Objective: To compare results on the everyday sentence test 'FIST', the new closed-set sentence test 'FrMatrix', and the digit triplet screening test 'FrDigit3'.
Design: First, the FrMatrix was developed and normative values were obtained. Subsequently, speech reception thresholds (SRTs) for the three types of tests were gathered at four study centers representing different geographic regions in Belgium and France.
A French speech intelligibility screening test in noise that applies digit triplets as stimuli has been developed and evaluated for both telephone and broadband headphone use. After optimizing the speech material based on the intelligibility of the individual digits, norms for normal-hearing subjects were established. speech reception thresholds (SRTs) of -6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article investigates the different acoustic signals that hearing aid users are exposed to in their everyday environment. Binaural microphone signals from recording positions close to the microphone locations of behind-the-ear hearing aids were recorded by 20 hearing aid users during daily life. The recorded signals were acoustically analyzed with regard to narrowband short-term level distributions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFluctuating interfering noises are highly suitable for speech audiometry because of the large inter-individual variability in intelligibility results. This study explores the maximum duration of silent intervals in the masker as an important factor underlying sentence intelligibility in fluctuating noise. Three versions of speech-simulating fluctuating interfering noises based on the icra noises (Dreschler et al, 2001) were explored: The original noise which simulates one interfering speaker and contains pause durations up to two seconds, as well as two modified versions with pause durations limited to 250 ms and 62.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpeech intelligibility measurements strongly depend on several procedural parameters. In order to obtain comparable results from different test procedures, these parameters must be investigated as to which should be standardized and which could be set freely. This study investigates the influence of noise level, noise type, and presentation mode on speech reception thresholds (SRTs), and intelligibility function slopes in noise for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired subjects.
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