In recent years there has been a great deal of research into environmental pollution using a variety of techniques in response to growing environmental concerns. Convergence analysis, one of these techniques, helps determine whether the developing countries will catch up with the rich countries in pollution using unit root tests. However, the vast majority of the research in the field has generally used conventional unit root tests.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFColloids Surf B Biointerfaces
September 2019
Tuning the adsorption and desorption rate constant of proteins is a hot topic for broad range of applications in biotechnology and medical science; especially controlled drug delivery and protein separation are the prominent examples in this field. In this study, Gel-MNPs (Poly(N-isopropylacrylamid) PNIPA-Magnetic Nano Particles) composites were synthesized by using different concentrations of monomer and cross-linker to observe the effect of gel morphology on the adsorption and desorption rate constant and kinetics of lysozyme protein. The synthesized composites were characterized by XRD, VSM, SEM and FTIR techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Nanosci Nanotechnol
January 2017
Herein, we report the fabrication and characterization of Camphor Sulfonic Acid (CSA) doped Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) nanofilms prepared at different substrate temperature on glass by simple wire bar coating method. Spectroscopic, optic, structural and electrical properties of the prepared nanofilms were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), UV-Visible spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, NKD spectroscopy, SEM and DC electrical measurements. The detailed electrical characterizations revealed that the conductivity of the P3HT nanofilms increased when the films are doped with CSA and the conductivity increased from 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl
November 2016
In this study, Fe3O4 Nanorod-PNIPA Nanogel Composite nanomaterial is synthesized, characterized and used for lysozyme adsorption. XRD, ATR-FTIR, AFM and SEM measurements reveal that nanorods-nanogels composite was prepared successfully. The diameter of nanorods and the average particle size of nanogels are found around 150nm and 300nm, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: The aim of this study was to report our experience with a 64-channel computerized tomography (CT) scanner as the primary choice on the detection of intracranial aneurysms. Comparison of intracranial aneurysms with the simulated images obtained via three-dimensional computed tomography angiography (3D-CTA) in pterional approach was also aimed.
Material And Methods: Among 288 consecutive patients who had intracranial aneurysms detected on 64-slice CTA, a total of 337 aneurysms were detected.
Aim: We examined the cavernous sinus invasion and tumor biological markers that influence the remission rate. Cavernous sinus (CS) invasion was evaluated radiologically. Tumor biological markers consisting of the tumor cell growth parameter Ki-67 and the cancer cell vasculature marker of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc
January 2016
The effect of UV-light on the uniaxial tensile properties and the structure of uncoated and TiO2 coated silk fibers in the bave form by using sol-gel method was investigated with tensile testing and FT-IR/ATR spectroscopy methods after the silk filaments were exposed to UV-light with high intensity of 760W/m(2) for different times from 0.5h to 1day. It was clearly observed that TiO2 coating considerably increased the Young's modulus of the uncoated silk single filament by around 17% before the UV-irradiation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn extended endoscopic transsphenoidal approach is required for skull base lesions extending to the suprasellar area. Inferior approach using the infrachiasmatic corridor allows access to the lesions through the tumor growth that is favorable for the extended transsphenoidal approaches. Infrachiasmatic corridor is a safer route for the inferior approaches that is made up by basal arachnoid membrane and Liliequist's membrane with its leaves (diencephalic and mesencephalic leaf).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma is an extremely rare malignant neoplasm presenting with the characteristics of a malignant teratoma and carcinosarcoma. The most common sites of origin of teratocarcinosarcomas are the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The clinical presentation is usually with nasal obstruction and episodes of epistaxis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAneurysms protruding into sellae may mimic pituitary tumors by compressing adjacent cranial nerves. Carotid-Cavernous aneurysms are rarely associated with mortality, and surgical intervention is recommended especially for neuro-ophthalmologic progression. In this report we presented a 51-year-old woman who had severe headache and neuro-ophthalmologic signs with the initial diagnosis of pituitary apoplexy on MRI (Magnetic Resonanse Imaging).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Neurochir (Wien)
September 2013
Background: Pseudocapsules were first identified in pituitary adenoma surgery in 1936. Since then, the distinction between pituitary capsules and pseudocapsules has been unclear, and the definitions of these entities have varied. In this study, pituitary capsules and extracapsular dissection were examined retrospectively, intra- and extrapseudocapsular resection was evaluated, and dissection of the pituitary adenoma and pseudocapsule was examined prospectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNanoscale Res Lett
November 2012
For this study, we prepared colloidal CdS quantum dots using 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane as capping agent. Colloidal CdS quantum dots were directly deposited on glass substrates by a spin-coating process. Coated substrates were heat-treated between 225°C and 325°C for various heat treatment time intervals to investigate the growth kinetics of the quantum dots.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: Fibrous dysplasia is a benign disease in which medullary bone is replaced by fibro-osseous tissue, and causes distortion and overgrowth of the involved bone and represents about 3% of all bone tumors. There is variability in the manifestation of Fibrous Dysplasia lesions with imaging techniques due to their proportional variations of fibrous to osseous tissue. Radiological differential diagnoses include meningioma, chordoma on MRI and Paget disease on CT imagings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There are several reports about the microanatomical and histological features of sellar and parasellar membranous structures and clinical studies about MMP proteinase as a predictive factor. However, studies on collagen contents of sellar and parasellar membranous structures are limited. We demonstrated the membranous structures surrounding the pituitary gland and defined extracellular matrix (ECM) collagenous proteins, collagen I-IV expression patterns of sellar and parasellar connective tissues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: There are two major problems for the pituitary adenomas invading the Cavernous Sinus (CS); differentiation of extension and invasion and inability to demonstrate the medial wall via preoperative imaging methods. Two important corridors are defined in endoscopic cavernous sinus approaches; the lateral and medial corridor.
