Objective: This study aimed to compare the performance of a pediatric decision support algorithm to detect severe sepsis between high-risk pediatric and adult patients in a pediatric emergency department (PED).
Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of patients presenting from March 2017 to February 2018 to a tertiary care PED. Patients were identified as high risk for sepsis based on a priori defined criteria and were considered adult if 18 years or older.
Increasingly, children with common and lower-acuity conditions are being transferred from general emergency departments (EDs) to pediatric centers for subspecialty care. While transferring children with high-risk conditions has benefit, transferring children with common conditions may expose them to redundant care and added costs. Emergency Care Connect (ECC) is a novel telemedicine program that uses videoconferencing to connect general ED and urgent care providers to pediatric emergency medicine physicians with the goal of keeping children in their communities for definitive care, when safe and feasible.
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