The inlet of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) contains pathogenic microorganisms which during aeration and by mechanical mixing through wind typically aerosolized microbes into ambient air. Bioaerosol emission and its characterization (bacterial and fungal) was investigated considering low-flow and high-flow inlet of wastewater treatment plant. Generation of bioaerosols was found influenced by prevailing seasons while both during summer and winter, fungal concentration (winter: 1406 ± 517; summer: 1743 ± 271 CFU/m) was higher compared to bacterial concentration (winter: 1077 ± 460; summer: 1415 ± 588 CFU/m).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Technol
January 2024
Atmospheric phosphorus is a vital nutrient for ecosystems whose sources and fate are still debated in the fragile Himalayan region, hindering our comprehension of its local ecological impact. This study provides novel insights into atmospheric phosphorus based on the study of total suspended particulate matter at the Qomolangma station. Contrary to the prevailing assumptions, we show that biomass burning (BB), not mineral dust, dominates total dissolved phosphorus (TDP, bioavailable) deposition in this arid region, especially during spring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Pollut Res Int
October 2023
Microplastic (MP) pollution has aroused a tremendous amount of public and scientific interest worldwide. MPs are found widely ranging from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems primarily due to the over-exploitation of plastic products and unscientific disposal of plastic waste. There is a large availability of scientific literature on MP pollution in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, especially the marine environments; however, only recently has greater scientific attention been focused on the presence of MPs in the air and its retrospective health implications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInvestigation of mercury (Hg) from atmospheric precipitation is important for evaluating its ecological impacts and developing mitigation strategies. Western China, which includes the Tibetan Plateau and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, is one of the most remote region in the world and is understudied in regards to Hg precipitation. Here we report seesaw-like patterns in spatial variations of precipitation Hg in Western China, based on Hg speciation measurements at nine stations over this remote region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study reports for the first time a comprehensive analysis of nitrogenous and carbonaceous aerosols in simultaneously collected PM and TSP during pre-monsoon (March-May 2018) from a highly polluted urban Kathmandu Valley (KV) of the Himalayan foothills. The mean mass concentration of PM (129.8 µg/m) was only ~25% of TSP mass (558.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeawater intrusion in coastal aquifers is a major concern due to geogenic and anthropogenic activities leading to declining groundwater quality. The present study focuses on deciphering the sea water intruded zones and its extent in the Quaternary alluvial aquifer system in the coastal belt of Digha, West Bengal, India. In this study, 36 groundwater samples were collected during pre-monsoon (2020).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAirborne transmission is one of the routes for the spread of COVID-19 which is caused by inhalation of smaller droplets containing SARS-CoV-2 (i.e., either virus-laden particulate matter: PM and/or droplet nuclei) in an indoor environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe atmospheric circulation plays a critical role in the global transport and deposition of atmospheric pollutants such as mercury (Hg). Desert dust emissions contribute to nearly 60-95% of the global dust budget and thus, desert dust may facilitate atmospheric Hg transport and deposition to the downwind regions worldwide. The role of desert dust in biogeochemical cycling of Hg, however, has not been well recognized by the Hg research community.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFluorescence spectroscopy is a commonly used technique to analyze dissolved organic matter in aquatic environments. Given the high sensitivity and non-destructive analysis, fluorescence has recently been used to study water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) in atmospheric aerosols, which have substantial abundance, various sources and play an important role in climate change. Yet, current research on WSOC characterization is rather sparse and limited to a few isolated sites, making it challenging to draw fundamental and mechanistic conclusions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Technol
August 2020
Increasing air pollution in South Asia has serious consequences for air quality and human/ecosystem health within the region. South Asia, including India and Nepal, suffers from severe air pollution, including high concentrations of aerosols, as well as gaseous pollutants. One of the often-neglected sources contributing to the regional air pollution is garbage burning.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMercury (Hg) is one of the most toxic heavy metals, and its cycle is mainly controlled by oxidation-reduction reactions carried out by photochemical or microbial process under suitable conditions. The deposition and accumulation of methylmercury (MeHg) in various ecosystems, including the cryospheric components such as snow, meltwater, glaciers, and ice sheet, and subsequently in the food chain pose serious health concerns for living beings. Unlike the abundance of knowledge about the processes of MeHg production over land and oceans, little is known about the sources and production/degradation rate of MeHg in cryosphere systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) accumulation since the Industrial Revolution has been generally observed to increase concurrently in lake sedimentary records around the world. Located downwind during the monsoon season from the rapidly developing South Asia, the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau are expected to receive direct anthropogenic Hg and Pb loadings, yet the source, pathway, and effects of such transport remain poorly known due to logistic challenges in accessing this region. When studying the sediment record from Lake Gokyo (4750 m above sea level (a.