Publications by authors named "Khanolkar A"

Globally, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has one of the lowest rates of equitable access to safely managed drinking water. This systematic literature review assessed the effectiveness of infrastructure interventions to provide equitable access to safely managed drinking water in LAC on the burden of diarrhoea in children <5 years. The review was conducted in February 2024 using Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, Global Health, and the Cochrane Library with inclusion criteria: quantitative study designs of intervention effectiveness on burden of diarrhoea in children; conducted in LAC; studies published since 1 January 2000; and full-text available in English.

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Background: Currently, approximately 100 million people are displaced worldwide, including children and young adults. Previous studies showed exposure to violence and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common in this sub-population. However, we still lack comprehensive data on well-being, mental health, and the ability to function.

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This study examined associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and mental health and health-risk behaviours, including differences by sexual minority (SM) identity. We included 8,686 adolescents (males = 50.7%, SM = 10.

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This study investigates HLA-DR expression on activated T cells and serum neopterin levels in Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM) children pre- and post-treatment. Sixty-nine JDM children (less than 18 years) were included. Elevated HLA-DR+ cells (>7 %) were observed in 19 % of untreated cases.

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Background: Diarrhoeal disease disproportionately affects children <5 years in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The pathogens responsible for diarrhoea are commonly transmitted through faecally-contaminated drinking water. Lifestraw Family point-of-use water filters have been the subject of intervention studies for over a decade and were the first filters evaluated by the World Health Organization in its water treatment evaluation scheme to provide comprehensive protection against many diarrhoea-causing pathogens.

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Background: The number of asylum seekers awaiting decisions on their claims in the UK has more than tripled since 2014. How we meet international obligations to provide appropriate healthcare to asylum seekers and refugees (ASRs) is therefore an increasingly important issue. The views of frontline healthcare workers are vital to ensure the development of sustainable and effective health policy when it comes to caring for this group.

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Background: Mental ill-health and obesity are increasingly prevalent in childhood with both conditions likely to co-occur. Less is known about associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and mental ill-health and obesity (MH-OB) comorbidity in adolescence. The aim of this study was to examine associations between ACEs and MH-OB comorbidity in adolescents from a national cohort study.

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Studies on experiences of migration in childhood and subsequent health in adulthood report conflicting results. While there is limited research on the long-term health outcomes of refugee children as they transition into adulthood, it is often observed that refugee children experience adverse health conditions upon their arrival in the host country. We examined whether adults with a childhood refugee experience were more likely to have poorer mental health, general health, and risk-behaviours compared to non-refugee migrants and Swedish-born peers We included a nationally representative sample of 18-64-year-olds who answered the Swedish National Public Health survey in 2018 or 2020.

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It is theorized that dysregulated immune responses to infectious insults contribute to the development of pediatric B-ALL. In this context, our understanding of the immunomodulatory-mediator-induced signaling responses of leukemic blasts in pediatric B-ALL diagnostic samples is rather limited. Hence, in this study, we defined the signaling landscape of leukemic blasts, as well as normal mature B cells and T cells residing in diagnostic samples from 63 pediatric B-ALL patients.

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It is indeed a privilege to be an immunologist in what is arguably the golden age of immunology. From astounding advances in fundamental knowledge to groundbreaking immunotherapeutic offerings, immunology has carved out an enviable niche for itself in basic science and clinical medicine. The need and the vital importance of appropriate education, training, and certification in clinical immunology was recognized by the World Health Organization as far back as 1972.

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Aim: To examine impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) on rates and development of multimorbidity across three decades in adulthood.

Methods: Sample: Participants from the 1946 National Survey of Health and Development, who attended the age 36 assessment in 1982 and follow-up assessments (ages 43, 53, 63, 69; N = 3,264, 51% males). Prospectively collected data on nine ACEs was grouped into (i) psychosocial, (ii) parental health and (iii) childhood health.

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Healthcare trends continue to move from hospital to home and many targeted therapies and precision medicines are now being designed to be self-administered by patients or delivered in a home setting. In the case of long acting injectables and bio-therapeutics, the importance of optimal drug/biologic-device combination in terms of user needs becomes critical for successful clinical outcomes. The risk especially increases for novel therapies due to unknowns and uncertainties surrounding new formulation flow behavior, delivery methods, new injection sites and therapeutic optimization.

