Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol
September 2008
Objective/hypothesis: To assess the outcomes of management of unilateral vocal fold paralysis by ansa-RLN reinnervation in a series of patients ages 12-21.
Study Design: Clinical outcomes study.
Methods: Six consecutive adolescents and young adults (ages 12-21 years) seeking treatment for unilateral vocal fold paralysis and glottal incompetence underwent ansa-RLN neurorraphy.
Objectives: We measured the effects of cricotracheal resection on the adult female voice.
Methods: Voice recordings of 14 women (mean age, 53 years; range, 35 to 69 years) who underwent cricotracheal resection for chronic airway obstruction associated with idiopathic laryngotracheal stenosis were acquired before and after surgery. The recordings were analyzed with voice analysis software.