Publications by authors named "Kirill Boldyrev"

Solvothermal reaction of magnesium nitrate and boron oxide in ,-dimethylformamide produced a number of particularly complex supramolecular magnesium borates. Five topologically different types of negatively charged {Mg@[Bφ]}-clusters, φ = O, OH, were observed with the magnesium cation as a core and octadecaborate anions as shells. The clusters assemble common borate polyhedra forming 1D chains, a 2D mesoporous layer, and 3D mesoporous frameworks with an effective channel width of up to 16 Å.

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The neutrally charged silicon-vacancy defect (SiV) is a colour centre in diamond with spin S = 1, a zero-phonon line (ZPL) at 946 nm and long spin coherence, which makes it a promising candidate for quantum network applications. For the proper performance of such colour centres, all of them must have identical optical characteristics. However, in practice, there are factors that influence each individual centre.

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Flavins such as flavin mononucleotide or flavin adenine dinucleotide are bound by diverse proteins, yet have very similar spectra when in the oxidized state. Recently, we developed new variants of flavin-binding protein CagFbFP exhibiting notable blue (Q148V) or red (I52V A85Q) shifts of fluorescence emission maxima. Here, we use time-resolved and low-temperature spectroscopy to show that whereas the chromophore environment is static in Q148V, an additional protein-flavin hydrogen bond is formed upon photoexcitation in the I52V A85Q variant.

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We report the growth of Ge-doped homoepitaxial diamond films by microwave plasma CVD in GeH-CH-H gas mixtures at moderate pressures (70-100 Torr). Optical emission spectroscopy was used to monitor Ge, H, and C species in the plasma at different process parameters, and trends for intensities of those radicals, gas temperature, and excitation temperature, with variations of GeH or CH precursor concentrations, were investigated. The film deposited on (111)-oriented single crystal diamond substrates in a high growth rate regime revealed a strong emission of a germanium-vacancy (GeV) color center with a zero-phonon line at ≈604 nm wavelength in photoluminescence (PL) spectra, confirming the successful doping.

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In this work, isothermal sections of the O-CrO-BO ( = Gd-Lu) ternary oxide systems at 900, 1000, and 1100 °C were constructed by determining the phase relations by using a powder X-ray diffraction technique. As a result, these systems were divided into subsidiary subsystems. Two types of double borates, Cr(BO) ( = Gd-Er) and Cr(BO) ( = Ho-Lu), were observed in the investigated systems.

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We present an extensive study of the luminescence characteristics of Mn impurity ions in a YAl3(BO3)4:Mn crystal, in combination with X-ray fluorescence analysis and determination of the valence state of Mn by XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge structure) spectroscopy. The valences of manganese Mn2+(d5) and Mn3+(d4) were determined by the XANES and high-resolution optical spectroscopy methods shown to be complementary. We observe the R1 and R2 luminescence and absorption lines characteristic of the 2E ↔ 4A2 transitions in d3 ions (such as Mn4+ and Cr3+) and show that they arise due to uncontrolled admixture of Cr3+ ions.

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Laboratory modeling of Cs, Sr, U, Pu immobilization by phytoplankton of the river Upa, affected after the Chernobyl accident, has been carried out. Certain conditions are selected for strong fixation of radionuclides in bottom sediments due to biogeochemical processes. The process of radionuclide removal from the water phase via precipitation was based on their accumulation by phytoplankton, stimulated by nitrogen and phosphorus sources.

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Upon the UV light irradiation of single-crystal diamonds doped with phosphorus, several effects have been observed. The integral intensity of phosphorus lines in FTIR absorption spectra under UV radiation was increased. A saturation effect depending on the power of the laser radiation was demonstrated.

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Resolved hyperfine structure and narrow inhomogeneously broadened lines in the optical spectra of a rare-earth-doped crystal are favorable for the implementation of various sensors. Here, a well-resolved hyperfine structure in the photoluminescence spectra of LiYF:Ho single crystals and the anticrossings of hyperfine levels in a magnetic field are demonstrated using a self-made setup based on a Bruker 125HR high-resolution Fourier spectrometer. This is the first observation of the resolved hyperfine structure and anticrossing hyperfine levels in the luminescence spectra of a crystal.

