Probabilistic (p-) computing is a physics-based approach to addressing computational problems which are difficult to solve by conventional von Neumann computers. A key requirement for p-computing is the realization of fast, compact, and energy-efficient probabilistic bits. Stochastic magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with low energy barriers, where the relative dwell time in each state is controlled by current, have been proposed as a candidate to implement p-bits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ability to control and tune magnetic dissipation is a key concept of emergent spintronic technologies. Magnon scattering processes constitute a major dissipation channel in nanomagnets, redefine their response to spin torque, and hold the promise for manipulating magnetic states on the quantum level. Controlling these processes in nanomagnets, while being imperative for spintronic applications, has remained difficult to achieve.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMagnetic damping is a key metric for emerging technologies based on magnetic nanoparticles, such as spin torque memory and high-resolution biomagnetic imaging. Despite its importance, understanding of magnetic dissipation in nanoscale ferromagnets remains elusive, and the damping is often treated as a phenomenological constant. Here, we report the discovery of a giant frequency-dependent nonlinear damping that strongly alters the response of a nanoscale ferromagnet to spin torque and microwave magnetic field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnergy-efficient switching of magnetization is a central problem in nonvolatile magnetic storage and magnetic neuromorphic computing. In the past two decades, several efficient methods of magnetic switching were demonstrated including spin torque, magneto-electric, and microwave-assisted switching mechanisms. Here we experimentally show that low-dimensional magnetic chaos induced by alternating spin torque can strongly increase the rate of thermally-activated magnetic switching in a nanoscale ferromagnet.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFrequency conversion forms an integral block of the electronic circuits used in various applications including energy harvesting, communications and signal processing. These frequency conversion units however require external power sources and occupy a large device footprint making it difficult to be integrated in micro-circuits. Here we demonstrate that nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions can act as frequency converters without an external power supply or DC bias source.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntegration of Spin Torque Nano-Oscillators STNO's in conventional microwave circuits means that the devices have to meet certain specifications. One of the most important criteria is the phase noise, being the key parameter to evaluate the performance and define possible applications. Phase locking several oscillators together has been suggested as a possible means to decrease phase noise and consequently, the linewidth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTime-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy (TRSKM) is a powerful technique for the investigation of picosecond magnetization dynamics at sub-micron length scales by means of the magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). The spatial resolution of conventional (focused) Kerr microscopy using a microscope objective lens is determined by the optical diffraction limit so that the nanoscale character of the magnetization dynamics is lost. Here we present a platform to overcome this limitation by means of a near-field TRSKM that incorporates an atomic force microscope (AFM) with optical access to a metallic AFM probe with a nanoscale aperture at its tip.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFManipulation of magnetization by electric field is a central goal of spintronics because it enables energy-efficient operation of spin-based devices. Spin wave devices are promising candidates for low-power information processing, but a method for energy-efficient excitation of short-wavelength spin waves has been lacking. Here we show that spin waves in nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions can be generated via parametric resonance induced by electric field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn Coulomb drag, a current flowing in one conductor can induce a voltage across an adjacent conductor via the Coulomb interaction. The mechanisms yielding drag effects are not always understood, even though drag effects are sufficiently general to be seen in many low-dimensional systems. In this Letter, we observe Coulomb drag in a Coulomb-coupled double quantum dot and, through both experimental and theoretical arguments, identify cotunneling as essential to obtaining a correct qualitative understanding of the drag behavior.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrowave detectors based on the spin-torque diode effect are among the key emerging spintronic devices. By utilizing the spin of electrons in addition to charge, they have the potential to overcome the theoretical performance limits of their semiconductor (Schottky) counterparts. However, so far, practical implementations of spin-diode microwave detectors have been limited by the necessity to apply a magnetic field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpin waves, the collective excitations of spins, can emerge as nonlinear solitons at the nanoscale when excited by an electrical current from a nanocontact. These solitons are expected to have essentially cylindrical symmetry (that is, s-like), but no direct experimental observation exists to confirm this picture. Using a high-sensitivity time-resolved magnetic X-ray microscopy with 50 ps temporal resolution and 35 nm spatial resolution, we are able to create a real-space spin-wave movie and observe the emergence of a localized soliton with a nodal line, that is, with p-like symmetry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
August 2015
