August 2000
Clinical decision making for the selection of patients with coronary artery disease and depressed left ventricular (LV) function for coronary revascularization is very critical but at times difficult. There is strong evidence of an increased event rate (myocardial infarction, death, unstable angina) in one fourth of patients with viable myocardium who are treated medically compared with only one sixteenth after revascularization. Documentation of the presence of viable myocardium best allows identification of patients who are most likely to benefit from coronary revascularization as evident by postoperative improvement in LV systolic function, exercise capacity, quality of life, or survival.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Describe the results of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy for treatment of primary malignant neoplasms of female urethra.
Patients And Methods: Since 1982, 31 patients with urethral cancer were evaluated at our institution (follow-up ranging from 0 to 127 months). Ten patients were treated with external beam irradiation and 1 patient received preoperative therapy after surgery.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol
April 1997
Background: In the period between July, 1992, and July, 1994, 1,159 patients in our Allergy Clinic tested positive to one or more inhalants. The nationalities of the population tested included 806 Saudi Arabs and 241 Western expatriates (mainly North Americans). The others were of various different nationalities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSerum triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and HDL cholesterol levels were determined in a group of 442 apparently healthy Lebanese subjects after a 12 hr fast. Age-dependent increase was noted for total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. On the other hand, VLDL and HDL cholesterol levels were age-independent.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Med Psychol (Paris)
January 1989
383 psychotics patients were selected in 1975 according to the french classification (INSERM). These initial population was simultaneously subdivided according 2 types of criteria: Diagnosis criteria (DSM III Axis 1), Psychosocial adaptation criteria (DSM III axis V). For each subjects we investigates in 1985 evolution of following data previously collected in 1975: Diagnosis and psychosocial adaptation, Marital status and presence of social welfare work, Treatment variable (Hospitalization and out patient department care, neuroleptic treatment).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new VP-16-based drug combination was utilized in the treatment of 3 adult patients with acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia. Marrow aplasia was noted in all patients on day 7. While myeloid regeneration was noted on day 14, there was no evidence of regeneration of the erythroid series before day 21 in any of the 3 patients, and maturation of this cell line was never complete before day 35.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA study of the molecular lesions of beta-thalassemia in Lebanon revealed the presence of eight different mutations in 25 patients with Cooley's anemia. The IVS1 position 110 mutation predominated with a frequency of 62% and was almost invariably associated with Mediterranean chromosome haplotype I. Five other mutations commonly found in the Mediterranean area occurred with frequencies of 2% to 8%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis is the first report in the literature of siblings affected with Down syndrome; one sibling had a nondisjunction of chromosome 21 and the other a (21q;21q) translocation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe haematological findings in 50 Bahrainis with sickle cell disease are reported. This establishes the existence of the Hb S gene in Bahrain. The mean Hb F level in the Bahraini patients was 13.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe gamma G/gamma A ratio was determined on 50 cord blood samples from normal newborns and in 28 beta-thalassemia homozygotes among the Lebanese population, using electrophoresis on acrylamide-bisacrylamide gels containing Triton X-100, urea, and 2-mercapto-ethanol. 2-Mercapto-ethanol was found to be the most effective reducer, giving good resolution and a clean background. As the concentration of Triton X-100 was critical in this study, a concentration of 500 microliters of Triton X-100/25 ml of reaction mixture was found to be optimal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMosaicism for a 13q interstitial deletion was found in a minor fraction of peripheral blood lymphocytes in a 10-month-old girl affected with bilateral retinoblastoma. The tumor was inherited from the unilaterally affected father.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have studied patients with beta-thalassemia from a Lebanese population having a high rate of consanguineous matings. This population exhibits both elevated and normal levels of Hb A2 associated with high levels of Hb F in homozygotes. The clinical course of the anemia suggests that this population consists of the severe Mediterranean type.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA family is described in which four sibs are affected with haemoglobin H disease. To our knowledge, this is the first instance where this disorder has been encountered in the Lebanon. In fact only a few cases have so far been reported from the Arab world.
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