Publications by authors named "Kathryn M Chachula"

Entry-level health care professionals are socialized to accept the norms and values associated with institutions in which violence and suffering is considered an anticipated and even routine and normalized part of frontline care. The objective of the study was to illuminate the subjective experience of psychological trauma in graduates from a baccalaureate nursing and psychiatric nursing program using the McGill Illness Narrative Interview, an ethnographic interview guide. Participants included graduates from each program in a western Canadian province who reflected back on their experiences of trauma as students and newly-graduated nurses within their first year of practice as a regulated health professional.

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Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the levels of stress, burnout, primary and secondary trauma, and self-efficacy before and during the novel coronavirus pandemic in a sample of baccalaureate nursing and psychiatric nursing students, a population which has seldom been studied regarding these factors.

Method: The study used a nonexperimental, cross-sectional methodology at 2 time-points. Nursing and psychiatric nursing students enrolled at 1 western Canadian university were invited to participate in an online, anonymous survey in 2020 prior to the pandemic and in 2021 during Canada's third-wave.

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Introduction: Professional quality of life (ProQOL) that encompasses compassion satisfaction (CS) and compassion fatigue (CF) comprised of burnout (BO) and secondary traumatic stress (STS) has been raised as a world-wide issue for the nursing profession. Limited attention has been paid to the vulnerabilities of nursing students to ProQOL and the associated mechanisms.

Purpose: Determine what factors are predictive of ProQOL in a population of undergraduate nursing and psychiatric nursing students.

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Compassion fatigue has been documented in the nursing and allied health literature as an emerging issue for health professionals. Little is known regarding the experience of compassion fatigue in undergraduate, pre-licensure students entering health care professions. This study used Walker and Avant's concept analysis methodology to explain antecedents, attributes, and consequences of compassion fatigue in undergraduate, pre-licensure students.

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Background: The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) estimates a nursing shortage in Canada will rise to 60,000 registered nurses by 2022. Further compounding this crisis is the approximate 14-61% of new nursing graduates who will change nursing roles or exit the profession.

Aim: To explore the factors and basic psychosocial process involved in the decisions of newly graduated registered nurses in Western Canada who permanently exit the nursing profession within five years.

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