Introduction: Bladder dysfunction, or more specifically lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD), remains a common reason for pediatric urology consultation, and the management of these patients is time consuming and frustrating for patients, families and providers alike. But what happens when the patient proves refractory to current treatment modalities? Is there a role for the use of videourodynamics (VUDS) to help guide therapy in the patient with refractory voiding dysfunction, and if so how might we select patients for this invasive study in order to increase the yield of useful information?
Objectives: To determine the role, if any, for VUDS in the evaluation of pediatric patients with refractory LUTD and to identify parameters that might be used to select patients for this invasive study in order to increase the yield of useful information.
Study Design: Through our IRB-approved prospectively maintained urodynamics database, we retrospectively identified 110 patients with non-neurogenic LUTD over a period from 2015 to 2022 who underwent VUDS.