Publications by authors named "Kareena Schnabl"

Newborn screening (NBS) in Alberta is delivered by a number of government and health service entities who work together to provide newborn screening to infants born in Alberta, the Northwest Territories, and the Kitikmeot region of the Nunavut territory. The Alberta panel screens for 21 disorders (16 metabolic, two endocrine, cystic fibrosis, severe combined immunodeficiency, and sickle cell disease). NBS is a standard of care, but is not mandatory.

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Coronavirus disease (COVID) serological tests are essential to determine the overall seroprevalence of a population and to facilitate exposure estimates within that population. We performed a head-to-head assessment of enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) and point-of-care lateral flow assays (POCTs) to detect severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antibodies. Demographics, symptoms, comorbidities, treatment, and mortality of patients whose sera were used were also reviewed.

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Objective: To determine the optimum storage temperature for serum allergen specific IgE antibodies (sIgE) to common food and inhalant allergens.

Methods: Patient sera with sIgE concentrations ≥0.7kIU/l were pooled accordingly: pool 1-peanut and hazelnut, pool 2-egg white, cow's milk and cod fish, pool 3-soy, wheat and shrimp and pool 4-dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae, dog dander, cat dander, Timothy grass pollen, and silver birch pollen.

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The classic principles put forth by Wilson and Jungner are often applied to determine the suitability of a condition for universal newborn screening. The three cases described here portray the harmful effects of vitamin B12 deficiency in infancy. The challenges and opportunities of early recognition and treatment are highlighted.

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Background: Preclinical studies reveal associations between intestinal ganglioside content and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Since a low level of ganglioside is associated with higher production of proinflammatory signals in the intestine, it is important to determine safety and bioavailability of dietary ganglioside for application as a potential therapeutic agent.

Materials And Methods: Healthy volunteers (HVs; n = 18) completed an 8-week supplementation study to demonstrate safety and bioavailabity of ganglioside consumption.

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Aim: To investigate whether accelerated catabolism of ganglioside and decreased ganglioside content contribute to the etiology of pro-inflammatory intestinal disease.

Methods: Intestinal mucosa from terminal ileum or colon was obtained from patients with ulcerative colitis or inflammatory Crohn's disease (n = 11) undergoing bowel resection and compared to control samples of normal intestine from patients with benign colon polyps (n = 6) and colorectal cancer (n = 12) in this observational case-control study. Gangliosides and phospholipids of intestinal mucosa were characterized by class and ceramide or fatty acid composition using liquid chromatography triple-quad mass spectrometry.

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Objective: Adaptation of the Randox Enzymatic Manual UV Ammonia method to be used on the Roche Cobas 6000 (c501) automated analyzer platform.

Design And Methods: The Randox ammonia reagent was evaluated for precision, linearity, accuracy and interference from hemolysis, icterus and lipemia on the Roche c501 analyzer. Comparison studies were conducted for the Randox reagent between Roche c501, Siemens Vista, Ortho Vitros 250, and Beckman DxC methods.

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Background: Paraproteins, immunoglobulins (Igs), which are elevated in various autoimmune disorders, are known to interfere with various laboratory immunoassays, including vancomycin (VANC). Rheumatoid factor (RF), a known immunoassay interferant, may cause falsely elevated results.

Objectives: The aims of this study were to (1) evaluate the effect of 3 paraproteins (IgA, IgG, and IgM) on 4 commercial VANC immunoassays [fluorescence polarization immunoassay; enzyme multiplied immunoassay; 2 particle-enhanced turbidimetric inhibition immunoassays]; (2) determine the concentration at which the effect is obtained, and (3) examine the influence of RF on the VANC methods.

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Gangliosides are integral to the structure and function of cell membranes. Ganglioside composition of the intestinal brush border and apical surface of the colon influences numerous cell processes including microbial attachment, cell division, differentiation, and signaling. Accelerated catabolism of ganglioside in intestinal disease results in increased proinflammatory signaling.

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Background: A novel method to measure 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)(2)D) in human tissue was developed and validated. The objectives of this study were to determine whether 1,25(OH)(2)D is present in human colon tissue and to characterize the relationship between human colon tissue and serum 1,25(OH)(2)D concentrations.

Materials And Methods: Normal colon tissue specimens and matched serum samples were obtained from 30 patients who had undergone colectomy.

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Introduction: Hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias together form the most common genetic disease in the world. Double heterozygosity, in which there is a hemoglobin variant, in both the α- and non-α globin chains, is very unusual. A novel double heterozygosity of the α chain variant HbQ India with the non-α chain HbD Punjab is described.

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24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D (24,25VD) is a major catabolite of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25VD) metabolism, and may be physiologically active. Our objectives were to: (1) characterize the response of serum 24,25VD(3) to vitamin D(3) (VD(3)) supplementation; (2) test the hypothesis that a higher 24,25VD(3) to 25VD(3) ratio (24,25:25VD(3)) predicts 25VD(3) response. Serum samples (n=160) from wk 2 and wk 6 of a placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of VD(3) (28,000IU/wk) were analyzed for serum 24,25VD(3) and 25VD(3) by mass spectrometry.

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Objective: To evaluate the analytical performance of the Nova StatSensor creatinine meter.

Design And Methods: Imprecision, linearity, patient correlation and interference studies were completed.

Results: Total imprecision was 4.

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Article Synopsis
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious condition that affects premature babies and can be worsened by factors like low oxygen and infections, but feeding them human milk can help protect against it.
  • Scientists created an infant bowel model to see if a substance called gangliosides found in human milk can help reduce the inflammation caused by infections and low oxygen levels.
  • The study showed that gangliosides may help protect baby intestines by lowering harmful substances and inflammation in response to infections.
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Ganglioside GD3 is a glycosphingolipid found in colostrum, developing tissues, and tumors and is known to regulate cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and inflammation. Feeding a GD3-enriched diet to rats increases GD3 in intestinal lipid rafts and blood. The mechanism, efficiency, and fate of ganglioside absorption by human enterocytes have not been investigated.

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Screening, diagnosis and monitoring of paediatric diseases relies on the measurement of a spectrum of disease biomarkers in clinical laboratories to guide important clinical decisions. Physicians rely on the availability of suitable and reliable reference intervals to accurately interpret laboratory test results with data collected during medical history and physical examination. However, critical gaps currently exist in accurate and up-to-date reference intervals (normal values) for accurate interpretation of laboratory tests performed in children and adolescents.

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Gangliosides are glycosphingolipids found in cell membranes and human milk with important roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, growth, adhesion, migration, signalling and apoptosis. Similar changes in ganglioside composition occur during embryonic development, lactation and cancer cell differentiation. It is not known, however, whether ganglioside compositional changes that occur in differentiating colon cancer cells reflect changes that occur during intestinal development.

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The clinically approved antioxidant cardioprotective agent dexrazoxane (ICRF-187) was examined for its ability to protect neonatal rat cardiac myocytes from doxorubicin-induced damage. Doxorubicin is thought to induce oxidative stress on the heart muscle, both through reductive activation to its semiquinone form, and by the production of hydroxyl radicals mediated by its complex with iron. Hydrolyzed dexrazoxane metabolites prevent site-specific iron-based oxygen radical damage by displacing iron from doxorubicin and chelating free and loosely bound iron.

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