The present study was conducted to test a new super-agonist recombinant bovine FSH (rbFSH) to induce superovulation (SOV) in dromedary camels. In experiment I, a single IM injection of 40, 60, 80, 100, or 120 µg rbFSH was administered (4 donors per group) to determine the effective dose resulting in acceptable multiple ovulation and embryo yield. Administration of 40 µg was ineffective, while 100 and 120 µg were associated with increased numbers of developed follicles, corpora lutea, and recovered embryos compared to administration of 60 and 80 µg.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study was conducted in two breeding seasons to compare the effect of two non-surgical techniques for embryo deposition intrauterine, trans-vaginal (TV) versus recto-vaginal (RV) techniques, on the pregnancy rate and early pregnancy loss (EPL) in dromedary camels. Embryos were collected from 70 donors and transferred to 210 recipients by TV (n = 256 transfers) or RV technique (n = 186 transfers). Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted on Day 10 after embryo transfer (ET) by using the progesterone-ELISA test and by trans-rectal ultrasonography at Day 60 of gestation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBreakthrough invasive infections occur in immunosuppressed patients while they are receiving antifungal agents for both prophylaxis and therapy. Under such conditions, unusual fungal infections emerge. Hormographiella aspergillata is considered an uncommon human pathogen and causes devastating infections.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnim Reprod Sci
October 2020
The present study was conducted to estimate incidence of late embryonic and early fetal mortalities (LEM/EFM) after embryo transfer (ET) and to investigate factors that could affect proportions of LEM/EFM in dromedary camels. The uteri of 180 donors were flushed at Day 9 post-mating and 1309 ETs were conducted in 886 recipient females in two breeding seasons (2014-2015 and 2015-2016). Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted at Day 10 after ET (Day 19 of gestation) by using the progesterone-ELISA test and by transrectal ultrasonography at Day 60 of gestation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study investigated whether or not passive immunization against inhibin modulates testicular blood flow in goats. Male Shiba goats were injected with either 10 ml of inhibin antiserum (INH group; n = 5) or 10 ml of normal castrated goat serum (NGS group; n = 4). Concentrations of FSH, LH, testosterone (T), and estradiol (E2) in the plasma were measured by radioimmunoassay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aims of the present study were to evaluate the effect of cooling of the dromedary camel embryos on the pregnancy and pregnancy loss rates, and to investigate the factors which might affect the outcomes of the transfer of cooled embryos. After the donors (n = 56) had been super-ovulated and mated, they were flushed at Day 8 or 9 post-mating. Of 487 collected embryos, 110 were refrigerated at 4°C for up to 5 days in holding medium (HM), flushing medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FM + FCS) or TCM199 supplemented with 50% FCS and HEPES (TCM + FCS + HEPES).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFACS Appl Mater Interfaces
February 2016
Low-temperature solution-processed perovskite solar cells are attracting immense interest due to their ease of fabrication and potential for mass production on flexible substrates. However, the unfavorable surface properties of planar substrates often lead to large variations in perovskite crystal size and weak charge extractions at interfaces, resulting in inferior performance. Here, we report the improved performance, reproducibility, and high stability of "p-i-n" planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCompared to cattle and sheep, few studies had been undertaken to evaluate the incidence of embryonic and fetal losses (EFL) in goats. The objectives of the present study were to characterize the timing of EFL and to identify the factors that are associated with EFL in goats such as breed, age, parity, method of estrous synchronization, and breeding. Moreover, this study aimed to ensure whether a relationship existed between serum progesterone (P4) and EFL.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstablished 20 years ago with a single dialysis center assisting only 20 patients with 6 hemodialysis machines, Medicare has grown leaps and bounds to assist thousands of poor patients to obtain a highly subsidized rate for quality treatment. Millions of ringgit raised via various fundraising projects and events have been well utilized to serve the growing number of kidney patients in Malaysia who simply cannot bear the exorbitant cost of treatment. Staying true to its mission, Medicare extends its assistance to needy kidney patients and their families, who indirectly have become part of the Medicare family.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough color Doppler ultrasonography has been used to evaluate testicular blood flow in many species, very little has been done in goat. Eight male Shiba goats were exposed to a single intramuscular injection of either gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH group; 1 µg/kg BW) or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG group; 25 IU/kg BW). Plasma testosterone (T), estradiol (E2) and inhibin (INH) were measured just before (0 hr) and at different intervals post injection by radioimmunoassay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA total of 150 does of different breeds were used to evaluate the accuracy of transrectal (TRU) and transabdominal ultrasonography (TAU) for pregnancy diagnosis and fetal number estimation and to study the effect of breed and age of goats on the accuracy of ultrasonography. All does were scanned by TRU at days 17-22, 24-29 and 31-36 and by TAU at days 39-44 and 46-51 after breeding. The sensitivity (Se) of TRU for detecting pregnant does increased significantly (81.