Publications by authors named "Ken W Ashwell"

The last known Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus)-aka the thylacine-died in 1936. Because its natural behavior was never scientifically documented, we are left to infer aspects of its behavior from museum specimens and historical recollections of bushmen. Recent advances in brain imaging have made it possible to scan postmortem specimens of a wide range of animals, even more than a decade old.

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A quantitative comparison of the internal diameters of cerebral feeder arteries (internal carotid and vertebral) and the aorta in developing non-human eutherians, metatherians and monotremes has been made, with the aim of determining if there are differences in cerebral arterial flow between the three infraclasses of mammals such as might reflect differences in metabolism of the developing brain. There were no significant differences between eutherians and metatherians in the internal radius of the aorta or the thickness of the aortic wall, but aortic internal radius was significantly smaller in developing monotremes than therians at the < 10 mm body length range. Aortic thickness in the developing monotremes also rose at a slower rate relative to body length than in metatherians or eutherians.

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Specializations of the trigeminal sensory system are present in all three infraclasses of mammals (metatheria, eutheria, prototheria or monotremata). The trigeminal sensory system has been suggested as a critically important modality for sampling the path to the pouch and detecting the nipple or milk patch, but the degree to which that system may be required to function at birth varies significantly. Archived sections of the snout and brainstem of embryonic and postnatal mammals were used to test the relationship between structural maturity of the two ends of the trigeminal nerve pathway and the body size of mammalian young in metatherians, rodents and monotremes.

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The embryonic and early fetal human brain is known to undergo extraordinary expansion of its cellular population during embryonic and early fetal life, and is critically dependant on a steady supply of nutrients and oxygen for proper brain development. Quantitative analysis of the internal radius of the aorta and cerebral arteries in a range of eutherian mammals has been used to compare arterial flow to the developing human brain with that to the brains of non-human eutherians. Human embryos showed a much steeper rise of internal radius of the aorta with increasing body size than the embryos of non-human eutherians, but the thickness of the aorta rose at the same pace relative to body size in both humans and non-humans, suggesting that aortic pressure is similar in all eutherian embryos of a similar size.

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Extant eutherians exhibit a wide range of adult brain sizes and degree of cortical gyrification. Quantitative analysis of parietal isocortical sections held in museum collections was used to compare the pace of somatosensory cortex development relative to body size and pallial thickness among diverse eutherian embryos, foetuses, and neonates. Analysis indicated that, for most eutherians, cortical plate aggregation begins at about 6-18 mm greatest length or about 120-320 µm pallial thickness.

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Metatherians and monotremes are born in an immature state, followed by prolonged nurturing by maternal lactation. Quantitative analysis of isocortical sections held in the collections at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin was used to compare the pace of somatosensory cortex development relative to body size and pallial thickness between metatherian groups, monotremes, and the laboratory rat. Analysis indicated that the pace of pallial growth in the monotremes is much lower than that in the metatherians or laboratory rat, with an estimated 8.

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The Tachyglossidae (long- and short-beaked echidnas) are a family of monotremes, confined to Australia and New Guinea, that exhibit striking trigeminal, olfactory and cortical specialisations. Several species of long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus robusta, Zaglossus hacketti, Megalibgwilia ramsayi) were part of the large-bodied (10 kg or more) fauna of Pleistocene Australasia, but only the diminutive (2-7 kg) Tachyglossus aculeatus is widespread today on the Australian mainland. We used high-resolution CT scanning and other osteological techniques to determine whether the remarkable neurological specialisations of modern echidnas were also present in Pleistocene forms or have undergone modification as the Australian climate changed in the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene.

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Marsupials are born in an immature state, followed by prolonged nurturing of pouch young by maternal lactation. Spinal cord sections held in the collections at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin were used to test the relationship between structural maturity of the spinal cord and the locomotor challenges that face young marsupials and monotremes. Analysis of variance indicated that body length is a much stronger determinant of variation in anatomical measures of spinal cord maturation than mammal type.

