Publications by authors named "Katarina Mikac"

The description of the sp. has been ongoing since first described and especially within the last fifteen years. Recently from the known species, three subspecies have been recognized at the species level.

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The hindwing geometry, aspect ratio, and numerical modeling of susceptible, Bt-Corn- and rotation-resistant western corn rootworm (WCR) wings was investigated. All variants had similar hindwing geometries and aspect ratio (AR: 6-7). These AR values correspond to wings suited to lower altitude flights of a shorter distance.

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Southern greater gliders (Petauroides volans) are endangered Australian marsupials for which there is little health data currently available. Chlamydia pecorum is the only reported pathogen of greater gliders and infects a broad range of hosts, including other marsupials, ruminants, swine and birds. Conjunctival and cloacal swabs collected from thirty-two southern greater gliders across southeastern New South Wales, Australia were screened for Chlamydia spp.

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Studying the gut microbiome can provide valuable insights into animal health and inform the conservation management of threatened wildlife. Gut microbiota play important roles in regulating mammalian host physiology, including digestion, energy metabolism and immunity. Dysbiosis can impair such physiological processes and compromise host health, so it is essential that the gut microbiome be considered in conservation planning.

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Habitat loss and fragmentation contribute significantly to the decline of arboreal mammal populations. As populations become fragmented and isolated, a reduction in gene flow can result in a loss of genetic diversity and have an overall impact upon long-term persistence. Creating wildlife corridors can mitigate such effects by increasing the movement and dispersal of animals, thus acting to reduce population isolation.

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The impacts of a changing climate threaten species, populations and ecosystems. Despite these significant and large-scale impacts on threatened species, many remain understudied and have little to no genetic information available. The greater glider, Petauroides volans, is an endangered species highly sensitive to the predicted changes in temperature under a changing climate and was recently severely impacted by a megafire natural disaster (85% estimated population loss).

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Unlabelled: Camera trapping to study wildlife allows for data collection, without the need to capture animals. Traditionally, camera traps have been used to target larger terrestrial mammal species, though recently novel methods and adjustments in procedures have meant camera traps can be used to study small mammals. The selfie trap (a camera trapping method) may present robust sampling and ecological study of small mammals.

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The use of camera traps to track individual mammals to estimate home range and movement patterns, has not been previously applied to small mammal species. Our aim was to evaluate the use of camera trapping, using the selfie trap method, to record movements of small mammals within and between fragments of habitat. In a fragmented landscape, 164 cameras were set up across four survey areas, with cameras left to record continuously for 28 nights.

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and have produced hybrids in captivity, however there are no reported cases of Petaurus hybridisation in the wild. This study uses morphological data, mitochondrial DNA, and nuclear genome-wide SNP markers to confirm hybridisation within their natural range on the central coast of New South Wales, Australia. Morphological data identified a potential hybrid that was confirmed with next-generation sequencing technology and 10,111 genome-wide SNPs.

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The use of genetic information in conservation biology has become more widespread with genetic information more readily available for non-model organisms. It has also been recognized that genetic information from invasive species can inform their management and control. The red fox poses a significant threat to Australian native fauna and the agricultural industry.

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Colorado potato beetle, CPB ( Say), is one of the most important pests of the potato globally. Larvae and adults can cause complete defoliation of potato plant leaves and can lead to a large yield loss. The insect has been successfully suppressed by insecticides; however, over time, has developed resistance to insecticides from various chemical groups, and its once successful control has diminished.

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Wildlife crime in Croatia.

Forensic Sci Med Pathol

December 2020

This paper presents data about wildlife crime in Croatia. The data were gathered from qualitative interviews and personal communications with individuals involved in wildlife crime-related research, and/or prevention and detection work or recreation. The results show that poaching is a recognized problem.

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The granary weevil, Linnaeus 1875, is a primary pest of stored grains worldwide. Feeding damage and progeny production of was estimated to identify the levels of resistance of the insect on different durum wheat cultivars. Insect attack on four different durum wheat cultivars was investigated over a period of 20 weeks.

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The codling moth, L., is a serious insect pest in pome fruit production worldwide with a preference for apple. The pest is known for having developed resistance to several chemical groups of insecticides, making its control difficult.

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The codling moth (CM) ( L.) is the most important apple pest in Croatia and Europe. Owing to its economic importance, it is a highly controlled species and the intense selection pressure the species is under has likely caused it to change its phenotype in response.

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Western corn rootworm (WCR) is the worst pest of maize in the United States, and since its spread through Europe, WCR is now recognized as the most serious pest affecting maize production. After the beetle's first detection in Serbia in 1992, neighboring countries such as Croatia have established a national monitoring program. For more than two decades WCR adult population abundance and variability was monitored.

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This study describes the genetics of the western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte in southern Europe during the introduction (1996-2001) and establishment/spread (2002-2011) phases of its invasion. The Diabrotica microsatellite core-set was used to perform traditional population genetics analyses. Our results indicated that during the introduction phase genetic diversity and population genetic structure were lower overall as compared to the establishment/spread phase.

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Background: The western corn rootworm (WCR) is economically the most important pest of maize in Croatia. To predict WCR adult population abundance and variability, traditional, genetic and morphometric monitoring of populations was conducted over time through each phase of the WCR invasion process in Croatia.

Results: Through traditional monitoring it was shown that WCR established their current population and reached economic densities after 14 years persisting in the study area.

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Arsenoribosides (as glycerol; phosphate; sulfate and sulfonate) persisted in all bacteria-inoculated cultures irrespective of the source of bacteria (seawater, macro-algae surface) or the culture media used (DIFCO Marine Broth 2216 or novel blended Hormosira banksii tissue-based). This is unlike observations from traditional macro-algae tissue decomposition studies or in nature. In addition known arsenoriboside degradation products such as dimethylarsenoethanol (DMAE), dimethylarsenate (DMA), methylarsenate (MA) and arsenate - As(V) were not detected in any cultures.

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It is of fundamental importance in forensic entomology that the factors controlling carcass temperatures during decomposition are thoroughly understood. The thermal environment to which fly larvae are exposed is the primary influence on their growth rate, and hence affects any estimate of minimum time since death using such specimens in homicide investigations. To date, much of the entomological research on maggot masses has focused on their elevation of carcass temperatures, with very little focus on the bacteria associated with larval activity.

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