Material And Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed in 400 endoscopic transphenoidal approaches and 360 pituitary adenomas underwent endoscopic transphenoidal surgery in our department between September 1997 and December 2010.
Background: Thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic intervention carries a significant risk of spinal cord ischemia. The pathophysiologic mechanisms that cause hypoxic/ischemic injury to the spinal cord have not been totally explained. In normal spinal cord, neurons and glial cells do not express type IV collagen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Liliequist's membrane is mostly described as having a diencephalic leaf, mesencephalic leaf, and diencephalic-mesencephalic leaves in the literature. Also different descriptions of the prepontine membranes were reported. In this study, we visualized the regular structural forms of membranes without disturbing any attachments and defined infrachiasmatic and prepontine safety zones.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Visual field analyses reflect the degree of the compression to the optic nerve that results the structural damage of the nerve. These structural damages can be evaluated by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which assesses the structural integrity of white matter tracts. Thus, we evaluated the quantitative assessment of early visual recovery in patients with pituitary macroadenomas, corresponding DTI with visual field analyses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Neurochir (Wien)
January 2011
Purpose: Removal of tuberculum sella (TS) meningiomas is traditionally performed through transcranial approaches. Wide use of the endoscope in transphenoidal pituitary surgery is recently accessible through the tuberculum sellae with an endoscope-assisted or purely endoscopic technique. Extended endoscopic approach is an important and alternative route for meningiomas, which are located on the midline originating from the tuberculum sella.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTectocerebellar dysraphism is a very rare malformation associated with encephalocele and tectal deformity. This article presents tectocerebellar dysraphism with a solely vermian content of encephalocele and tectal beaking defined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a 5-month-old girl who was successfully treated surgically and demonstrated excellent prognosis at the 4-year follow-up.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: Smoking is an extremely important risk factor for subarachnoid hemorrhage and seems to increase rupture risk of unruptured aneurysms by accelerating their growth rate. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of smoking on the luminal diameter with wall thicknesses of rat basilar arteries and to detect alterations of inducible nitric oxide synthase and endothelin-converting enzyme -1 in the endothelial cells.
Material And Methods: Rats were divided into two groups.
Object: In this report, the authors describe their experience with surgical access to the cavernous sinus via a fully transnasal endoscopic approach in 20 cases. Clinical and endocrinological follow-up are discussed.
Methods: The authors used an endoscopic transsphenoidal approach in 192 patients with pituitary adenomas between September 1997 and January 2008, adding a cavernous sinus approach in 20 patients with invasive tumors during the last 5 years of this period [corrected].
The endoscopic transsphenoidal approach has been reported in the literature as a useful tool to treat sellar and parasellar lesions. The endoscope permits a panoramic view instead of the narrow microscopic view, and it allows the inspection and removal of the lesions of sellar, parasellar, and suprasellar compartments by angled-lens endoscopes. On the basis of the experience gained with the use of the endoscope, we have performed extended endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach in 13 of 200 (total endoscopic transphenoidal approaches since September 1997) patients for the last 5 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFollowing the significant advances in neuroradiology, it has been now recognized that an intracranial arteriovenous malformation (AVM) lesion and vascular aneurysm(s) might coexist more often than estimated before. A58-yearold female seen due to a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) was subsequently shown to have an AVM lesion fed by the pericallosal frontopolar, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery along with three cerebral aneurysms. The AVM lesion was totally excised and the coexisting aneurysms were successfully clipped.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The management of epidural hematoma is classified into surgical or conservative treatment according to clinical and radiologic parameters. In the recent years, the number of paper suggesting conservative management has been increasing. The experimental works that have been performed are based on especially the effects of epidural hematomas.
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