Publications by authors named "Kelly P Grogan"

The objective of this research was to develop a method suitable for the determination of aqueous concentrations of radioactive iodine as I2, I(-), and IO3(-). As one of the primary risk-drivers and contaminants of concern at nuclear waste repositories, the accurate determination of (129)I in aqueous systems is of significant concern. The redox-active nature of iodine makes its mobility and fate in the environment difficult to predict, thus underscoring the importance of species-specific determination of iodine concentrations.

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The objective of this research was to develop a scintillating anion exchange resin selective for monitoring (129)I at concentrations at or below ~0.4 Bq/L. One of the primary long-term risk-drivers and contaminants associated with nuclear waste sites is (129)I.

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The effect of the spatial variability of K(d) on calculations of contaminant travel time in the vadose zone was determined. Depth discrete measurements of K(d) were made for a suite of radionuclides ((109)Cd, (57)Co, (60)Co, (85)Sr, (137)Cs, and (88)Y) utilizing a sediment core from the E-Area at the Savannah River Site. The K(d)'s were ordered as (85)Sr(2+) < (137)Cs(+) < (109)Cd(2+) < (57)Co(2+) = (60)Co(2+) << (88)Y(3+) and the values generally fell below or near the lowest quartile of values reported in the literature.

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