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of restraint stress, which is commonly practised in the field, on plasma concentrations of cortisol, progesterone (P4) and bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein-1 (boPAG-1) in pregnant heifers between Days 30 to 40 of gestation. Twelve Holstein-Friesian heifers between Days 30 (Day 0 of experiment) and 40 (Day 10 of experiment) of pregnancy in a Hungarian dairy farm were used in the present study. The heifers were exposed to an acute stressor consisting of immobilisation (restraint stress) in a crush for 2 h (Group 1, n = 6) on Day 2 (Hour 48) and for 2 × 2 h (Group 2, n = 6) on Days 2 and 3 (Hour 72) of the experiment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this field study was to investigate the relationship of plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) with the pregnancy rate in lactating Awassi × Merino ewes. One hundred and eighty-five Awassi × Merino ewes were used in the present study. Ewes were fed a diet containing 17.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTrop Anim Health Prod
January 2011
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the accuracy of transrectal palpation (TRP) for diagnosing early pregnancy in buffaloes and the false diagnoses of the TRP test by using the pregnancy-associated glycoprotein radioimmunoassay (PAG-RIA) test. Pregnancy was diagnosed in 168 buffalo-cows once by TRP and PAG-RIA test between days 31 and 55 after breeding. The sensitivity of TRP for detecting pregnant buffalo-cows was 37.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of an Ovsynch protocol in the cyclic and non-cyclic Egyptian buffaloes in the summer. The present study was carried out on 21 Egyptian pluriparous buffalo cows (11 cyclic and 10 acyclic) and 8 heifers (5 cyclic and 3 acyclic). All animals were administered 100 microg GnRH i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe main aim of the present study was to estimate the gestational age of Egyptian goats by B-mode ultrasound measurement of embryonic or fetal parts throughout pregnancy. Trans-rectal (TR) ultrasonography (7 MHz) was carried out on 15 pregnant Egyptian does at Day 10 post mating on alternate days until Day 25 and then once at 3-5-day intervals until Day 50. Trans-abdominal (TA) ultrasonography (3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aims of the present study were to evaluate and compare the accuracy of transrectal ultrasonography and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein radioimmunoassay (PAG-RIA) test for diagnosis of pregnancy in buffaloes. Two hundred and seventy-five buffalo cows and heifers were examined once for pregnancy diagnosis by transrectal ultrasonography using a 5 MHz linear-array transducer between Days 19 and 55 after mating. After ultrasound scanning, a blood sample was withdrawn from jugular vein of each animal for measuring pregnancy-associated glycoprotein using a heterologous double-antibody RIA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study describes ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (ovPAG) concentrations in 20 Lacaune sheep during early pregnancy. Measurements were performed by using semi-purified ovPAG as standard, tracer and immunogens for antibody production in rabbits. Antisera R780 (against ovPAG(57+59kDa)) and R805 (against ovPAG5(58+61kDa)) were used respectively in RIA-780 and RIA-805.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of a pretreatment with insulin on the response of buffalo cows with inactive ovaries to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) treatment during hot summer months (July and August). Thirty-six Egyptian buffalo cows with inactive ovaries were randomly allocated into three groups: (1) group treated with GnRHa (G1, n = 16) in which each buffalo received an intramuscular injection of 250 mg of GnRHa (Day 0; gonadorelin, Fertagyl); (2) group treated with insulin before the GnRHa injection (G2, n = 8) in which each buffalo received a subcutaneous injection of biphasic insulin at a dose of 0.25 IU kg(-1) bodyweight once daily starting at Day -3 for 3 consecutive days, followed by an intramuscular injection of 250 mg of GnRHa on Day 0; and (3) the control group (G3, n = 12) in which each buffalo cow received an intramuscular injection of 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The availability of effective chemotherapy agents or regimens for soft tissue sarcomas (STS) is limited. Response to available first line regimens is generally poor and response to second line regimens is rare. Considering the poor response of STS to available cytotoxic therapy, and the need to adequately evaluate the effectiveness of new agents, first line investigation of promising new agents is justified.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the present study was to evaluate and, compare the accuracy of transabdominal ultrasonographic (US) and the progesterone (P4-RIA) and ovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (ovPAG-RIA) tests for the discrimination between single and multiple pregnancy in sheep. One hundred pregnant AwassixMerino ewes were scanned by transabdominal ultrasonography (3.5 MHz linear-array transducer) at Days 43-56 and 81 of these ewes were scanned at Days 76-87 of gestation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLactating dairy cows (n = 72) with a mature corpus luteum (CL) (diameter of > or = 17 mm) determined by ultrasonography and having a follicle with a diameter of > or = 10 mm were randomly assigned to four groups. Cows were treated with cloprostenol i.m.
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