Publications by authors named "Katelyn Makar"

Objective: Decision-making for elective cleft lip and nose revisions varies widely, from patient-led decisions to more paternalistic approaches. As these procedures incur additional scarring that may impact future interventions, patients should be equipped to participate in these surgical decisions. We thus developed a decision aid based on international standards, and to ensure methodologic rigor, we sought feedback from other surgeons regarding shared decision-making and potential barriers to adopting the decision aid.

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Background: The debate continues among craniofacial surgeons regarding the effectiveness of strip craniectomy (SC) compared with cranial vault remodeling (CVR) in achieving optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes in patients with single-suture craniosynostosis. This study aimed to compare long-term patient-reported outcomes (PROs) between SC and CVR procedures at a single institution using the validated FACE-Q Craniofacial module.

Methods: Patients older than or equal to 8 years of age and parents of patients younger than 8 years of age who underwent SC or CVR for single-suture craniosynostosis were eligible.

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Background: Patients are commonly monitored for hyponatremia after intracranial procedures, yet the prevalence of hyponatremia after cranial vault reconstruction (CVR) remains unclear. The purpose of this study is to define the prevalence, risk factors, and complications of hyponatremia after CVR to optimize postoperative sodium surveillance protocols.

Methods: Patients with nonsyndromic, single-suture craniosynostosis who underwent primary CVR between 2009 and 2020 at Michigan Medicine were included (n = 231).

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Background: The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) provides an avenue for filing formal complaints regarding unethical behavior of members. These complaints are investigated by the ethics committee and referred to the judicial council if a violation may have occurred.

Methods: A review of complaints filed with the ASPS from 2013 through 2021 was performed.

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Background: Outpatient prescriptions for postoperative pain play an important role in the opioid epidemic. Prescribing guidelines are an effective target for intervention but require procedure-specific data to be successful. The aim of this study was to examine opioid prescribing patterns and pain control after primary cleft lip and palate repair at a large academic center.

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Background: In facial reanimation via microneurovascular muscle transfer, dual-nerve reinnervation of the muscle capitalizes on the synergistic effects of spontaneous motion from cross facial nerve grafting (CFNG) and increased excursion from masseteric nerve transfer. Two-stage approaches that delay masseteric nerve transfer until the time of the muscle flap increase spontaneity by maximizing muscle reinnervation from the CFNG. While this 2-stage, dual-nerve approach has been described in adults, we present a series of pediatric patients who underwent this reconstructive technique.

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Reconstruction of alveolar clefts includes fistula repair and bone grafting. However, bone is often harvested from the iliac crest or the skull, which can be associated with considerable donor site morbidity, and the failure rate may be as high as 20%. As such, some centers utilize bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 to reconstruct the bony cleft.

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Background: In patients with craniosynostosis, imaging remains up to the discretion of the plastic surgeon or neurosurgeon. To inform best practice guidelines, we sought to obtain data surrounding the frequency at which craniofacial surgeons order computed tomography (CT), as well as indications. We hypothesized that we would identify considerable variation in both imaging and associated indications.

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Background: Although most patients attain normal speech after cleft palate repair, up to 20 percent require secondary speech surgery. Despite the frequency of these procedures, complications and rates of subsequent revisions of secondary speech surgery after all procedure types have never been reviewed using national, longitudinal data.

Methods: The authors examined insurance claims from Clinformatics Data Mart between 2001 and 2017.

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Background: Although shared decision-making is essential to patient-centered healthcare, its role in pediatric plastic surgery remains unclear. The objective of this study was to define the preferred level of involvement in surgical decision-making among children, caregivers, and surgeons.

Methods: The authors surveyed pediatric plastic surgery patients (n = 100) and their caregivers regarding their preferences on child involvement during surgical decision-making.

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Facial differences associated with cleft lips are often stigmatizing and can negatively impact psychosocial development and quality of life. However, little is known regarding patients' responses to societal expectations of appearance, or how these responses may impact utilization of revision surgery. Thus, patients with cleft lips at least 8 years of age (n = 31) were purposively sampled for semi-structured interviews.

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Background: Repair of the soft tissue defect in myelomeningoceles remains challenging. The literature currently lacks a systematic approach, reporting high rates of complications. We present outcomes from the largest series to date and describe a simplified approach that minimizes morbidity and streamlines decision making.

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Objective: Routine postoperative computed tomography (CT) imaging in nonsyndromic craniosynostosis remains controversial due to the hazards of radiation exposure. The extent to which postoperative head CTs are performed remains unknown. Therefore, we sought to measure the use of postoperative CTs in this population.

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