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We present a unique and unusual case of a male patient diagnosed with two coexisting and typically unassociated X-linked conditions: he was initially diagnosed with X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) followed by a diagnosis of X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (XCGD) and an as of yet unpublished hypomorphic gp91phox variant in the gene. The latter was tested after the finding of granulomatous gingivitis. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) was performed due to severe colitis and nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) of the liver.

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Near Infrared and Raman spectroscopy-based Process Analytical Technology tools were used for monitoring blend uniformity (BU) and content uniformity (CU) for solid oral formulations. A quantitative Partial Least Square model was developed to monitor BU as real-time release testing at a commercial scale. The model having the , and root mean square error of 0.

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B cells and antibodies are indispensable for host immunity. Our understanding of the mechanistic processes that underpin how B cells operate has left an indelible mark on the field of clinical pathology, and recently has also dramatically reshaped the therapeutic landscape of diseases that were once considered incurable. Evaluating patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID)/inborn errors of immunity (IEI) that primarily affect B cells, offers us an opportunity to further our understanding of how B cells develop, mature, function and, in certain instances, cause further disease.

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Background: To examine health and health-related behaviors in migrant and refugee individuals who identify as sexual or gender minority, and in comparison to their heterosexual peers.

Methods: The study included 168,952 individuals (aged 16-84 years, males: 45·9%, sexual or gender minorities: 3·1%) who answered the Swedish National Public Health Survey in 2018 and 2020. Participants were grouped into Swedish-and Western-born (White) heterosexual, White sexual- or gender minority, migrant heterosexual, migrant sexual- or gender minority, refugee heterosexual, and refugee sexual- or gender minority.

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Corrosion of aluminium alloy clad nuclear fuel, during reactor operation and under subsequent wet storage conditions, promotes the formation of aluminium hydroxide and oxyhydroxide layers. These hydrated mineral phases and the chemisorbed and physisorbed waters on their surfaces are susceptible to radiation-induced processes that yield molecular hydrogen gas (H), which has the potential to complicate the long-term storage and disposal of aluminium clad nuclear fuel through flammable and explosive gas mixture formation, alloy embrittlement, and pressurization. Here, we present a systematic study of the radiolytic formation of H from aluminium alloy 1100 (AA1100) and 6061 (AA6061) coupons in "dry" (~0% relative humidity) and "wet" (50% relative humidity) helium environments.

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This study employed an intersectional framework to examine impact of inequalities related to sexual minority (SM) and ethnic minority (EM) identities in risk for health, well-being, and health-related behaviors in a nationally representative sample. Participants included 9789 (51% female) adolescents aged 17 years from the U.K.

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Blending is a critical intermediate unit operation for all solid oral formulations. For blend uniformity testing, API content in the blend must be quantified precisely. A detailed study was conducted to demonstrate the suitability of inline NIR (near-infrared) spectroscopy for blend uniformity testing of two solid oral formulations: existing direct compression (DC) product with a multistep blending process and granulation-based product with API granules.

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Breakthrough innovations in drug and biologic based therapies as well as technological developments in design and development of medical devices have led to the rapid rise in the use of combination products in the last few decades. The resulting maturity of combination products as a global market category has led to 3 key trends: expanding adoption of medical devices for drug delivery, increasing complexity, and growing awareness of product experience and risk. Adoption of integrated combination product risk management enables robust product development and manufacturing strategies as well as facilitates alignment with regulators for efficient regulatory pathways and predictable outcomes.

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Background: Host-pathogen dynamics associated with HIV infection are quite distinct in children versus adults. We interrogated the functional fitness of the lymphocyte responses in two cohorts of perinatally infected HIV+ pediatric subjects with early anti-retroviral therapy (ART) initiation but divergent patterns of virologic control. We hypothesized that sub-optimal viral control would compromise immune functional fitness.

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We have utilized photoluminescence spectroscopy and optical ellipsometry to characterize the dose-dependence of the photoluminescence emission intensity and changes in optical absorption of thoria single crystals subject to irradiation with energetic protons at room- and elevated-temperatures. The photoluminescence peaks and the optical absorption bands are attributed to creation of new electronic states emerging from defects resulting from displacement damage. These bands are most likely associated with electrons trapped at the oxygen vacancy sites similar to color centers formed in other irradiated oxides and halides.

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