Publications by authors named "Kesavachandran C"

Dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls are a group of lipophilic compounds classified under persistent environmental pollutants (POPs). Significant sources of dioxin emissions include industrial effluents, open burning practices, and biomedical and municipal waste incinerators. These emissions will enter the food chain and accumulate in animal-origin foods (AOFs).

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Background: Chemical leakages cause devastating health effects on humans. On 6 February 2020, seven deaths were reported following a hazardous chemical leakage in a village in Uttar Pradesh, India. We investigated the event to identify the cause and propose recommendations.

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The World Health Organization has proposed the ambient air quality guidelines 2021. The uniqueness of the guidelines of the World Health Organization - air quality guidelines 2021 - is the inclusion of interim targets. Higher levels of air pollutants including PM for ambient air in India were recorded in recent times, and its association with respiratory and cardiovascular health risks was evidenced in the recent literature.

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is attributable to household air pollution and is known to increase the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), morbidity and mortality and women are most susceptible groups for the exposure. In order to understand the global risk among women with COPD due to exposure of household air pollutants, an evidence-based systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted. Meta regression analysis was carried out to identify potential sources of heterogeneity.

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Globally, the human population is exposed to low doses of pesticides due to its extensive use in agriculture. The chronic exposure to pesticides can lead to cancer, depression, anxiety, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases etc. Here, we have made an attempt to use mass spectrometry based metabolomics to investigate the metabolic perturbations induced by the pesticides in the urine and saliva samples of farmers from the Madhya Pradesh State of India.

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Background: To study the association between kidney injury biomarkers and urinary OH-PAH metabolites in kitchen workers, with microalbuminuria.

Methods: A cross-sectional pilot study was conducted among 120 male kitchen workers in a mega kitchen located at Coimbatore, India. Personal and sub-clinical details of study subjects were collected using a questionnaire.

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Background: Occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been shown to be associated with lung cancer in various epidemiological studies in industries such as aluminium reduction/smelting, coal gasification, coke production, iron/steel foundries, coal/coke and related products and carbon/graphite electrodes production.

Aims: To update data on the association between PAH exposure and morbidity and mortality due to lung cancer among workers in different occupations, including smoking data.

Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted to retrieve relevant papers for meta-analysis.

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Background: Although the rising pandemic of obesity has received major attention in many countries, the effects of this attention on trends and the disease burden of obesity remain uncertain.

Methods: We analyzed data from 68.5 million persons to assess the trends in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adults between 1980 and 2015.

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Background: The present study is an attempt to explore the association between kitchen indoor air pollutants and physiological profiles in kitchen workers with microalbuminuria (MAU) in north India (Lucknow) and south India (Coimbatore).

Methods: The subjects comprised 145 control subjects, 233 kitchen workers from north India and 186 kitchen workers from south India. Information related to the personal and occupational history and health of the subjects at both locations were collected using a custom-made questionnaire.

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Background: In India, non-asthmatic hospital admission case study has been conducted to find out the relationship between obesity and lung functions. The main objective of the present study was to find out the alterations in lung functions due to obesity among Indian population living at National Capital Region (NCR).

Materials And Methods: We examined 609 non obese and 211 obese subjects in a cross sectional study from National Capital Region, India with age group ranges between 18-70 years.

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Indoor air quality and heat exposure have become an important occupational health and safety concern in several workplaces including kitchens of hotels. This study investigated the heat, particulate matter (PM), total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emissions in indoor air of commercial kitchen and its association with kidney dysfunctions among kitchen workers. A cross sectional study was conducted on 94 kitchen workers employed at commercial kitchen in Lucknow city, North India.

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Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) global air quality study shows that 27 Indian cities, including New Delhi, are among the one hundred cities with the worst air quality globally. The scope of airway obstruction cases among residents in locations with critical air pollution levels like particulate matter (PM) pollutants PM and PM has not been addressed in the National Capital region, India.

Objectives: The present cross-sectional study was undertaken to assess the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV) % predicted abnormalities among residents living in the National Capital Region, India with respect to their exposure to particulate matter pollutants (PM, PM) in ambient air.

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Comparative risk assessment for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) among current, former and non-smokers categories remains controversial and not studied in detail. We conducted a meta-analysis to summarize all the relevant published studies on this topic and to update the association between smoking and prevalence of COPD in current, former and non-smokers. Identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion of articles for the study were conducted as per the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines.

