Objective: People detained in short-term police custody often have complex health conditions that may necessitate emergency care, yet little is known about their management in EDs. The present study aimed to understand ED doctors' experiences and perceptions regarding the appropriateness and management of detainee transfers from police watch-houses to the EDs.
Methods: A qualitative descriptive study, using semi-structured interviews undertaken with ED doctors working in five purposively sampled EDs across Queensland, Australia.
Background: Formerly incarcerated people have exceptionally poor health profiles and are at increased risk of preventable mortality when compared with their general population peers. However, not enough is known about the epidemiology of mortality in this population-specifically the rates, causes, and timing of death in specific subgroups and regions-to inform the development of targeted, evidence-based responses. We aimed to document the incidence, timing, causes, and risk factors for mortality after release from incarceration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing identifies building a strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led evidence-base to inform care as a key priority. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander adolescents in contact with the criminal justice system are a highly vulnerable group of Australians, with substantial unmet needs. There is limited evidence to inform culturally appropriate models of care that meet the social and emotional wellbeing needs of justice-involved Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander adolescents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aims: Poor substance use-related health outcomes after release from prison are common. Identifying people at greatest risk of substance use and related harms post-release would help to target support at those most in need. The Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) is a validated substance use screener, but its utility in predicting substance-related hospitalisation post-release is unestablished.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Socially excluded populations, defined by homelessness, substance use disorder, sex work or criminal justice system contact, experience profound health inequity compared with the general population. Cumulative exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including neglect, abuse and household dysfunction before age 18, has been found to be independently associated with both an increased risk of social exclusion and adverse health and mortality outcomes in adulthood.Despite this, the impact of ACEs on health and mortality within socially excluded populations is poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProviding appropriate healthcare to people in short-term police custody settings (i.e. watch-houses) is challenging due to the complexity of detainee health needs and the limitations of the custodial environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParental incarceration has been associated with educational disadvantages for children, such as lower educational attainment, increased grade retention, and truancy and suspensions. However, children exposed to parental incarceration often experience other adversities that are also associated with educational disadvantage; the contribution of these co-occurring adversities has not been considered in previous research. This study aimed to investigate the educational outcomes of children exposed to (a) maternal incarceration alone and (b) maternal incarceration plus other adversities (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Women released from prison typically experience worse health outcomes than their male counterparts. We examined sex differences in the patterns, characteristics, and predictors of acute health service contact (AHSC) (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of administrative health data for research, monitoring, and quality improvement has proliferated in recent decades, leading to improvements in health across many disease areas and across the life course. However, not all populations are equally visible in administrative health data, and those that are less visible may be excluded from the benefits of associated research. Socially excluded populations - including the homeless, people with substance dependence, people involved in sex work, migrants or asylum seekers, and people with a history of incarceration - are typically characterised by health inequity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: People arriving to the emergency department with mental health problems experience varying and sometimes inferior outcomes compared with people without mental health problems, yet little is known about whether or how their arrival mode is associated with these outcomes. This study describes and compares demographics, clinical characteristics, and patient and health service outcomes of adult mental health emergency department patient presentations, based on arrival mode: brought in by ambulance, privately arranged transport, and brought in by police.
Methods: Using a retrospective observational study design with state-wide administrative data from Queensland, Australia, mental health presentations from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2017, were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analyses.
Objective This study aimed to identify factors associated with an emergency department (ED) length of stay ≥4 hours (h) and hospital admission for people with a mental health problem brought in by police. Methods We undertook a retrospective, observational cohort study of state-wide adult ED mental health presentations brought in by police from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2017. We used multivariable logistic regression to determine factors associated with an ED length of stay ≥4 h and hospital admission.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Young people who have had contact with the criminal justice system are at increased risk of early death, especially from injuries. However, deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in this population remain poorly described. We aimed to estimate mortality due to NCDs in people with a history of involvement with the youth justice system, compare NCD mortality rates in this population with those in the general population, and characterise demographic and justice-related factors associated with deaths caused by NCDs in people with a history of contact with the youth justice system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective This study aimed to identify factors associated with an emergency department (ED) length of stay ≥4 hours (h) and hospital admission for people with a mental health problem brought in by police. Methods We undertook a retrospective, observational cohort study of state-wide adult ED mental health presentations brought in by police from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2017. We used multivariable logistic regression to determine factors associated with an ED length of stay ≥4 h and hospital admission.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFYoung women who have had contact with the criminal justice system (justice-involved young women) have an increased risk of being a victim of violence. However, no reviews have synthesized the evidence on interventions to prevent or respond to violence against justice-involved young women. We conducted a scoping review to identify interventions designed to prevent or respond to violence against justice-involved young women.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLittle is known outside of the United States about the risk of violence-related death among young people who have had contact with the youth justice system (justice-involved young people). We examined violence-related deaths among justice-involved young people in Queensland, Australia. In this study, youth justice records for 48,647 young people (10-18 years at baseline) who were charged, or experienced a community-based order or youth detention in Queensland, Australia (1993-2014) were probabilistically linked with death, coroner, and adult correctional records (1993-2016).
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