Publications by authors named "Kentaro Takahama"

The effects of light-emitting diode (LED) irradiation characterized by different emission wavelengths on the E/Z-isomerization and degradation of astaxanthin were investigated. LED irradiation slightly promoted Z-isomerization of astaxanthin, whereas the all-E-isomerization was highly efficiently promoted at specific wavelengths, especially at 365 nm. Astaxanthin isomers did not degrade significantly when dissolved in ethanol and subjected to LED irradiation conditions for 300 min.

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Human telomere DNA (Htelo) and telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) are integral telomere components containing the short DNA repeats d(TTAGGG) and RNA repeats r(UUAGGG), respectively. Htelo and TERRA form G-quadruplexes, but the biological significance of their G-quadruplex formation in telomeres is unknown. Compounds that selectively bind G-quadruplex DNA and RNA are useful for understanding the functions of each G-quadruplex.

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Managing protein-protein interactions is essential for resolving unknown biological events at the molecular level and developing drugs. We have designed and synthesized a side-chain-crosslinked helical peptides based on the binding domain of a pro-apoptotic protein (Bad) that induces programmed cell death. The peptide showed high helical content and bound to its target, Bcl-XL, more strongly than its non-crosslinked counterparts.

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Telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA), which contains tandem arrays of short RNA repeats, r(UUAGGG), is an integral component of the telomere and contributes to telomeric heterochromatin formation and telomere-length regulation. TERRA forms a G-quadruplex, but the biologic significance of its G-quadruplex formation is unknown. Compounds that selectively bind to G-quadruplex RNA are useful for understanding G-quadruplex TERRA.

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Mammalian telomeres comprise noncoding TTAGGG repeats in double-stranded regions with a single-stranded TTAGGG repeat 3' overhang and are bound by a multiprotein complex with a telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) containing a UUAGGG repeat as a G-quadruplex noncoding RNA. TLS/FUS is a human telomere-binding protein that was first identified as an oncogenic fusion protein in human myxoid and round-cell liposarcoma. Here, we show that the Arg-Gly-Gly domain in the C-terminal region of TLS forms a ternary complex with human telomere G-quadruplex DNA and TERRA in vitro.

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The G-quadruplex nucleic acid structural motif is a target for designing molecules with potential anticancer properties. To achieve therapeutic selectivity by targeting the G-quadruplex, the molecules must be able to differentiate between the DNA of different G-quadruplexes. We recently reported that the Arg-Gly-Gly repeat (RGG) of the C-terminus in Ewing's sarcoma protein (EWS), which is a group of dominant oncogenes that arise due to chromosomal translocations, is capable of binding to G-quadruplex telomere DNA and RNA via arginine residues and stabilize the G-quadruplex DNA form in vitro.

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The Ewing's sarcoma (EWS) oncogene contains an N-terminal transcription activation domain and a C-terminal RNA-binding domain. Although the EWS activation domain is a potent transactivation domain that is required for the oncogenic activity of several EWS fusion proteins, the normal role of intact EWS is poorly characterized because little is known about its nucleic acid recognition specificity. Here we show that the Arg-Gly-Gly (RGG) domain of the C-terminal in EWS binds to the G-rich single-stranded DNA and RNA fold in the G-quadruplex structure.

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TLS (Translocated in liposarcoma) has been characterized as a rearranged gene in chromosomal translocations specific of human myxoid liposarcoma. The various cellular functions of TLS participating either in transcription or splicing processes are thought the involvement of an interaction of TLS with DNA and/or RNA. To investigate insight into DNA-TLS interaction, we performed Electrophoretic mobility shift assay of TLS with G-quadruplex DNA.

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The TET-family proteins (TAF15, EWS and TLS) are the RNA binding proteins involved in multiple levels of cellular functions. The RNA binding domain of those proteins is known as the important region for cellular functions. But little is known about the RNA binding specificity of TET-family proteins.

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