Publications by authors named "Kari L Clase"

Levothyroxine tablets, although highly prescribed in the United States, have been one of the most frequently recalled products. Because of the importance of the medication, several efforts have been put in place by the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) to control the quality of levothyroxine tablets available to patients using the drug. The choice of excipients used in the formulation has been shown to impact the hygroscopicity and microenvironment, and ultimately the stability of the levothyroxine tablets formulations.

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Unlabelled: Science educators report that students struggle with understanding, using, and evaluating the evidence underpinning scientific knowledge. However, there are not many studies focused on helping instructors address those difficulties. Here, we report on a laboratory instructor's scaffolding of students' evidentiary reasoning with and about evidence for evolutionary trees with guidance from the Conceptual Analysis of Disciplinary Evidence (CADE) framework, which links biological knowledge with epistemic considerations.

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Course-based research pedagogy involves positioning students as contributors to authentic research projects as part of an engaging educational experience that promotes their learning and persistence in science. To develop a model for assessing and grading students engaged in this type of learning experience, the assessment aims and practices of a community of experienced course-based research instructors were collected and analyzed. This approach defines four aims of course-based research assessment - 1) Assessing Laboratory Work and Scientific Thinking; 2) Evaluating Mastery of Concepts, Quantitative Thinking and Skills; 3) Appraising Forms of Scientific Communication; and 4) Metacognition of Learning - along with a set of practices for each aim.

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Determining the solubility of a compound is important for predicting its oral bioavailability, the medium to be used for dissolution, and solvents for cleaning during manufacturing. The solubilities of the newly synthesized benzoate, hydrochloride, nicotinate, and malonate salts of bedaquiline were elucidated, and the plausible reasons for the differences observed in their experimental aqueous solubilities were highlighted. The shake flask method was used to determine the experimental solubilities of the bedaquiline free base and all the salts in water, 0.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study investigates the implementation and educational benefits of course-based research experiences (CRE) in STEM education over three years, involving 102 instructors from the SEA-PHAGES program.
  • - The research includes surveys and feedback sessions to understand instructors' perspectives on the goals and teaching practices of CRE, ultimately utilizing qualitative content analysis.
  • - Findings reveal three instructional models for CRE teaching: 1) acting as a scientist and generating data, 2) teaching procedural knowledge, and 3) promoting project ownership, which help inform new instructors and institutions about effective CRE instruction.
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Pharmaceutical companies use the quality by design (QbD) approach to build high-quality drug products. A thorough understanding of risk factors is required to successfully employ QbD. In order to better understand risk factors that potentially impact drug product quality and inform future QbD approaches, we hypothesized root causes of drug product recalls based on publicly available data and a retroactive analysis of drug products recalled by the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) from 2012 to 2018.

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Bedaquiline is one of two important new drugs for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). It is marketed in the US as its fumarate salt, but only a few salts of bedaquiline have been structurally described so far. We present here five crystal structures of bedaquilinium maleate {systematic name: [4-(6-bromo-2-meth-oxy-quinolin-3-yl)-3-hy-droxy-3-(naphthalen-1-yl)-4-phenyl-but-yl]di-methyl-aza-nium 3-carb-oxy-prop-2-enoate}, CHBrNO ·CHO , namely, a hemihydrate, a tetra-hydro-furan (THF) solvate, a mixed acetone/hexane solvate, an ethyl acetate solvate, and a solvate-free structure obtained from the acetone/hexane solvate by single-crystal-to-single-crystal desolvation.

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Background: The number and severity of nonconformities generated during an audit of a medicine testing laboratory indicates its level of quality compliance. Quality standards are established and maintained to ensure the reliability of laboratory test reports. The National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) Quality Control laboratories assess the quality of medicines used by the populace as part of their regulatory function.

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Bedaquiline [systematic name: 1-(6-bromo-2-methoxyquinolin-3-yl)-4-(dimethylamino)-2-(naphthalen-1-yl)-1-phenylbutan-2-ol, CHBrNO] is one of two important new drugs for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). It is marketed in the US as its fumarate salt {systematic name: [4-(6-bromo-2-methoxyquinolin-3-yl)-3-hydroxy-3-(naphthalen-1-yl)-4-phenylbutyl]dimethylazanium 3-carboxyprop-2-enoate, CHBrNO·CHO}, and about a dozen other salts of bedaquiline have been described in patent literature, but none have so far been structurally described. In a first communication, we present the crystal structure of bedaquilinium fumarate and of two new benzoate salts, as well as that of a degradation product of the reaction of bedaquilinium fumarate with sodium ethoxide, 3-benzyl-6-bromo-2-methoxyquinoline, CHBrNO.

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High numbers of drug recalls persist despite the tremendous time and effort invested by pharmaceutical organizations and regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure the quality of safe and effective medicines for the patient. It is imperative to better understand the underlying risk factors of drug formulation-based recalls to best protect the patient from poor quality drugs. Increased knowledge of underlying factors of formulation risk can also help inform the future design and development of drugs.

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Technology has become an indispensable component of both modern life science and life science education. However, due to inadequate knowledge and experience, teachers are often unable to include technology essential for practicing science in their teaching. In this regard, professional development workshops for in-service and preservice teachers are beneficial.

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People living in Africa face a heavy and wide-ranging burden of disease that takes an incalculable toll on social and economic development as well as shortening life expectancy (life expectancy in Tanzania is about 60 vs. about 80 in the United States and Europe. Further, the pharmaceutical market in developing countries is immature and may not support quality medicines.

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Unlabelled: Genomic analysis of a large set of phages infecting the common host Mycobacterium smegmatis mc(2)155 shows that they span considerable genetic diversity. There are more than 20 distinct types that lack nucleotide similarity with each other, and there is considerable diversity within most of the groups. Three newly isolated temperate mycobacteriophages, Bongo, PegLeg, and Rey, constitute a new group (cluster M), with the closely related phages Bongo and PegLeg forming subcluster M1 and the more distantly related Rey forming subcluster M2.

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Recently, both science and technology faculty have been recognizing biological research competencies that are valued but rarely assessed. Some of these valued learning outcomes include scientific methods and thinking, critical assessment of primary papers, quantitative reasoning, communication, and putting biological research into a historical and broader social context. This article presents examples of Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) assignments that illustrate a computer-assisted method to help students achieve biological research competencies.

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Physiology as a discipline is uniquely positioned to engage undergraduate students in interdisciplinary research in response to the 2006-2011 National Science Foundation Strategic Plan call for innovative transformational research, which emphasizes multidisciplinary projects. To prepare undergraduates for careers that cross disciplinary boundaries, students need to practice interdisciplinary communication in academic programs that connect students in diverse disciplines. This report surveys policy documents relevant to this emphasis on interdisciplinary training and suggests a changing role for physiology courses in bioscience and engineering programs.

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