Research indicates that, owing to the enhanced grain-filling rate of tetraploid rice, its yield has notably improved compared to previous levels. Studies conducted on diploid rice have revealed that optimal planting density and fertilization rates play crucial roles in regulating rice yield. In this study, we investigated the effects of different nitrogen application and planting density treatments on the growth, development, yield, and nitrogen utilization in tetraploid (represented by T7, an indica-japonica conventional allotetraploid rice) and diploid rice (Fengliangyou-4, represented by FLY4, a two-line super hybrid rice used as a reference variety for the approval of super rice with a good grain yield performance).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhotosynthetic induction and stomatal kinetics are acknowledged as pivotal factors in regulating both plant growth and water use efficiency under fluctuating light conditions. However, the considerable variability in methodologies and light regimes used to assess the dynamics of photosynthesis () and stomatal conductance () during light induction across studies poses challenges for comparison across species. Moreover, the influence of stomatal morphology on both steady-state and non-steady-state remains poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe grain yield is closely associated with spikelet fertility in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under high temperatures, and nitrogen (N) plays a crucial role in yield formation. To investigate the effect of panicle N application on yield formation under high temperatures at the panicle initiation stage, two rice varieties [Liangyoupeijiu (LYPJ, heat susceptible) and Shanyou63 (SY63, heat tolerant)] were grown and exposed to high daytime temperature (HT) and control temperature (Control) during the panicle initiation stage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ratoon rice cropping system (RR) is developing rapidly in China due to its comparable annual yield and lower agricultural and labor inputs than the double rice cropping system (DR). Here, to further compare the greenhouse effects of RR and DR, a two-year field experiment was carried out in Hubei Province, central China. The ratoon season showed significantly lower cumulative CH emissions than the main season of RR, the early season and late season of DR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRice root characteristics are tightly associated with high-efficient nitrogen uptake. To understand the relationship of root plastic responses with nitrogen uptake when reducing nitrogen application for green rice production, a hydroponic experiment and a soil pot experiment were conducted under high (HN) and low (LN) nitrogen applications, using two rice ( L.) varieties, NK57 and YD6, three nitrogen absorption traits (total nitrogen accumulation, net NH influx on root surface, nitrogen uptake apoplasmic pathway) and root characteristics were investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStomata control carbon and water exchange between the leaves and the ambient. However, the plasticity responses of stomatal traits to growth conditions are still unclear, especially for monocot leaves. The current study investigated the leaf anatomical traits, stomatal morphological traits on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces, and photosynthetic traits of leaves developed in two different growth conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeat stress during the preflowering panicle initiation stage seriously decreases rice grain weight in an invisible way and has not been given enough attention. The current review aims to (i) specify the heat effects on rice grain weight during the panicle initiation stage compared with the most important grain-filling stage; and (ii) discuss the physiological mechanisms of the decreased rice grain weight induced by heat during panicle initiation in terms of assimilate supply and phytohormone regulation, which are key physiological processes directly regulating rice grain weight. We emphasize that the effect of heat during the panicle initiation stage on rice grain weight is more serious than that during the grain-filling stage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhloem unloading plays an important role in photoassimilate partitioning and grain yield improvements in cereal crops. The phloem unloading strategy and its effects on photoassimilate translocation and yield formation remain unclear in rice. In this study, plasmodesmata were observed at the interface between the sieve elements (SEs) and companion cells (CCs), and between the SE-CC complex and surrounding parenchyma cells (PCs) in phloem of the dorsal vascular bundle in developing caryopses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: While ratoon rice has been increasingly practiced by farmers recently in China, on-farm performance in grain quality of main and ratoon crops in the mechanized rice ratooning system is less studied and remains poorly understood. Therefore, a multi-location on-farm survey was conducted to collect rice grain samples from farmers' fields to determine grain quality of main and ratoon crops of ratoon rice at 12 locations across Hubei Province, central China, in 2016.
Results: On average, milled and head rice percentage in the ratoon crop was 70.