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The young of marsupials and monotremes are all born in an immature state, followed by prolonged nurturing by maternal lactation in either a pouch or nest. Nevertheless, the level of locomotor ability required for newborn marsupials and monotremes to reach the safety of the pouch or nest varies considerably: some are transferred to the pouch or nest in an egg (monotremes); others are transferred passively by gravity (e.g.

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Radial glial cells represent a subpopulation of secondary neural precursor cells that differentiate from neuroepithelial progenitors and are transiently found in the developing CNS of mammals. There is ample evidence for a temporal and spatial arrangement of increasingly committed radial glial cells that is of critical importance for the organisation and specification of different brain regions. For the human ganglionic eminence, recent findings have shown an early molecular specification of this cell type by the CD15 carbohydrate epitope, beginning already at the end of the first trimester.

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Both lineages of the modern monotremes have been reported to be capable of electroreception using the trigeminal pathways and it has been argued that electroreception arose in an aquatic platypus-like ancestor of both modern monotreme groups. On the other hand, the trigeminal sensory nuclear complex of the platypus is highly modified for processing tactile and electrosensory information from the bill, whereas the trigeminal sensory nuclear complex of the short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) is not particularly specialized. If the common ancestor for both platypus and echidna were an electroreceptively and trigeminally specialized aquatic feeder, one would expect the early stages of development of the trigeminal sensory nuclei in both species to show evidence of structural specialization from the outset.

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The monotremes are a unique group of mammals whose young are incubated in a leathery-shelled egg and fed with milk from teatless areolae after hatching. As soon as they hatch, monotreme young must be able to maneuver around the nest or maternal pouch to locate the areolae and stimulate milk ejection. In the present study, the embryological collections at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, have been used to follow the development of the monotreme cerebellum through incubation and lactational phases, to determine whether cerebellar circuitry is able to contribute to the coordination of locomotion in the monotreme hatchling, and to correlate cerebellar development with behavioral maturation.

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The living monotremes (platypus and echidnas) are distinguished by the development of their young in a leathery-shelled egg, a low and variable body temperature and a primitive teat-less mammary gland. Their young are hatched in an immature state and must deal with the external environment, with all its challenges of hypothermia and stress, as well as sourcing nutrients from the maternal mammary gland. The Hill and Hubrecht embryological collections have been used to follow the structural development of the monotreme hypothalamus and its connections with the pituitary gland both in the period leading up to hatching and during the lactational phase of development, and to relate this structural maturation to behavioural development.

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The modern monotremes (platypus and echidnas) are characterized by development of their young in a leathery egg that is laid into a nest or abdominal pouch. At hatching, the young are externally immature, with forelimbs capable of digitopalmar prehension, but hindlimbs little advanced beyond limb buds. The embryological collections at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin were used to examine the development of the spinal cord and early peripheral nervous system in developing monotremes and to correlate this with known behavioural development.

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The extant monotremes (platypus and echidnas) are believed to all be capable of electroreception in the trigeminal pathways, although they differ significantly in the number and distribution of electroreceptors. It has been argued by some authors that electroreception was first developed in an aquatic environment and that echidnas are descended from a platypus-like ancestor that invaded an available terrestrial habitat. If this were the case, one would expect the developmental trajectories of the trigeminal pathways to be similar in the early stages of platypus and short-beaked echidna development, with structural divergence occurring later.

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The two groups of living monotremes (platypus and echidnas) have remarkably different olfactory structures in the adult. The layers of the main olfactory bulb of the short-beaked echidna are extensively folded, whereas those of the platypus are not. Similarly, the surface area of the piriform cortex of the echidna is large and its lamination complex, whereas in the platypus it is small and simple.

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Both lineages of the modern monotremes have distinctive features in the cerebral cortex, but the developmental mechanisms that produce such different adult cortical architecture remain unknown. Similarly, nothing is known about the differences and/or similarities between monotreme and therian cortical development. We have used material from the Hill embryological collection to try to answer key questions concerning cortical development in monotremes.

