Am J Health Syst Pharm
January 2015
Purpose: The use of clinical video telehealth (CVT) technology to optimize the deployment of clinical pharmacy specialist resources in a community-based outpatient clinic (CBOC) is described.
Summary: In 2012, clinical pharmacy specialists at a Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center began using CVT technology to provide anticoagulation therapy management services to patients at a CBOC about 12 miles away. Using videoconferencing technology (video cameras and high-definition widescreen monitors), the remotely located pharmacists conduct patient interviews, evaluate International Normalized Ratio (INR) values, and gather other clinical data for use in therapeutic planning.
Background: Metformin can result in vitamin B(12) deficiency, potentially leading to complications such as neuropathy. Annual monitoring of vitamin B(12) has been suggested; however, it is unknown whether current practice reflects this recommendation.
Objective: To identify vitamin B(12) monitoring patterns in patients on long-term, high-dose metformin.