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study presents a comprehensive analysis of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and particularly the light absorption characteristics of EC and water-soluble brown carbon (WS-BrC) in total suspended particles in the Kathmandu Valley from April 2013 to January 2018. The mean OC, EC, and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) concentrations were 34.8 ± 27.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBrown carbon (BrC) has been proposed as an important driving factor in climate change due to its light absorption properties. However, our understanding of BrC's chemical and optical properties are inadequate, particularly at remote regions. This study conducts a comprehensive investigation of BrC aerosols in summer (Aug.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNitrogenous aerosols are ubiquitous in the environment and thus play a vital role in the nutrient balance as well as the Earth's climate system. However, their abundance, sources, and deposition are poorly understood, particularly in the fragile and ecosensitive Himalayan and Tibetan Plateau (HTP) region. Here, we report concentrations of nitrogen species and isotopic composition (δN) in aerosol samples collected from a forest site in the HTP (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Technol
June 2019
Cryoconite is a granular aggregate, comprised of both mineral and biological material, and known to accumulate atmospheric contaminants. In this study, cryoconite was sampled from seven high-elevation glaciers in Western China to investigate the spatial and altitudinal patterns of atmospheric mercury (Hg) accumulation in the cryoconite. The results show that total Hg (Hg) concentrations in cryoconite were significant with relatively higher Hg accumulation in the southern glaciers (66.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBrown carbon (BrC) has recently emerged as an important light-absorbing aerosol. This study provides interannual and seasonal variations in light absorption properties, chemical composition, and sources of water-soluble BrC (WS-BrC) based on PM samples collected in Godavari, Nepal, from April 2012 to May 2014. The mass absorption efficiency of WS-BrC at 365 nm (MAE) shows a clear seasonal variability, with the highest MAE of 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiomass burning (BB) is one of the largest sources of carbonaceous aerosols with adverse impacts on air quality, visibility, health and climate. BB emits a few specific aromatic acids (p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, syringic and dehydroabietic acids) which have been widely used as key indicators for source identification of BB-derived carbonaceous aerosols in various environmental matrices. In addition, measurement of p-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acids in snow and ice cores have revealed the historical records of the fire emissions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHumic-like substances (HULIS) are major components of light-absorbing brown carbon that play an important role in Earth's radiative balance. However, their concentration, optical properties, and sources are least understood over Tibetan Plateau (TP). In this study, the analysis of total suspended particulate (TSP) samples from central of TP (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the present-day scenario of growing anthropogenic activities, carbonaceous aerosols contribute significantly (∼20-70%) to the total atmospheric particulate matter mass and, thus, have immense potential to influence the Earth's radiation budget and climate on a regional to global scale. In addition, formation of secondary organic aerosols is being increasingly recognized as an important process in contributing to the air-pollution and poor visibility over urban regions. It is, thus, essential to study atmospheric concentrations of carbonaceous species (EC, OC and WSOC), their mixing state and absorption properties on a regional scale.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe quantification of the radiative impacts of light absorbing ambient black carbon (BC) particles strongly depends on accurate measurements of BC mass concentration and absorption coefficient (β(abs)). In this study, an experiment has been conducted to quantify the influence of hygroscopic growth of ambient particles on light absorption. Using the hygroscopic growth factor (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe first simultaneous measurements and analytical data on atmospheric concentrations of PM(2.5), PM(10), inorganic constituents, carbonaceous species, and their optical properties (aerosol optical depth, AOD; absorption coefficient, b(abs); mass absorption efficiency, σ(abs); and single scattering albedo, SSA) from an urban site (Kanpur) in the Indo-Gangetic Plain are reported here. Significantly high aerosol mass concentration (>100 μg m(-3)) and AOD (> 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTemporal and spatial variability in the absorption coefficient (b(abs), Mm(-1)) and mass absorption efficiency (MAE, sigma(abs), m(2)g(-1)) of elemental carbon (EC) in atmospheric aerosols studied from urban, rural, and high-altitude sites is reported here. Ambient aerosols, collected on tissuquartz filters, are analyzed for EC mass concentration using thermo-optical EC-OC analyzer, wherein simultaneously measured optical-attenuation (ATN, equivalent to initial transmittance) of 678 nm laser source has been used for the determination of MAE and absorption coefficient. At high-altitude sites, measured ATN and surface EC loading (EC(s), microg cm(-2)) on the filters exhibit linear positive relationship (R(2) = 0.
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