Publications by authors named "Karina Romero Rivero"

Introduction: Domestic workers (DWs) are vulnerable to precarious or informal working conditions with limited access to social protection policies such as employer-paid health insurance or retirement pensions. This study aims to examine the working conditions, health status and access to healthcare for women DWs in Peru and propose recommendations to improve their access to social protection policies.

Methods And Analysis: The project uses a participatory action research approach by engaging three committees: a DW co-researcher committee, an advisory committee and a steering committee.

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Background: Millions of Americans are living in food deserts in the United States, however the role of the local food environment on COPD has not been studied. The aim of this study is to determine the association between food deserts and COPD-related outcomes.

Method: In this cross-sectional analysis we linked data collected from SPIROMICS (SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study) between 2010 and 2015 and food desert data, defined as an underserved area that lacks access to affordable healthy foods, from the Food Access Research Atlas.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study aimed to explore the relationship between diet quality and asthma in Peruvian children, involving 767 participants, with 573 diagnosed with asthma and 194 as controls.
  • A healthy diet quality score was linked to lower odds of asthma, indicating that children with better diets had a reduced risk of developing the condition.
  • However, diet quality did not show a significant association with asthma control or lung function, suggesting that while modifying one’s diet could help reduce asthma risk, it may not improve asthma management directly.
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