Background: Prior work has demonstrated that telemedicine in orthopedic surgery is cost-effective and can yield good clinical outcomes with high patient satisfaction. However, few studies have investigated the use of telemedicine in orthopedic oncology. In this study, we assessed the effect of telemedicine on (1) potential cost savings for orthopedic oncologic patients and (2) clinical outcomes as measured by unexpected in-person clinic visits and missed complications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCreating software tools that address the needs of a wide range of decision-makers requires the inclusion of differing perspectives throughout the development process. Software tools for biodiversity conservation often fall short in this regard, partly because broad decision-maker needs may exceed the toolkits of single research groups or even institutions. We show that participatory, collaborative codesign enhances the utility of software tools for better decision-making in biodiversity conservation planning, as demonstrated by our experiences developing a set of integrated tools in Colombia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The CDC recommends the more immunogenic adjuvanted and high-dose flu vaccines over standard-dose, non-adjuvanted vaccines for individuals above 65 years old. The current study compares adjuvanted trivalent inactivated flu vaccine (aTIV, FLUAD) versus high-dose flu vaccine (HD-IIV3, FLUZONE HD) to determine if they met non-inferiority standards for older long-term care facility (LTCF) residents.
Methods: We collected blood from long-term care facility residents participating in a randomized 1:1 active control trial comparing MF59C.
Continuum (Minneap Minn)
October 2024
Since 2000, the opioid epidemic has claimed the lives of more than 500,000 people and policies regarding the prescription of opioids for chronic pain have undergone drastic changes. While neurologists account for a small number of overall opioid prescriptions, they may treat patients on opioids, prescribed by other physicians or obtained illicitly, and need to be aware of the latest practice guidelines and the legal regime regulating opioid prescriptions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiologists increasingly rely on computer code to collect and analyze their data, reinforcing the importance of published code for transparency, reproducibility, training, and a basis for further work. Here, we conduct a literature review estimating temporal trends in code sharing in ecology and evolution publications since 2010, and test for an influence of code sharing on citation rate. We find that code is rarely published (only 6% of papers), with little improvement over time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOn a global scale, biodiversity is geographically structured into regions of biotic similarity. Delineating these regions has been mostly targeted for tetrapods and plants, but those for hyperdiverse groups such as insects are relatively unknown. Insects may have higher biogeographic congruence with plants than tetrapods due to their tight ecological and evolutionary links with the former, but it remains untested.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeans of medical schools have diverse roles and responsibilities. In this article, we use the career development trajectories of neurologists who have become education deans in student affairs and curriculum to offer advice to aspiring clinician educators of all levels and backgrounds. Although their roles differ, the advice they share is universal and essential for the career development of future clinician educators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSam68 is a ubiquitously expressed KH-domain containing RNA-binding protein highly studied for its involvement in regulating multiple steps of RNA metabolism. Sam68 also contains multiple protein-protein interaction regions such as proline-rich regions, tyrosine phosphorylation sites, and arginine methylation sites, all of which facilitate its participation as an adaptor protein in multiple signaling pathways, likely independent of its RNA-binding role. This review focuses on providing a comprehensive report on the adaptor roles of Sam68 in inflammatory signaling and inflammatory diseases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccurate predictions of ecosystem functions and nature's contributions to people (NCP) are needed to prioritize environmental protection and restoration in the Anthropocene. However, our ability to predict NCP is undermined by approaches that rely on biophysical variables and ignore those describing biodiversity, which have strong links to NCP. To foster predictive mapping of NCP, we should harness the latest methods in biodiversity modeling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConcerns about widespread human-induced declines in insect populations are mounting, yet little is known about how land-use change modifies both the trends and variability of insect communities, particularly in understudied regions. Here, we examine how the seasonal activity patterns of ants-key drivers of terrestrial ecosystem functioning-vary with anthropogenic land-cover change on a subtropical island landscape, and whether differences in temperature or species composition can explain observed patterns. Using trap captures sampled biweekly over 2 years from a biodiversity monitoring network covering Okinawa Island, Japan, we processed 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnderstanding global patterns of genetic diversity is essential for describing, monitoring, and preserving life on Earth. To date, efforts to map macrogenetic patterns have been restricted to vertebrates, which comprise only a small fraction of Earth's biodiversity. Here, we construct a global map of predicted insect mitochondrial genetic diversity from cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequences, derived from open data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHealth care entities doing business with the federal government may run afoul of the False Claims Act and Anti-Kickback Statute not only when they directly submit fraudulent claims for government reimbursement but also when they create schemes that manipulate others into submitting (whether knowingly or unknowingly) illegal claims. In recent years, the Department of Justice is deploying these statutes to ensure that electronic health records are built and maintained with appropriate cybersecurity protections.