Publications by authors named "Katlyn Burr"

Respiratory care departments are experiencing an increased need to demonstrate value in the care they deliver. Value efficiency is a concept that incorporates the value of individual treatments into the normal operations of a department. The purpose of this study was to describe respiratory care leaders' attitudes about the value of services provided by respiratory care departments.

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Background: Despite limited evidence, a high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) is often used to treat mild to moderate (m/m) bronchiolitis. We aimed to decrease the rate of HFNC use in the pediatric emergency department (PED) for m/m bronchiolitis from a baseline of 37% to less than 18.5%.

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Background: Leadership is critical to high-functioning teams; however, data are lacking for what defines successful respiratory therapist (RT) leadership. Leaders need a wide range of skills to be successful, although the exact characteristics, behaviors, and accomplishments of successful RT leaders are unknown. We performed a survey of respiratory care leaders to evaluate different aspects of RT leadership.

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Burnout is a major problem in health care and is associated with adverse sequelae for patients, health care workers, and organizations. Burnout among respiratory therapists (RTs) is as high as 79% and is associated with poor or ineffective leadership, inadequate staffing, high work load, non-leadership position, and work environment. An understanding of burnout is necessary for both staff and leadership to ensure RT well-being.

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Background: Burnout is a major challenge in health care and is associated with poor overall well-being, increased medical errors, worse patient outcomes, and low job satisfaction. There is scant literature focused on the respiratory therapist's (RT) experience of burnout, and a thorough exploration of RTs' perception of factors associated with burnout has not been reported. The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the factors associated with burnout as experienced by RTs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Background: Burnout within health care is prevalent, and its effects are detrimental to patient outcomes, organizations, and individuals. Effects stemming from burnout include anxiety, depression, excessive alcohol and drug use, cardiovascular problems, time off work, and worse patient outcomes. Published data have suggested up to 50% of health care workers experience burnout and 79% of respiratory therapists (RTs) experience burnout.

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Background: Compressions given during cardiopulmonary resuscitation generate small, ineffective passive ventilations through oscillating waves. Positive end-expiratory pressure increases the volume of these passive ventilations; however, its effect on passive ventilation is unknown. Our objective was to determine if increasing positive end-expiratory pressure during cardiopulmonary resuscitation increases passive ventilation generated by compressions to a clinically significant point.

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Background: Burnout is a major challenge in health care, but its prevalence has not been evaluated in practicing respiratory therapists (RTs). The purpose of this study was to identify RT burnout prevalence and factors associated with RT burnout.

Methods: An online survey was administered at 26 centers in the United States between January and March 2021.

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Background: Lean Six Sigma processes are used in health care systems to increase safety and efficiency. Daily huddles, one tool of the Lean Six Sigma process, have been used to increase patient safety, facilitate efficiency in problem solving, promote optimal patient outcomes, and reduce poor communication. Huddle utilization by respiratory care departments has not been previously reported.

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Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) may be continued during the transition from invasive to noninvasive respiratory support. Upper airway obstruction from laryngeal edema following extubation and lower airway obstruction from asthma and bronchiolitis may be managed with inhaled helium. The coadministration of helium with iNO and the impact on delivered amounts of iNO have not been extensively studied.

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Background: Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is used to optimize oxygenation by preventing alveolar collapse. However, PEEP can potentially decrease cardiac output through cardiopulmonary interactions. The effect of PEEP on cardiac output during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is not known.

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Background: Secondary traumatic stress (STS) may occur in the caretakers of individuals who have experienced traumatic events or are suffering and, when severe, may be associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at a diagnostic level due to STS. For respiratory therapists (RTs), the incidence of STS and PTSD at a diagnostic level due to STS has not been examined. We assessed the prevalence of self-reported STS and PTSD at a diagnostic level due to STS in licensed RTs.

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