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A new sample preparation technique named as fast agitated directly suspended droplet microextraction (FA-DSDME) was proposed as an improved version of directly suspended droplet microextraction (DSDME) for the extraction and pre-concentration of wide-range organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) from human blood prior to liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) analysis. In this method, instead of protecting the unwanted rupturing of extraction droplet (organic solvent), it was deliberately splintered into fine droplets by providing automated high-speed agitation to the biphasic extraction system (extraction solvent and sample solution). Fine organic droplets were then recollected into one, not by using a centrifuge machine but just by giving a very slow stirring to the bottom of the extraction system.

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A national survey has shown that approximately 75-80% use of fire wood and chips, 10% of dung cake rural women in Uttar Pradesh, India. Considering the respiratory health risk of biomass fuel exposure to women, a cross sectional study was conducted to elucidate the relationship between cooking smoke and lung function impairments. The present study showed significant decline in air flow limitation based on reduced PEFR (3.

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Background: Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 demonstrates the impact of musculoskeletal diseases as the second greatest cause of disability globally in all regions of the world. The study was conducted to determine the role of mathematically derived body volume (BV), body volume index (BVI), body mass index (BMI), body surface area (BSA) and body fat % (BF %) on musculoskeletal pain (MSP) among housewives in National Capital Region (NCR).

Methods: A cross sectional study was undertaken among 495 housewives from Gurgaon and New Okhla Industrial Development Area (NOIDA) in National Capital Region (NCR), New Delhi, India.

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Background: Non-protective work practices followed by farm workers during spraying of pesticides lead to occupational exposure among them.

Objective: This study is designed to explore the respiratory health and hematological profile of agricultural workers occupationally exposed to OP pesticides.

Materials And Methods: A cross sectional study was undertaken among 166 pesticide sprayers working in mango orchards of Lucknow district in North India compared with 77 controls to assess the respiratory illness, lung functions, cholinesterase levels and hematological profile.

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Pesticide spraying operation is associated with the increased risk of adverse health effects among sprayers who do not follow safe farm work practices. A study was conducted among pesticide sprayers in North India to evaluate the clinical and subclinical variations in their vital health parameters before and after the pesticide spraying season. Blood cholinesterase levels, pulmonary function test, nerve conduction velocity and self-reported symptoms were studied among 18 eligible and consenting male sprayers.

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Background: We assessed the health effects of hexavalent chromium groundwater contamination (from tanneries and chrome sulfate manufacturing) in Kanpur, India.

Methods: The health status of residents living in areas with high Cr (VI) groundwater contamination (N = 186) were compared to residents with similar social and demographic features living in communities having no elevated Cr (VI) levels (N = 230). Subjects were recruited at health camps in both the areas.

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Background: Various procedures, especially minimal invasive techniques using fluoroscopy, pose a risk of radiation exposure to orthopaedic staff. Anatomical sites such as the eyes, thyroid glands and hands are more vulnerable to radiation considering the limited use of personal protective devices in the workplace. The objective of the study is to assess the annual mean cumulative and per procedure radiation dose received at anatomical locations like eyes, thyroid glands and hands in orthopaedic staff using systematic review.

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To the best of our knowledge, this chapter constitutes the first systematic review of radiation exposure to eyes, thyroid, and hands for Interventional Cardiology (IC) staff. We have concluded from our review that these anatomical locations are likely to be exposed to radiation as a result of the limited use of personal protective equipment (PPE) among IC staff as shown in Fig. 8.

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Introduction: Healthcare workers (HCW) are exposed to infectious agents. Disease surveillance is therefore needed in order to foster prevention.

Methods: The data of the compensation board that covers HCWs of non-governmental healthcare providers in Germany was analysed for a five-year period.

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The World Health Organization has estimated that air pollution is responsible for 1.4 % of all deaths and 0.8 % of disability-adjusted life years.

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Background & Objectives: Several studies have raised the suspicion that the body mass index (BMI) cut-off for overweight as defined by the WHO may not adequately reflect the actual overweight status. The present study looked at the relationship between BMI and body fat per cent (BF %) / health risks (hypertension and type 2 diabetes) in male residents of Lucknow city, north India to evaluate the validity of BMI cut-off points for overweight.

Methods: One thousand one hundred and eleven male volunteer subjects (18-69 yr) who participated in different programmes organized by the Institute during 2005 to 2008 were included in the study.

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