We have used a MHz lock-in x-ray spectromicroscopy technique to directly detect changes in magnetic moment of Cu due to spin injection from an adjacent Co layer. The elemental and chemical specificity of x rays allows us to distinguish two spin current induced effects. We detect the creation of transient magnetic moments of 3×10^{-5}μ_{B} on Cu atoms within the bulk of the 28 nm thick Cu film due to spin accumulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStochastic dynamics of spin torque oscillators can be described in terms of magnetization drift and diffusion over a current-dependent effective energy surface given by the Fokker-Planck equation. Here we present a method that directly probes this effective energy surface via time-resolved measurements of the microwave voltage generated by a spin torque oscillator. We show that the effective energy approach provides a simple recipe for predicting spectral linewidths and line shapes near the generation threshold.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe spin-transfer nano-oscillator (STNO) offers the possibility of using the transfer of spin angular momentum via spin-polarized currents to generate microwave signals. However, at present STNO microwave emission mainly relies on both large drive currents and external magnetic fields. These issues hinder the implementation of STNOs for practical applications in terms of power dissipation and size.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report measurements of the Kondo effect in a double quantum dot, where the orbital states act as pseudospin states whose degeneracy contributes to Kondo screening. Standard transport spectroscopy as a function of the bias voltage on both dots shows a zero-bias peak in conductance, analogous to that observed for spin Kondo in single dots. Breaking the orbital degeneracy splits the Kondo resonance in the tunneling density of states above and below the Fermi energy of the leads, with the resonances having different pseudospin character.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe demonstrate excitation of ferromagnetic resonance in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) by the combined action of voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) and spin transfer torque (ST). Our measurements reveal that GHz-frequency VCMA torque and ST in low-resistance MTJs have similar magnitudes, and thus that both torques are equally important for understanding high-frequency voltage-driven magnetization dynamics in MTJs. As an example, we show that VCMA can increase the sensitivity of an MTJ-based microwave signal detector to the sensitivity level of semiconductor Schottky diodes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe excitation of the steady-state precessions of magnetization opens a new way for nanoscale microwave oscillators by exploiting the transfer of spin angular momentum from a spin-polarized current to a ferromagnet, referred to as spin-transfer nano-oscillators (STNOs). For STNOs to be practical, however, their relatively low output power and their relatively large line width must be improved. Here we demonstrate that microwave signals with maximum measured power of 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMagnetic field detection with extremely high spatial resolution is crucial to applications in magnetic storage, biosensing, and magnetic imaging. Here, we present the concept of using a spin torque oscillator (STO) to detect magnetic fields by measuring the frequency of the oscillator. This sensor's performance relies predominantly on STO properties such as spectral linewidth and frequency dispersion with magnetic field, rather than signal amplitude as in conventional magnetoresistive sensors, and is shown in measured devices to achieve large signal to noise ratios.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study domain wall dynamics in Permalloy nanowires excited by alternating spin-polarized current applied perpendicular to the nanowire. Spin torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements reveal that domain wall oscillations at a pinning site in the nanowire can be excited with velocities as high as 800 m/s at current densities below 10{7} A/cm{2}.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report single-shot measurements of resistance versus time for thermally assisted spin-torque switching in magnetic tunnel junctions. We achieve the sensitivity to resolve the magnetic dynamics prior to as well as during switching, yielding detailed views of switching modes and variations between events. Analyses of individual traces allow measurements of coherence times, nonequilibrium excitation spectra, and variations in magnetization precession amplitude.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have used time resolved scanning Kerr microscopy to image collective spin wave modes within a 2D array of magnetic nanoelements. Long wavelength spin waves are confined within the array as if it was a continuous element of the same size but with effective material properties determined by the structure of the array and its constituent nanoelements. The array is an example of a magnonic metamaterial, the demonstration of which provides new opportunities within the emerging field of magnonics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use spin torque ferromagnetic resonance to measure the spectral properties of dipole-exchange spin waves in Permalloy nanowires. Our measurements reveal that geometric confinement has a profound effect on the damping of spin waves in the nanowire geometry. The damping parameter of the lowest-energy quantized spin-wave mode depends on applied magnetic field in a resonant way and exhibits a maximum at a field that increases with decreasing nanowire width.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSingle-shot, time-resolved measurements are presented to investigate the temporal coherence of the microwave emission for MgO based magnetic tunnel junction spin torque oscillators. The time-domain data reveal that the steady state regime obtained from frequency-domain analysis can be subdivided into two regimes as a function of spin polarized current amplitude. According to these two regimes, two mechanisms that limit the temporal coherence are identified.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Phys Condens Matter
June 2009
We have measured the room temperature response of nanoscale semiconductor Hall crosses to local applied magnetic fields under various local electric gate conditions using scanning probe microscopy. Near-surface quantum wells of AlSb/InAs/AlSb, located just 5 nm from the heterostructure surface, allow very high sensitivity to localized electric and magnetic fields applied near the device surfaces. The Hall crosses have critical dimensions of 400 and 100 nm, while the mean free path of the carriers is about 160 nm; hence the devices nominally span the transition from diffusive to quasi-ballistic transport.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present time-resolved x-ray images with 30 nm spatial and 70 ps temporal resolution, which reveal details of the spatially resolved magnetization evolution in nanoscale samples of various dimensions during reversible spin-torque switching processes. Our data in conjunction with micromagnetic simulations suggest a simple unified picture of magnetic switching based on the motion of a magnetic vortex. With decreasing size of the magnetic element the path of the vortex core moves from inside to outside of the nanoelement, and the switching process evolves from a curled nonuniform to an increasingly uniform mode.
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