Publications by authors named "Katherine T Beenen"

Performance anxiety is characterized by intense feelings of emotional distress before, during, or after performing in front of others. In pediatric patients who participate in organized, competitive athletics, this can manifest with somatic, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms such as activation of the sympathetic nervous system and avoidance behaviors. Performance anxiety may now be classified as a psychiatric disorder if symptoms have been longstanding and cause significant emotional distress and/or functional impairment.

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Primary care physicians (PCPs) have an important role in the identification and management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There is a paucity of research on PCPs' practices related to the discussion of educational interventions. We conducted a retrospective chart review using Natural Language Processing to extract data on how often PCPs in an outpatient clinic: 1) discuss educational support with patients and caregivers; and 2) obtain educational records.

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Young athletes face a unique set of stressors from nonathletes that require careful screening and management. Internalizing disorders, substance use, overtraining, eating disorders, the female athlete triad, and sport-related injury are some psychological issues related to sports participation. Young athletes experiencing these conditions may experience functional impairment and distress on and off the field and management of these concerns includes routine screening and intervention.

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Metabolic disorders or inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) can have a wide range of neurodevelopmental and behavioral presentations. These can vary with age and/or management or stressors from common childhood/intercurrent illnesses/procedures/interventions. Collaborative care models such as multidisciplinary metabolic clinics or colocated models with behavioral health clinics and metabolic clinics in the same location can be valuable resources in improving long-term outcomes in patients with IEM.

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