Publications by authors named "Katerina Chrysalidis"

The radionuclide thorium-229 features an isomer with an exceptionally low excitation energy that enables direct laser manipulation of nuclear states. It constitutes one of the leading candidates for use in next-generation optical clocks. This nuclear clock will be a unique tool for precise tests of fundamental physics.

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Thulium-167 is a promising radionuclide for nuclear medicine applications with potential use for both diagnosis and therapy ("theragnostics") in disseminated tumor cells and small metastases, due to suitable gamma-line as well as conversion/Auger electron energies. However, adequate delivery methods are yet to be developed and accompanying radiobiological effects to be investigated, demanding the availability of Tm in appropriate activities and quality. We report herein on the production of radionuclidically pure Tm from proton-irradiated natural erbium oxide targets at a cyclotron and subsequent ion beam mass separation at the CERN-MEDICIS facility, with a particular focus on the process efficiency.

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The CERN-MEDICIS (MEDical Isotopes Collected from ISolde) facility has delivered its first radioactive ion beam at CERN (Switzerland) in December 2017 to support the research and development in nuclear medicine using non-conventional radionuclides. Since then, fourteen institutes, including CERN, have joined the collaboration to drive the scientific program of this unique installation and evaluate the needs of the community to improve the research in imaging, diagnostics, radiation therapy and personalized medicine. The facility has been built as an extension of the ISOLDE (Isotope Separator On Line DEvice) facility at CERN.

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One of the most important properties influencing the chemical behavior of an element is the electron affinity (EA). Among the remaining elements with unknown EA is astatine, where one of its isotopes, At, is remarkably well suited for targeted radionuclide therapy of cancer. With the At anion being involved in many aspects of current astatine labeling protocols, the knowledge of the electron affinity of this element is of prime importance.

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We demonstrate a continuously tunable, multi-Stokes Raman laser operating in the visible range (420 - 600 nm). Full spectral coverage was achieved by efficiently cascading the Raman shifted output of a tunable, frequency-doubled Ti:Sapphire laser. Using an optimized hemi-spherical external Raman cavity composed only of a diamond crystal and a single reflecting mirror, producing high power output at high conversion efficiency (>60 % from pump to Stokes) for a broad range of wavelengths across the visible.

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We demonstrate a highly efficient, tunable, ∼5  GHz linewidth diamond Raman laser operating at 479 nm. The diamond laser was pumped by a wavelength-tunable intracavity frequency-doubled titanium sapphire (Ti:Sapphire) laser operating at around 450 nm, at a repetition rate of 10 kHz with a pulse duration of 50 ns. The Raman resonator produced a continuously tunable output with high stability, high conversion efficiency (28%), and beam quality (M<1.

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