Publications by authors named "Karandeep S Arora"

Objectives: The present study was performed to provide a normal reference range for humerus diaphysis length at the second trimester of pregnancy in an Indian population.

Materials And Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 25 radiographs of aborted normal human fetuses of gestational age (GA) between 13 and 28 weeks. The radiographs were used to measure the maximum length of the humerus using a vernier calliper.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the operative and postoperative outcomes of the mandibular impacted third molar removal using piezoelectric technique and conventional rotary bur technique.

Settings: The study was conducted in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery between January 1, 2019, and January 1, 2020.

Materials And Methods: Thirty patients, with an age of 18-40 years, with asymptomatic bilateral impacted mandibular third molars, were selected for the study and randomly surgical extraction was done either using piezoelectric or the conventional rotary bur technique on each site.

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Aims And Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate 2 bone graft materials, that is, biphasic hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate, in the treatment of periodontal vertical bony defects. In term of attachment level, probing depth and radiographic bone level changes. Also, a new digital method of radiographic assessment was used for measurement of vertical bone defect.

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Objective: The current research was conducted with an aim to assess the association of oral microbiome with Potentially malignant disorders (PMDs) because usage of tobacco in any form alters the normal microbiome and shifts it towards dysbiosis. Thus, our definitive knowledge of the oral commensal bacteria and oral cancer link can definitely be used as a potential adjunct to early diagnosis and management of PMDs and prevent it's malignant transformation.

Study Design: A total of 100 individuals of minimum 18 years of age were included in the study which, were classified into 2 groups of tobacco users (50) and non-tobacco users (50).

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National identity programs like Aadhaar in India can play an unique role in identification of an individual and has numerous beneficial applications for the government and the citizens. The biometric records of finger prints and iris provided in the database can be useful for the forensic purpose. In unfortunate incidence of disasters, accidents, and criminal cases such as severe burnings, the identification of the victims is possible through dental profiling where fingerprint matching is not possible.

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Objectives: The present research was carried out with an aim to estimate and correlate chronological age and estimated age by Kvaal's Method in North Indian population using digital panoramic radiography. Further, the study was an attempt to evaluate the reliability of Kvaal's method for age estimation and to arrive at a population-specific regression equation.

Materials And Method: One hundred digital orthopantomograms of participants aged between 20 and 70 years of age were selected.

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Objectives: The current research was undertaken with an aim to correlate the expression of E-cadherin with histopathological grading in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients. Further, the objectives of the study were to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative expressions of E-cadherin in OSCC and to correlate the number of tumor cells of OSCC, immunopositive for E-cadherin with histopathological grading of OSCC.

Materials And Methods: Immunoexpression of E-cadherin antibody was evaluated in previously diagnosed, paraffin-embedded sections of 20 tissues each of well-differentiated and moderately differentiated OSCC, 17 tissues of poorly differentiated OSCC, and 10 tissues of normal oral mucosa; Chi-square test, analysis of variance, and Tukey's honestly significant difference test were employed for statistical analysis.

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Quite a few lesions of the oral cavity specifically of the gingiva have a greater inclination towards women and mostly occur during the first four decades of life, the cause of which may be credited to the changing levels of sex hormones. Out of all such lesions, one lesion whose aetiology is still unclear and which originats from the periosteum or periodontal ligament is central giant cell granuloma. Repeatedly, it is has been described as a reactive lesion, the cause of which may be secondary to local irritants or trauma, specifically plaque or calculus, which is not considered to be a true neoplasm.

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The major challenge in traumatic injuries is the management of subgingival fracture of anterior teeth. Forced orthodontic extrusion is a suitable approach for these teeth as it provides both a sound tissue margin for final restoration and creates a periodontal environment (biological width) which is easy for the patient to maintain. Restoration after orthodontic eruption may present a more conservative treatment choice in young patients compared with the prosthetic restoration after extraction.

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The Unique Identification Authority of India is a statutory authority established in 2009, which had started a campaign of issuing Aadhaar (unique identification) cards to every citizen of India under the slogan "" (my unique identification my identity). The government is taking all possible initiatives to make Aadhaar card the identity of an individual and is taking all measures of linking all the valid government-issued documents (such as driving license, PAN card, subsidies etc.) with this card.

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Drug-induced gingival overgrowth is a condition caused by side effects of treatment with one of three types of drugs: phenytoin (used in epilepsy treatment), cyclosporine A (used in transplantology after allogenic organ transplants) and calcium channel blockers (used in the treatment of hypertension). Gingival overgrowth leads to inflammation within the gums and periodontium and can amplify the existing periodontal disease leading to tooth loss. Patients who have undergone kidney transplant are given immunosuppressants to prevent transplant rejection and mostly it is accompanied with calcium channel blockers to treat hypertension associated with kidney transplant.

