Publications by authors named "Kentaro Mizuno"

We present the case of a 12-year-old girl with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) of a solitary kidney treated using a modified hydrodistention implantation technique. A needle was set parallel to the ureteral guidewire inserted through the ureteral orifice before performing injections to correct VUR. Multi-site tandem injections were administered along the wire, which confirmed the direction and length of the ureteral tunnel.

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Reports of hydronephrosis-induced hypertension in pediatric patients are rare. A 7-year-old girl with hypertension was referred to our hospital with left hydronephrosis caused by ureteropelvic junction obstruction of the lower moiety in a partial duplex system. Because the lower moiety was almost nonfunctional, a laparoscopic heminephrectomy was performed.

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Prostate cancer (PC) is common among men and has become a significant societal issue. Localized PC has a good prognosis with appropriate treatment. Prostatectomy, particularly robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP), has become a common treatment since the da Vinci prostatectomy was approved by the FDA in 2001.

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  • Hemiscrotal agenesis is a rare condition where one side of the scrotum is not developed, often treated surgically with techniques like orchiopexy or scrotoplasty, although there are very few documented cases (only eight).
  • A case study of a 6-year-old boy showed increased temperature in the undeveloped side of the scrotum, but his parents opted against surgery, and ultrasound tests showed both testes were normal.
  • The findings suggest that the higher temperature in hemiscrotal agenesis without cryptorchidism might not hinder testicular growth in young boys.
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  • * A total of 149,417 patients were analyzed, with significant numbers reported for each type of surgery between 2018 and 2021, such as 22,692 radical prostatectomies performed in 2021 alone.
  • * Findings indicate a shift from open surgery to robot-assisted or laparoscopic techniques, highlighting the NCD's role in monitoring trends in urological surgeries.
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Introduction: Ureteropelvic junction obstruction is often associated with renal calculus formation. However, there is no report of using robot-assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty combined with percutaneous endoscopic surgery for ureteropelvic junction obstruction and renal calculi in a partial duplex system.

Case Presentation: A 19-year-old female patient with lower moiety ureteropelvic junction obstruction and renal calculi in a partial duplex system was referred to our hospital because of left lumbar pain, left acute pyelonephritis, and an increase in left renal calculi during follow-up at the referral hospital.

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Context: We have previously reported that a specific "AGATC" haplotype in a >34 kb tight linkage disequilibrium (LD) block within ESR1 is strongly associated with cryptorchidism and hypospadias in Japanese boys.

Objective: We aimed to determine the true susceptibility factor for cryptorchidism and hypospadias linked to the "AGATC" haplotype.

Methods: We performed various molecular studies in hitherto unreported 230 Italian boys (80 with cryptorchidism and 150 with normal genitalia) and previously reported and newly recruited 415 Japanese boys (149 with cryptorchidism, 141 with hypospadias, and 125 with normal genitalia).

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Objectives: The 2021 European Association of Urology-European Society for Paediatric Urology guidelines on Pediatric Urology recommended testis-sparing surgery (TSS) as the primary approach to treat prepubertal testicular tumors exhibiting favorable preoperative ultrasound diagnoses. However, prepubertal testicular tumors are rare and clinical data regarding them is limited. Here, we analyzed the surgical management of prepubertal testicular tumors based on cases observed over approximately 30 years.

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Urgent scrotal exploration is performed for segmental testicular infarction (STI) because malignant testicular tumors cannot be ruled out even when STI is suspected on color Doppler ultrasound (US). This report describes the case of a 14-year-old boy who was successfully diagnosed with STI associated with epididymitis using color Doppler US to avoid radical orchiectomy. To our knowledge, this is the first report of STI being diagnosed during puberty and managed using color Doppler US and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging-guided conservative treatment.

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Background: The sperm retrieval rate of microdissection testicular sperm extraction varies from 25% to 60%. Therefore, it is necessary to establish objective selection criteria for identifying seminiferous tubules with spermatozoa.

Objectives: Our aim was to develop a method for identifying spermatogenesis without sectioning testicular tissues.

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Ureterocele prolapse, an unusual but distinctive finding, may cause voiding difficulty. A 6-year-old male patient was referred to our hospital after his mother discovered that he tapped his lower abdomen when his urinary stream was interrupted during voiding. Voiding cystourethrography indicated a ureterocele prolapse causing the intermittency of voiding; therefore, transvesicoscopic ureteral reimplantation with ureterocelectomy was performed and the voiding consequently improved.

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Introduction: Crossed fused renal ectopia is rare and usually asymptomatic. However, it is associated with urological anomalies.

Case Presentation: A 15-year-old Japanese boy was transported to our hospital with right abdominal pain and hematuria after a soccer ball hit his right abdomen.