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The possible role of biogeochemical processes in the transport of colloidal and pseudo-colloidal U, Np, and Pu during bioremediation of radionuclide- and nitrate-contaminated groundwater was investigated. In two laboratory experiments with water samples taken from contaminated aquifers before and post bioremediation, we found that microbial processes could cause clayed, ferruginous, and actinide colloids to coagulate. The main mechanisms are biogenic insoluble ferrous iron species formations (goethite, pyrrhotite, siderite, troilite, and ferrihydrite), the aggregation of clay particles by microbial metabolites, and the immobilization of actinides in the bacterial cells, large polymers, and iron and clayed sediments.

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Unlabelled: The adsorption capacity of biologically modified zeolite with respect to copper-containing effluents (Cu(II)-Fe(III), Cu(II)-Fe(III)-Ni(II), Cu(II)-Fe(II)-Zn(II), and Cu(II)-Fe(II)-Ni(II)-Zn(II)) has been investigated in order to apply it for industrial effluents treatment. Obtained bio-zeolite was characterized using neutron activation analysis, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The efficiency of metal ions removal was determined as a function of pH, copper concentration, time, and temperature.

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The sorption characteristics of raw and biofilm-coated materials: vermiculite, lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LECA), perlite, zeolite, and shungite toward Cd and Cr(VI) ions were investigated to evaluate the possibility of their use as filtration barrier in the aquifer near a solid domestic waste landfill. The effectiveness of Cr(VI) removal by the raw materials changed in the following order: shungite > zeolite > perlite > vermiculite > LECA and for Cd: zeolite > shungite > vermiculite > perlite > LECA. After biofilm formation on the surface of the materials, the sorption capacity increased in some (perlite, LECA), while in others (zeolite) it was reduced.

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A scheme of selective removal of metal ions from chromium-containing synthetic solutions with the following chemical composition, Cr (VI)-Fe (III), Cr (VI)-Fe (III)-Ni (II), Cr (VI)-Fe (III)-Ni (II)-Zn (II), and Cr (VI)-Fe (III)-Ni (II)-Zn (II)-Cu (II)) by Shewanella xiamenensis biofilm immobilized on a zeolite support, was proposed. Three biological processes, biosorption, bioaccumulation, and longtime bioreduction, were applied for metal removal. The process of Zn (II), Ni (II), and Cu (II) showed to be pH dependent.

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In "Lattice dynamics and structure of the new langasites LnCrGeBeO (Ln = La, Pr, Nd): vibrational spectra and calculations" [1], experimental and calculated results on lattice dynamics of the recently discovered new compounds LaCrGeBeO, PrCrGeBeO, and NdCrGeBeO are reported. These compounds belong to the langasite series and constitute a new class of low-dimensional antiferromagnets. The data presented in this article includes IR diffuse transmission spectra of powder samples of LnCrGeBeO (Ln = La, Pr, Nd) registered at room temperature with a Bruker 125HR Fourier spectrometer, Raman spectra taken in the backscattering geometry (also at room temperature) with a triple monochromator using the line 514, 5 nm of an argon laser as an excitation, results of the DFT calculations with the B3LYP and PBE0 hybrid functionals on the optimized crystal structures, eigenfrequencies and eigenvectors of the normal vibrational modes.

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"Breathing crystals" based on copper(II) hexafluoroacetylacetonates and pyrazolyl-substituted nitronyl nitroxides comprise the exchange-coupled clusters within the polymeric chains. Owing to an interplay of exchange interaction between copper(II) and nitroxide spins and Jahn-Teller nature of copper(II) complex, the breathing crystals demonstrate thermally and light-induced magnetostructural transitions in many aspects similar to the classical spin crossover. Herewith, we report the first application of variable temperature (VT) far/mid Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and mid FTIR microscopy to breathing crystals.

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The family of magnetoactive compounds Cu(hfac)(2)L(R) exhibits thermo- and photoswitching phenomena promising for various applications. Photoswitching of the Cu(hfac)(2)L(Pr) compound can be observed at temperatures below 20 K and is accompanied by transition to metastable structural state. Reverse conversion to stable structure could not be induced by light of near-IR-vis-UV regions up to date.

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A wideband near-IR (NIR) luminescence centered at 1080 nm was found in a RbPb(2)Cl(5):Bi single crystal grown by the Bridgman technique. Absorption, luminescence, and excitation of luminescence spectra were investigated at room and cryogenic temperatures. The luminescence was proposed to be due to the (3)P(1)-->(3)P(0) transition in Bi(+) ion.

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