Publications by authors named "Khyati Bhatia"

Introduction: Stapling-assisted closure of pharyngeal mucosa during total laryngectomy was described in 1973.Few authors have demonstrated that this technique provides a faster and more reliable pharyngeal closure with ashorter operative period. However, the simultaneous placement of tracheoesophageal prostheses is quitechallenging and affects the patient's speech rehabilitation.

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Background: Giant cell tumors (GCTs) are typically found in the long bones but can also occur in the head and neck region. GCT of the larynx is a rare entity with only 42 reported cases in the international literature. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge this is the largest laryngeal GCT reported in the literature to date.

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Parathyroid cyst is a rare clinical entity and often presents as a diagnostic challenge, especially when presents in conjunction with a coexistent parathyroid adenoma. Patient with primary hyperparathyroidism had presented with a localised left inferior parathyroid adenoma with a coexistent right inferior parathyroid cyst which was initially missed on routine ultrasound and sestamibi scan. Suspicion of right inferior thyroid cyst was raised on ultrasound done by a dedicated parathyroid ultrasonologist.

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Background: Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytology (MSRSGC) was introduced to standardise the terminology and reporting of salivary gland cytology. The purpose of our study was to compare the conventional system and the proposed Milan System to look for concordance rates in cytohistopathologic correlation and any value addition to the conventional system.

Methods: This was a retrospective cross sectional observational study.

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Objectives: The study was aimed at evaluating the impact of certain socioeconomic factors such as family income, level of parents' education, distance between the child's home and auditory verbal therapy clinic, and age of the child at implantation on postoperative cochlear implant outcomes.

Methods: Children suffering from congenital bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss and a chronologic age of 4 years or younger at the time of implantation were included in the study. Children who were able to complete a prescribed period of a 1-year follow-up were included in the study.

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Background: Cochlear implant (CI)-related wound infections are known to happen even years after the implant procedure and present a challenging clinical situation. Due to the formation of biofilm on the implant surface such infections are difficult to eradicate. Invariably explantation of the device is required for wound healing.

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Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) continues to be an important public health problem despite significant advances in medical science. Ear discharge, pain, discomfort, difficulty in hearing, limitation of routine activities and emotional problems due to CSOM cause a significant impact on the health and general well being of the patient. We have done Type 1 tympanoplasty in tubotympanic type of COM to reconstruct the tympanic membrane and alleviate the symptoms of the patients.

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