Publications by authors named "Kate Weiksnar"

Landfill leachate characteristics vary depending on the type of waste facilities accept, such as municipal solid waste (MSW), construction and demolition debris (CDD) and MSW incineration (MSWI) ash. Optimizing disposal and treatment practices requires a thorough understanding of the behaviour of leachates from different classifications of refuse. This study provides a critical analysis of variation in leachate quality among over 80 sites based on landfill category: MSW, bulky debris, MSWI ash and MSW-MSWI ash co-disposal.

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Production of phosphoric acid generates a calcium sulfate byproduct known as phosphogypsum (PG). PG is not considered a suitable standalone road base material because of concerns such as strength and presence of radionuclides. This paper investigates the latter, specifically the influence of blending PG with common alkaline road base aggregates - limerock (LR) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) - on radionuclide leaching.

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The incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) produces byproducts known as MSW incineration (MSWI) ash. The reuse of MSWI ash as a construction material prevails in several areas of the world, namely Europe and Asia, however, reuse in the United States (US) lags due to regulatory requirements for disposal practices. Developing a recycling program for MSWI ash provides an alternative end-of-life disposal scenario for material currently landfilled and supplements the reliability of mining of natural aggregates.

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The optimization of alternative materials in concrete production continues to garner considerable attention in order to meet sustainability goals and supplement natural materials. Portland limestone cement (PLC) and municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) have been proposed separately as green cement and coarse aggregate supplement in low-strength concrete production, creating sustainable products and alternative disposal scenario for a waste material. This study discusses the impact of advanced ash processing techniques on aggregates and presents the performance of concrete incorporating both of these products with PLC for the first time.

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Concentrations of 25 inorganic elements were measured in both bulk ash and individual ash components from residuals at three municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) facilities in the US (two combined ash (CA) and one bottom ash (BA)). Concentrations were assessed based on particle size and component to understand the contribution from each fraction. The results found that among facilities, the finer size fractions contained elevated concentrations of trace elements of concern (As, Pb, Sb) when compared to the coarse fraction, but concentrations varied among facilities depending on the type of ash and differences in advanced metals recovery processes.

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Phosphogypsum (PG) samples from four distinct sources in the Southeastern US were analyzed to explore the variation in total metal content between newly generated (fresh) PG and PG disposed of in phosphogypsum stacks for different lengths of time (stack). Fresh PG exhibited greater total metal concentrations relative to stack PG, including those identified in the literature as important from a risk assessment perspective (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn). The pH varied between fresh and stack PG, with some stack samples exhibiting lower pH than fresh samples, however the relationship between pH and age of sample was not linear.

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