Introduction: Many experts and communities have concerns about how National Disability Insurance Scheme services are provided to Aboriginal and Torres Strait children. This study was undertaken at the request of the NPY Women's Council in partnership with the researchers, to explore supports for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children living with a disability in their remote areas.
Objective: This scoping review aims to (a) explore the barriers and enablers to accessing disability support services for families of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (0-8 years) living in regional, rural and remote settings, and (b) summarise best practice approaches for accessing support for young children in these settings.
Purpose: This two-year (2016-2018) study aimed to identify what a good life is for Aboriginal people with disability in remote Central Australia and how service providers can support them to achieve a good life. This paper presents the findings that relate to barriers to delivering services for Aboriginal people with disability.
Methods: In-depth interviews and focus groups were held with Aboriginal people with disability and their carers aged at least 18 years from the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Lands and community organisations providing services there.