Phloem unloading and loading are associated with stem non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) accumulation and remobilization in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Four rice recombinant inbred lines (R032, R191, R046, and R146) derived from a cross between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63 were used to investigate the contributions of stem large and small vascular bundles (SVBs) to NSCs accumulation and translocation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlants are often confronted with light fluctuations from seconds to minutes due to altering sun angles, mutual shading, and clouds under natural conditions, which causes a massive carbon loss and water waste. The effect of stomatal morphology on the response of leaf gas exchange to fluctuating light remains disputable. In this study, we investigated the differences in leaf stomatal morphology and photosynthetic induction across twelve rice genotypes after a stepwise increase in light intensity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNitrogen (N) is one of the most important nutrients for crop growth and yield formation, as it is an important constituent in a large amount of proteins, cell walls, and membranes related to photosynthesis. Recently, increasing studies have suggested the important roles of photosynthetic induction and stomatal movement under fluctuating light in regulating plant carbon assimilation and water use efficiency. How leaf N content affects photosynthetic induction remains uncertain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Decreased spikelet fertility is often responsible for reduction in grain yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). In this study, two varieties with different levels of heat tolerance, Liangyoupeijiu (LYPJ, heat susceptible) and Shanyou63 (SY63, heat tolerant) were subjected to two temperature treatments for 28 days during the panicle initiation stage in temperature/relative humidity-controlled greenhouses: high temperature (HT; 37/27 °C; day/night) and control temperature (CK; 31/27 °C; day/night) to investigate changes in anther development under HT during panicle initiation and their relationship with spikelet fertility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeat events during the reproductive stages of rice plants induce great yield losses. Cultivating heat-tolerant varieties is a promising strategy for guaranteeing grain security under global warming scenarios. Most heat-tolerant rice genotypes were identified under heat during the flowering stage, but it is unclear whether these currently screened heat-tolerant rice genotypes maintain stable high grain yields when heat stress occurs during the other reproductive stages.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCadmium (Cd) is a typical heavy-metal highly accumulating in crops and drinking water, thus posing a severe health risk for human health. In this study, we firstly isolated 24 Cd-resistant bacteria from the heavy-metals contaminated soil at Daye Iron Ore, in which Comamonas sp. XL8 exhibited a high resistance and strong accumulation capacity to Cd.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: To study the impact of climate warming on crops, it is crucial to have a warming equipment suitable for their field environment. A facility is needed that can provide suitable combinations of different temperatures at reasonable cost for large plots.
Results: Here, an additional field warming facility option named the hot-blast warming facility (HBWF), which comprised heaters, blowers, wind breaks, and a control board was developed.
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
February 2019
Currently, the urgency of balancing rice production and environmental risk from nitrogen (N) fertilization is gaining scientific and public attention. As such, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the rice yield and the fate of applied-N for Yangliangyou 6 (a two-line hybrid cultivar) and Lvdaoq 7 (an inbred cultivar) using 10 combinations of N rates and splitting ratios in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The results showed that N application primarily affected fertilizer N loss to the environment, followed by plant N absorption, but had little effect on grain yield.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMore than 4 billion inhabitants in Asia depend on rice for 35-60% of the calories consumed in their diets, but new rice cultivars frequently do not reach expected yields because of poor rice grain filling. Here, we quantified the activities of enzymes involved in starch metabolization in rice to investigate the mechanisms regulating the accumulation and translocation of stem non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) under different levels of nitrogen fertilizer application. A pot experiment was conducted using two rice cultivars, Liangyoupeijiu (LYPJ) and Shanyou63 (SY63), under high and low nitrogen applications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRemobilisation of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) from leaves and stems and unloading into developing grains are essential for yield formation of rice. In present study, three recombinant inbred lines of rice, R91, R156 and R201 have been tested for source-flow-sink related attributes determining the nature of NSC accumulation and translocation at two nitrogen levels in the field. Compared to R91 and R156, R201 had lower grain filling percentage, harvest index, and grain yield.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCytokinins (CTKs) regulate panicle size and mediate heat tolerance in crops. To investigate the effect of high temperature on panicle CTK expression and the role of such expression in panicle differentiation in rice, four rice varieties (Nagina22, N22; Huanghuazhan, HHZ; Liangyoupeijiu, LYPJ; and Shanyou63, SY63) were grown under normal conditions and subjected to three high temperature treatments and one control treatment in temperature-controlled greenhouses for 15 days during the early reproductive stage. The high temperature treatments significantly reduced panicle CTK abundance in heat-susceptible LYPJ, HHZ, and N22 varieties, which showed fewer spikelets per panicle in comparison with control plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInformation on maximum grain yield and its attributes are limited for double-season rice crop grown under the subtropical environment. This study was conducted to examine key characteristics associated with high yielding double-season rice crop through a comparison between an integrated crop management (ICM) and farmers' practice (FP). Field experiments were conducted in the early and late seasons in the subtropical environment of Wuxue County, Hubei Province, China in 2013 and 2014.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeat stress causes morphological and physiological changes and reduces crop yield in rice (Oryza sativa). To investigate changes in phytohormones and their relationships with yield and other attributes under heat stress, four rice varieties (Nagina22, Huanghuazhan, Liangyoupeijiu, and Shanyou 63) were grown in pots and subjected to three high temperature treatments plus control in temperature-controlled greenhouses for 15 d during the early reproductive phase. Yield reductions in Nagina22, Huanghuazhan, and Liangyoupeijiu were attributed to reductions in spikelet fertility, spikelets per panicle, and grain weight.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSubmergence stress is a limiting factor for direct-seeded rice systems in rainfed lowlands and flood-prone areas of South and Southeast Asia. The present study demonstrated that submergence stress severely hampered the germination and seedling growth of rice, however, seed priming alleviated the detrimental effects of submergence stress. To elucidate the molecular basis of seed priming-induced submergence tolerance, transcriptome analyses were performed using 4-day-old primed (selenium-Se and salicylic acid-SA priming) and non-primed rice seedlings under submergence stress.
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