Publications by authors named "Kevin Brenner"

Introduction: Myoelectric pattern recognition systems have shown promising control of upper limb powered prostheses and are now commercially available. These pattern recognition systems typically record from up to 8 muscle sites, whereas other control systems use two-site control. While previous offline studies have shown 8 or fewer sites to be optimal, real-time control was not evaluated.

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Strain engineering is an important method for tuning the properties of semiconductors and has been used to improve the mobility of silicon transistors for several decades. Recently, theoretical studies have predicted that strain can also improve the mobility of two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors, e.g.

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This paper presents a novel method to increase the bandwidth (BW) of airborne capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs). This method introduces a gaseous squeeze film as a damping mechanism, which induces a stiffening effect that lowers the pull-in voltage and improves the sensitivity. The optimal behavior of this stiffening effect versus the damping mechanism can be controlled by creating optimized fluidic trenches of various heights within the gap.

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Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) technology has enjoyed rapid development in the last decade. Advancements both in fabrication and integration, coupled with improved modelling, has enabled CMUTs to make their way into mainstream ultrasound imaging systems and find commercial success. In this review paper, we touch upon recent advancements in CMUT technology at all levels of abstraction; modeling, fabrication, integration, and applications.

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Extensive abdominal wall defects may result from tumor extirpation, traumatic injury, or soft tissue infections. Extensive traumatic injuries can often disrupt the soft tissue content of the abdomen as well as the bony support provided by the pelvis. Reconstruction of the lower abdomen should aim to recreate dynamic stability.

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Background: Single-stage, durable aesthetic contouring of the volume-depleted and ptotic breast remains a challenge for plastic and reconstructive surgeons. These challenges are often even more difficult in the patient who has undergone massive weight loss (MWL).

Objectives: The authors describe their technique of reshaping the breasts of MWL patients with laterally-based breast flaps during a superomedial pedicle breast lift.

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The problem of reconstructing the dorsum of the nose is complex and a source of frustration for both patients and surgeons. Dorsal deficiencies due to various etiologies and the need for dorsal contouring cause the plastic surgeon to look to time-honored techniques such as osseocartilaginous rib grafts while also searching for other options that may be less technically challenging and have the benefit of temporal success. Diced cartilage wrapped with deep temporal fascia is just such a method to achieve reliable dorsal reconstructions.

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Mycobacterial breast implant infection is a rare complication after augmentation mammaplasty. A review of the literature demonstrates multiple examples of breast implant infection with Mycobacterium fortuitum, but only rare discussion of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAC). The authors report an unusual case of MAC breast implant infection in a patient with a complex surgical history.

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Treatment of saddle noses challenges the surgeon to provide esthetic form and functional improvement despite the presence of a limited amount of tissue to work with. The previous emphasis on alloplastic materials was a testament not only to the poor results obtained with autogenous tissues but also the unwarranted promise of the "miracles of modern chemistry." Only in the last 5 years have multiple surgeons begun to achieve outstanding results using autogenous tissues.

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Craniofacial surgeons are rarely presented patients with extreme hydrocephalic macrocephaly due to early diagnosis and treatment of the hydrocephalus. Macrocephaly can significantly limit or prohibit mobility, hygiene and can drastically change lifestyle and developmental issues. The authors herein report on four consecutive total cranial vault reduction cranioplasty procedures for correction of hydrocephalic macrocephaly.

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Background: Grafting the radix and dorsum of the nose has been controversial and the plastic surgery community has recently revisited diced cartilage grafts. Previous articles by the authors reported clinical failures of diced cartilage-Surgicel-wrapped grafts and the successful implementation of diced cartilage-fascia-wrapped grafts for rhinoplasty procedures. This article investigates four means of radix and dorsum augmentation, including banked and fresh septum.

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Coronal craniosynostosis of both the sporadic and syndromic types have been comprehensively described and extensively investigated. Previously, there have been no cases reported of acquired unilateral coronal craniosynostosis. We present a case of a 22-month-old male who developed a left unilateral coronal craniosynostosis following multiple surgical interventions for birth-related intracranial injuries.

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Background: Use of diced cartilage grafts in rhinoplasty surgery has recently undergone a dramatic resurgence. Some authors recommend wrapping diced cartilage with oxidized methylcellulose (i.e.

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