Publications by authors named "Kinlaw C"

Food production and pharmaceutical synthesis are posited as essential biotechnologies for facilitating human exploration beyond Earth. These technologies not only offer critical green space and food agency to astronauts but also promise to minimize mass and volume requirements through scalable, modular agriculture within closed-loop systems, offering an advantage over traditional bring-along strategies. Despite these benefits, the prevalent model for evaluating such systems exhibits significant limitations.

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The authors examined gender and racial preferential behaviour in 108 3- and 5-year-old Black and White girls. Children set up a birthday party for dolls that differed in gender and racial physical characteristics. Whereas White girls showed favouritism towards the doll most closely resembling themselves in both gender and race, Black girls showed most favouritism towards the White girl doll.

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The global distribution of leishmaniasis is rapidly expanding into new geographic regions. Dogs are the primary reservoir hosts for human visceral leishmaniasis caused by infection with Leishmania infantum. Natural infections with other Leishmania spp.

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Canine leishmaniasis and American trypanosomiasis (AT) are caused by related hemoflagellated parasites, Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma cruzi, which share several common host species. Dogs are reservoirs for human infections by both pathogens.

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The authors tested a developmental model of children's theories about intelligence in kindergarten, second grade, and fourth grade children by using paper-and-pencil maze tasks. Older children were more likely than younger children to espouse learning goals (e.g.

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A 1 kb EcoRI restriction fragment cloned from a band visible in an agarose gel of Pinus lambertiana (sugar pine) genomic DNA is present in both subgenera of Pinus with at least 10(4) copies/genome. A full-length copy of this repeated element recovered from a P. radiata (Monterey pine) genomic DNA library was found to possess all of the sequence features associated with gypsy-like retrotransposons.

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A loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) cDNA with properties of a nonspecific lipid transfer protein (nsltp) is reported. In contrast to simple family structures reported for a variety of angiosperm nsltp genes, the putative pine nsltp gene is a member of a complex family.

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Dark-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) seedlings had approximately 30% of the major polypeptide of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein, 30% of cab mRNA, 54% of psbA mRNA, and 14% of total chlorophyll, in comparison with amounts in light-grown seedlings. Seedlings entrained under a 24-hour photoperiod of light and dark showed small diurnal fluctuations in cab and psbA mRNA levels and, when transferred to continuous conditions, no circadian rhythms in mRNA levels were apparent.

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Phylogenetic relationships and rates of nucleotide substitution were studied for alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) genes by using DNA sequences from mammals and plants. Mammalian ADH sequences include the three class I genes and a class II gene from humans and one gene each from baboon, rat, and mouse. Plant sequences include two ADH genes each from maize and rice, three genes from barley, and one gene each from wheat and two dicots, Arabidopsis and pea.

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Human small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) containing U1 and U2 snRNAs have been isolated from cultured cells by nonimmunological methods. The U1 snRNP population remained immunoprecipitable by systemic lupus erythematosis anti-RNP and anti-Sm antibodies throughout fractionation and contained polypeptides of molecular weights corresponding to those defined as U1 snRNP polypeptides by immunoprecipitation of crude extracts. The purified assemblies contained U1 RNA and nine snRNP polypeptides of molecular weights 67,000 (P67), 30,000 (P30), 23,000 (P23), 21,500 (P22), 17,500 (P18), 12,300 (P12), 10,200 (P10), 9,100 (P9), and 8,500 (P8).

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Immunoprecipitation of human small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) containing the small nuclear RNAs U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6 with two antibodies produced in certain patients suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus was used to identify the polypeptides present on human U1 and U2 snRNPs. U1 and U2 snRNPs contain both common and unique polypeptides; visualization of the differences was possible through the use of non-methionine protein labeling and partial fractionation of snRNP populations. To facilitate comparisons with results from other laboratories, we have designated the snRNP polypeptides by their molecular weights.

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