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Ameloblastoma a benign neoplasm of the maxillofacial region has been divided into various histopathological types by WHO. A more complex and confusing type includes hybrid type, which as the name suggest include more than two variants mostly histopathological. Various authors have reported cases of this type but the exact histopathological features are still unclear and each case that is being reported add to the literature, which further strengthens its histopathological feature.

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Unilateral condylar hyperplasia is characterised by slow progressive growth of the different parts of mandible, the aetiology of which is still unclear. It is a self-limiting condition mostly seen between the age of 11-30 years causing facial asymmetry and its progression ceases after a certain time. In literature until now very few cases have been reported and every case that is being reported adds to its features or the aetiology.

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Objectives: The present observational study was conducted with an aim to evaluate the efficacy of diode laser in management of homogenous oral leukoplakia (OL) and reticular oral lichen planus (OLP), so that these potentially malignant disorders can be limited and further malignant transformation can be prevented. Further the assessment of associated postoperative complications after laser therapy was also carried out. Study Design: Present study was carried out using diode laser 810nm on 60 subjects, of whom 30 subjects were of homogenous OL and 30 subjects were of reticular OLP aged between 20 – 60 years, the diagnosis of which was histopathologically confirmed.

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Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of conventional TMJ imaging in depicting osseous changes in mandibular condyle and glenoid fossa in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) by comparing the finding against CT and with an objective that if conventional TMJ imaging modality can appreciate the osseous changes in RA and OA then what is the need for CT scan. Thus further reducing the patient's radiation dose.

Materials And Methods: A total of 70 patients (40 Rheumatoid Arthritis; 30 Osteoarthritis) were taken in the study aged between 40 - 60 years and divided in to age groups.

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Objectives: To evaluate the potential benefits of local application of Thymoquinone gel as an adjunctive to scaling and root planing (SRP) in subjects with chronic periodontitis.

Material And Methods: Twenty subjects with 40 test sites were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. They were further divided into 2 groups.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates the effects of Picrosirius red and MMP-13 on collagen degradation in oral lesions, specifically comparing staining results from oral leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF), and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).
  • A total of 70 tissue slides were analyzed, with findings showing that MMP-13 expression was higher in OSMF than in leukoplakia, while OSCC cases exhibited significant expression as well.
  • The results suggest that targeting MMP-13 could potentially slow down tumor progression by inhibiting collagen breakdown, and Picrosirius red staining could serve as a reliable method for assessing tissue structure in these conditions.
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Tuberculosis is chronic granulomatous disease with rare oral manifestations. But if so are overlooked by most of the health care professionals. Clinically, most of the times, a tuberculous ulcer may mimic an ulcer of malignant origin and may be misdiagnosed.

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Forensic odontology (FO) is a branch of forensic medicine that in the interest of justice deals with proper handling and examination of dental evidence. Teeth can survive in most conditions encountered at death and during decomposition, even when the body is exposed to extreme forces and/or temperatures. FO is being practiced worldwide since 1775, after which it has not only become an integral part of the judicial system of the developed countries but also been adopted by the armed forces and investigative agencies of these countries.

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Introduction: Zygomatic Air Cell Defect (ZACD) has been considered as a normal radiographic variant with a spare knowledge. This should be judged before any surgical procedure of the temporal region as lack of which can lead to infections of cranium and may other complications.

Aim: The present study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence and characteristics of ZACD and to propose a classification for the same using digital panoramic radiography.

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Context: The identification of living or deceased persons using unique traits and characteristics of the teeth and jaws is a cornerstone of forensic science. Teeth have been used to estimate age both in the young and old, as well as in the living and dead. Gradual structural changes in teeth throughout life are the basis for age estimation.

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  • Blood tests for monitoring glucose are invasive and uncomfortable, prompting a study to find a noninvasive method using salivary glucose levels for Type 1 diabetics.
  • The study involved 200 participants (100 Type 1 diabetics and 100 healthy controls), measuring fasting blood and salivary glucose levels, which showed significant positive correlations between the two.
  • A cut-off salivary glucose level of 11.60 mg% was determined for diabetes diagnosis, and a regression equation was established to convert salivary glucose values to blood glucose levels accurately.
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Ameloblastoma is an uncommon epithelial odontogenic neoplasm that is nonmineralized, locally aggressive, and, in most cases, benign. Most ameloblastomas develop in the molar-ramus region of the mandible with 70% of them arising in the molar-ramus area. Radiologically they are unilocular or multilocular radiolucency with a honeycomb or soap bubble appearance.

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