The purpose of this study was to compare the stability and force of ultimate failure of the acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) after direct arthroscopic distal clavicle excision (DCE) through superior portals and indirect arthroscopic DCE through inferior portals in paired cadaveric shoulders. Ten paired saline-embalmed cadaveric shoulders were operated alternatively using the indirect and direct technique. Biomechanical testing was performed in the horizontal plane, testing displacement at 15N and 30N and finally failure strength was measured testing the constructs until failure occurred.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKnee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
December 2010
The purpose of this study was to analyse the intermediate-term results of an arthroscopic procedure to debride and resurface the arthritic glenoid, in a middle-aged population, using an acellular human dermal scaffold. Between 2003 and 2005, thirty-two consecutive patients underwent an arthroscopic debridement and biological glenoid resurfacing for glenohumeral arthritis. The diagnoses included primary osteoarthrosis (28 patients), arthritis after arthroscopic reconstruction for anterior instability (1 patient) and inflammatory arthritis (3 patients).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnterior approaches to the shoulder involve partial or complete detachment of the subscapularis muscle. We have developed a new technique that permits adequate access to the humeral attachment of the inferior glenohumeral ligament (IGHL) without any detachment of the subscapularis, and have used this to successfully repair humeral avulsions of glenohumeral ligament lesions. Preliminary diagnostic arthroscopy using air insufflation of the glenohumeral joint is used to identify and grade the lesion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAssessment of the intra-articular and intertubercular regions of the long tendon of the biceps forms an important aspect of routine glenohumeral arthroscopic examination. We describe a new technique of direct visualization of the bicipital groove and tendon by positioning the arthroscope in linear alignment with the bicipital groove. A 4.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe partial articular surface tendon avulsion (PASTA) is a common lesion that involves the supraspinatus tendon in most cases. We present an arthroscopic fixation technique for a previously undescribed lesion that may be considered a variant of the PASTA. The lesion involves a partial avulsion of the greater tuberosity with an intact deep insertion of the supraspinatus tendon into the fractured bone fragment and an intact superficial insertion of the supraspinatus into the unavulsed lateral aspect of the greater tuberosity: a "bony PASTA" lesion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The treatment of rotator cuff tears has evolved from open surgical repairs to complete arthroscopic repairs over the past two decades. In this study, we reviewed the results of arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs with the so-called double-row, or footprint, reconstruction technique.
Methods: Between 1998 and 2002, 264 patients underwent an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair with double-row fixation.
Background: Tendinopathies of the rotator cuff muscles, biceps tendon and pectoralis major muscle are common causes of shoulder pain in athletes. Overuse insertional tendinopathy of pectoralis minor is a previously undescribed cause of shoulder pain in weightlifters/sportsmen.
Objectives: To describe the clinical features, diagnostic tests and results of an overuse insertional tendinopathy of the pectoralis minor muscle.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
June 2007
Partial-thickness bursal-surface tears of supraspinatus tendon may be missed on preoperative investigations and can be overlooked at surgery if not specifically sought. The authors describe an arthroscopic sign to detect these tears, when they involve more than half the tendon fibres, from the articular-side of the joint. The "paraglider-wing" sign, visualized during diagnostic glenohumeral arthroscopy, is demonstrated as an upward bulge of the capsulo-tendinous layer through the bursal-surface tear, under pressure of the inflow fluid.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe suprascapular notch is a common location for entrapment of the suprascapular nerve. Open surgical procedures for excision of the transverse scapular ligament are associated with pain relief and functional improvement. Arthroscopic procedures have been described for decompressing ganglion cysts, which compress the nerve at the spinoglenoid notch.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConventional techniques of internal fixation of displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity may be insufficient in presence of comminution. A new surgical technique of internal fixation using a double-row of suture-anchors is described. Long-term results of this technique are evaluated in 21 patients with an isolated, displaced and comminuted greater tuberosity fracture at an average of 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArthroscopic glenohumeral interposition arthroplasty is performed with the patient placed in the lateral decubitus position. Standard posterior, anterior, and anterosuperior portals are created, a routine diagnostic arthroscopy is performed, and the joint is débrided with the use of an arthroscopic shaver. An arthroscopic burr is used to resect prominent osteophytes, to alter the version of the glenoid if necessary, and to create microfractures on the glenoid surface.
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