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdvances in electronic health record technology, the ever-expanding use of social media, and cybersecurity sabotage threaten patient privacy and render physicians and health care organizations liable for violating federal and state laws. Violating a patient's privacy is both an ethical and legal breach with potentially serious legal and reputational consequences. Even an unintentional Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) violation can result in financial penalties and reputational harm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLaryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol
December 2022
Objectives: Examine accuracy and factors impacting accuracy for mandibular reconstruction with virtual surgical planning, 3D printed osteotomy guides and preoperatively bent mandibular reconstruction plate (VSP/3Dprinted-guide/plate).
Method: Retrospective review of osseous-free-flap mandibular reconstructions with VSP/3Dprinted-guide/plate between January 2015 and July 2020 at a single academic medical center.Patient demographics, disease, and treatment variables were extracted.
Background: Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is an aggressive and extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma limited to the neuroaxis. In immunocompetent individuals, PCNSL is more common in older adults and lacks the association with the Epstein-Barr virus found in individuals with AIDS-associated PCNSL. Because the clinical presentation and radiographic findings of PCNSL are highly variable, stereotactic brain biopsy is typically required for definitive diagnosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInvertebrates constitute the majority of animal species and are critical for ecosystem functioning and services. Nonetheless, global invertebrate biodiversity patterns and their congruences with vertebrates remain largely unknown. We resolve the first high-resolution (~20-km) global diversity map for a major invertebrate clade, ants, using biodiversity informatics, range modeling, and machine learning to synthesize existing knowledge and predict the distribution of undiscovered diversity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContinuum (Minneap Minn)
June 2022
This article addresses the potential legal ramifications for neurologists caring for patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) who elect neither to prescribe aducanumab nor to refer patients with AD for treatment with aducanumab. To prevail against a neurologist for failing to prescribe aducanumab or refer for aducanumab treatment, the plaintiff would have to establish that the neurologist's failure to prescribe the medication or refer for treatment was a breach of the standard of care. The standard of care is conceptualized as the generally accepted approach to diagnosing or treating a condition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCardiorespiratory arrest and death in mouse models of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy occur when spreading depolarization is triggered by cortical seizures and then propagates to the brainstem. However, the critical brain regions and the specific changes required to allow spreading depolarization to propagate to the brainstem under the relatively rare circumstances leading to a fatal seizure are unknown. We previously found that following cortical seizure-inducing electrical stimulation, spreading depolarization could occur in both the superior and inferior colliculi in Cacna1a mice, but was never observed in wild-type animals or following non-seizure-inducing stimuli in Cacna1a mice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnvironmental variation within a species' range can create contrasting selective pressures, leading to divergent selection and novel adaptations. The conservation value of populations inhabiting environmentally marginal areas remains in debate and is closely related to the adaptive potential in changing environments. Strong selection caused by stressful conditions may generate novel adaptations, conferring these populations distinct evolutionary potential and high conservation value under climate change.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContinuum (Minneap Minn)
February 2022
Using two scenarios based on real-life cases reported in the media, this article examines the ethical and legal controversies that arise when a pregnant woman dies based on neurologic criteria while her fetus remains alive. In the first scenario, all parties agreed to maintain physiologic support until a safe delivery could be achieved, whereas in the second scenario the woman's family sought a legal remedy to stop the hospital from continuing to provide physiologic support for the patient and her neurologically devastated fetus.
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