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The living monotremes (platypus and echidnas) are distinguished from therians as well as each other in part by the unusual structure of the thalamus in each. In particular, the platypus has an enlarged ventral posterior (VP) nucleus reflecting the great behavioural importance of trigeminosensation and electroreception. The embryological collections of the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin were used to analyse the development of the dorsal thalamus and ventral thalamus (prethalamus) in both species.

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The monotremes are an intriguing group of mammals that have major differences in their reproductive physiology and lactation from therian mammals. Monotreme young hatch from leathery skinned eggs and are nourished by milk secreted onto areolae rather than through nipples. Parturition and lactation are in part controlled through the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus.

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The present study investigated the prenatal development of the cyto- and chemoarchitecture of the human nucleus of the solitary tract from 9 to 35 weeks, by using Nissl staining and immunoreactivity to calbindin, calretinin, tyrosine hydroxylase and GAP-43. The nucleus began to gain heterogeneity and show different subnuclei as early as 13 weeks, and approached cytoarchitectural maturation from 21 to 25 weeks. The subnuclear division pattern observed in the fetal nucleus of the solitary tract at 25 weeks was very similar to that of the adult.

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The cyto- and chemoarchitecture of the anterior olfactory nucleus and piriform cortex of the short-beaked echidna and platypus were studied to determine: (1) if these areas contain chemically distinct subdivisions, and (2) if the chemoarchitecture of those cortical olfactory regions differs from therians. Nissl and myelin staining were applied in conjunction with enzyme reactivity for NADPH diaphorase and acetylcholinesterase, and immunoreactivity for calcium-binding proteins (parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin) and tyrosine hydroxylase. Golgi impregnations were also available for the echidna.

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This study was undertaken to determine whether the olfactory tubercles of two monotremes (platypus and echidna) showed cyto- or chemoarchitectural differences from the tubercles of therian mammals. Nissl staining was applied in conjunction with enzyme reactivity for NADPH diaphorase and acetylcholinesterase, and immunoreactivity for calcium binding proteins (parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin) and tyrosine hydroxylase (echidna only). Golgi impregnations of the tubercle were also available for the echidna.

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The cyto- and chemoarchitecture of the olfactory bulb of two monotremes (shortbeaked echidna and platypus) was studied to determine if there are any chemoarchitectural differences from therian mammals. Nissl staining in conjunction with enzyme reactivity for NADPH diaphorase, and immunoreactivity for calcium binding proteins (parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin), neuropeptide Y, tyrosine hydroxylase and non-phosphorylated neurofilament protein (SMI-32 antibody) were applied to the echidna. Material from platypus bulb was Nissl stained, immunoreacted for calretinin, or stained for NADPH diaphorase.

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We have examined the cyto- and chemoarchitecture of the trigeminal nuclei of two monotremes using Nissl staining, enzyme reactivity for cytochrome oxidase, immunoreactivity for calcium binding proteins and non-phosphorylated neurofilament (SMI-32 antibody) and lectin histochemistry (Griffonia simplicifolia isolectin B4). The principal trigeminal nucleus and the oralis and interpolaris spinal trigeminal nuclei were substantially larger in the platypus than in either the echidna or rat, but the caudalis subnucleus was similar in size in both monotremes and the rat. The numerical density of Nissl stained neurons was higher in the principal, oralis and interpolaris nuclei of the platypus relative to the echidna, but similar to that in the rat.

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We have used carbocyanine dye tracing from the brachium of the superior colliculus in conjunction with Nissl staining and immunohistochemistry to GAP-43 and calretinin to study the development of retinal projections to the superior colliculus in 17 human embryos and fetuses aged from 8 to 28 weeks. Lamination of the superior colliculus begins to emerge by 11 weeks, and by 16 weeks all seven layers of the mature superior colliculus are visible. Fibres immunoreactive to GAP-43 were seen at 13 weeks in the most superficial layers.

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