The storage of data in DNA typically involves encoding and synthesizing data into short oligonucleotides, followed by reading with a sequencing instrument. Major challenges include the molecular consumption of synthesized DNA, basecalling errors, and limitations with scaling up read operations for individual data elements. Addressing these challenges, we describe a DNA storage system called MDRAM (Magnetic DNA-based Random Access Memory) that enables repetitive and efficient readouts of targeted files with nanopore-based sequencing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMotivation: Nanopore sequencing provides a real-time and portable solution to genomic sequencing, enabling better assembly, structural variant discovery and modified base detection than second generation technologies. The sequencing process generates a huge amount of data in the form of raw signal contained in fast5 files, which must be compressed to enable efficient storage and transfer. Since the raw data is inherently noisy, lossy compression has potential to significantly reduce space requirements without adversely impacting performance of downstream applications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMotivation: High-Throughput Sequencing technologies produce huge amounts of data in the form of short genomic reads, associated quality values and read identifiers. Because of the significant structure present in these FASTQ datasets, general-purpose compressors are unable to completely exploit much of the inherent redundancy. Although there has been a lot of work on designing FASTQ compressors, most of them lack in support of one or more crucial properties, such as support for variable length reads, scalability to high coverage datasets, pairing-preserving compression and lossless compression.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMotivation: New Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies for genome sequencing produce large amounts of short genomic reads per experiment, which are highly redundant and compressible. However, general-purpose compressors are unable to exploit this redundancy due to the special structure present in the data.
Results: We present a new algorithm for compressing reads both with and without preserving the read order.
September 2016
Motivation: The dramatic decrease in the cost of sequencing has resulted in the generation of huge amounts of genomic data, as evidenced by projects such as the UK10K and the Million Veteran Project, with the number of sequenced genomes ranging in the order of 10 K to 1 M. Due to the large redundancies among genomic sequences of individuals from the same species, most of the medical research deals with the variants in the sequences as compared with a reference sequence, rather than with the complete genomic sequences. Consequently, millions of genomes represented as variants are stored in databases.
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