge, behaviour as well as state of oral health were different and in all did not come up to our expectations; but there were some correlations. It is indicated to optimize knowledge, behaviour and state of oral health by means of individual and collective measures taking educational specifics into consideration.

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Among 300 patients 16-35-yr-old 21 of them showed a high individual caries risk. Estimation of caries risk was based on the following criteria: caries experience, sugar consumption, fluoride application, dry mouth, plaque accumulation, secretion rate, buffer capacity and S. mutans and lactobacillus counts in saliva.

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The effectiveness of hand preparation and irrigation of 48 root canals of upper anterior teeth was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Independently of instrument (K reamer or combination K reamer and H file), irrigating solution (sodium chloride) and root canal dressing a similar degree of preparing and cleaning effectiveness of root canals was detected. In all groups a homogeneous or inhomogeneous smear layer of different thickness and extent dominated.

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Using x-ray spectroscopy the inorganic contents of the interface tooth restoration of conventional and gamma-2-reduced amalgam fillings were analysed after short and long clinical application. Qualitative difference did not exist between interface layer of both amalgam types. The amalgam elements mercury, silver and copper were not detected, but tin occurred everywhere.

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The plaque inhibitor chlorhexidine digluconate was used for intra- and transcanal irrigation in the endodontic treatment triad for periapical lesions (circumscribed, diffuse, fistulating, cystic, suspected cystic lesions). 50 patients were followed up by clinical and standardized radiologic studies. In another 18 patients microbiologic criteria were also used.

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The median lethal dose (LD 50) of endodontic antiseptics sodium hypochlorite, chloramine and chlorhexidine digluconate was determined in experiment on albino mice using the method described by Litchfield and Wilcoxon. Sodium hypochlorite and chloramine have shown a twice stronger toxic effect than chlorhexidine digluconate. The difference was significant.

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The endodontic antiseptics chloramine, sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine digluconate were evaluated for antimicrobial effect by a complex of susceptibility testing. In the agar diffusion test, tube dilution test and plate flooding test chlorhexidine digluconate was the most efficient agent against isolates of infected root canal.

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