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Introduction: Primary obstructed non-refluxing megaureter, a type of congenitally dilated ureter, often resolves spontaneously. Surgery may be indicated in symptomatic cases; however, there are no reports of transvesicoscopic ureteral implantation and ureteroscopy for ureteral stones. Therefore, we describe the treatment of primary obstructed non-refluxing megaureter and ureteral calculi using this technique.

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Background: Although clozapine-induced granulocytopenia (CIG) is less severe than clozapine-induced agranulocytosis (CIA), and some patients with CIG may not go on to develop serious complications, clozapine is discontinued in cases of both CIA and CIG. Understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of CIA/CIG could provide better management of clozapine therapy. Recently, as a mechanistic insight into adaptive immune systems, European groups reported clozapine-specific proliferative responses and clozapine-specific T cells using blood taken from patients with CIA and/or CIG.

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Article Synopsis
  • The traditional approach for reimplanting an ectopic ureter is open surgery, but newer minimally invasive methods like laparoscopic surgery are becoming more common for treating pediatric urological issues.
  • A 15-day-old boy with hydronephrosis was diagnosed with ureteral duplication and had recurrent urinary tract infections, leading to a surgical intervention at 2 years and 5 months to address the dilated ectopic ureter.
  • The surgery was successfully performed using a transvesicoscopic technique, highlighting the benefits of minimally invasive methods in reimplanting ureters in complex cases.
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Aim: Supporting patients upon discharge following prolonged hospitalization in private psychiatric hospitals in Japan have long been an issue. This study evaluated the efficacy of clozapine in treating long-stay patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia to reduce the frequency and duration of readmissions postdischarge.

Methods: We retrospectively examined the length and frequency of hospitalizations of long-stay and non-long-stay patients with schizophrenia who were introduced to clozapine at our hospital.

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An ectopic ureter is a significant urinary tract malformation often treated during early childhood and is surgically managed based on its condition. Generally, only extravesical ureteral reimplantation is available as a treatment option for an ectopic ureter with well-preserved renal function. This report describes a case of a 28-months-old girl with an ectopic ureter in a single system who experienced repeated febrile urinary tract infections, successfully treated using a transvesicoscopic ureteral reimplantation as a minimally invasive treatment.

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Purpose: In cryptorchidism, germ cell development failure presents from infancy and may be reflected by altered hormonal levels produced by Sertoli cells. Our object was to assess for associations between serum hormone levels and testicular histopathology in cryptorchidism with an infertility risk according to the pretreatment undescended testicular positions.

Materials And Methods: Prepubertal cryptorchid boys aged 7-91 (median 20) months who underwent orchidopexy between 2014 and 2019 were included (122 unilateral [median 19 months {range 7-91}], 23 bilateral [24 months {11-81}]).

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Posterior urethral valves (PUVs) are the most common cause of congenital urethral obstruction. However, the diagnosis of a PUV is sometimes difficult. A 13-year-old Japanese boy and his mother visited our hospital, and his mother complained that he frequently strained to void although he had no complaint.

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Background: To investigate the efficacy and safety of endoscopic injection therapy for vesicoureteral reflux in post-pubertal patients with dilated ureteral orifice via modified hydrodistension implantation techniques.

Methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records including operational procedure and clinical course of all consecutive patients over 12 years old with a history of injection therapy. Endoscopic injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid copolymer was performed under hydrodistension implantation technique with some modifications in order to inject through dilated ureteral orifice align with the intramural ureter.

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Background: Myelomeningocele, which causes a neurogenic bladder, is usually treated with anticholinergics in children with neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO); however, anticholinergics cause side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, attention deficit, and inadequate reduction in detrusor leak point pressure. Vibegron, a novel selective beta-3 adrenoreceptor agonist, is a well-established alternative to anticholinergics in adults with an overactive bladder. It remains unknown whether this agent can be used for pediatric patients.

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The standard treatments for muscle-invasive bladder cancer with no metastasis are total cystectomy and urinary diversion. Although robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) was covered from April 2018 by the Japanese National Health Insurance system, and the number of RARC is increasing, there has been no pediatric case report on RARC in Japan. We report the case of a 6-year-old Japanese girl who was referred to our hospital with the chief complaint of a vulvar tumor protrusion during defecation.

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Background: Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) is a rare anomaly in which both testes descend through a single inguinal canal into the same hemiscrotum. Although almost 20-50% of patients with TTE exhibit persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) and many genetic analyses have been performed, no reports have described the genes contributing to TTE without PMDS. Here, we report two cases of TTE without PMDS using immunohistochemical staining and genetic analysis.

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Background: Most cases of antenatal the Society of Fetal Urology (SFU) grade 1or 2 hydronephrosis (HN) improve or resolve spontaneously with conservative treatment. However, there is no consensus on the duration of follow-up for cases of grade 1or 2 HN. The aim of this study was to determine the need for continuous follow-up period and new management of children with antenatal grade 1or 2 HN.

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