Publications by authors named "Kanako Muta"

Background: Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) have been widely used as laboratory animals; However, limited sedation and anesthetic protocols have yet to be established. In this study, the minimum alveolar concentration of an inhalant (isoflurane) and effective predicted plasma concentration of an injectable anesthetic (propofol) were measured for optimization of sedation and anesthetic protocols in marmosets.

Methods: The minimum alveolar concentrations (MACs) for several stimulations (nociceptive stimulation, endotracheal intubation, and non-painful direct stimulation), MAC-noci, MAC-extb, and MAC-awake, respectively, were measured for isoflurane with the up-and-down method from four healthy marmosets.

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The common marmoset is an essential model for understanding social cognition and neurodegenerative diseases. This study explored the structural and functional brain connectivity in a marmoset under isoflurane anesthesia, aiming to statistically overcome the effects of high inter-individual variability and noise-related confounds such as physiological noise, ensuring robust and reliable data. Similarities and differences in individual subject data, including assessments of functional and structural brain connectivities derived from resting-state functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging were meticulously captured.

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Animal models of brain function are critical for the study of human diseases and development of effective interventions. Resting-state network (RSN) analysis is a powerful tool for evaluating brain function and performing comparisons across animal species. Several studies have reported RSNs in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus; marmoset), a non-human primate.

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Advancements in non-invasive brain analysis through novel approaches such as big data analytics and in silico simulation are essential for explaining brain function and associated pathologies. In this study, we extend the vector auto-regressive surrogate technique from a single multivariate time-series to group data using a novel Group Surrogate Data Generating Model (GSDGM). This methodology allowed us to generate biologically plausible human brain dynamics representative of a large human resting-state (rs-fMRI) dataset obtained from the Human Connectome Project.

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This study assessed the somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in dogs and cats to compare the effect of remifentanil on the action potentials evoked by peripheral noxious stimulation in the spinal cord. Five healthy dogs and five healthy cats underwent general anaesthesia induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane. Each animals received all dosage of a constant-rate infusion of remifentanil at 0 (control), 0.

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Article Synopsis
  • Common marmosets are valuable for studying higher brain functions, but the impact of various sedatives and anesthetics on their resting-state brain networks is unclear.
  • This study evaluated the effects of different sedatives and anesthetics (like midazolam and propofol) on marmosets using advanced analytical methods.
  • The findings indicate that light sedation with midazolam or dexmedetomidine preserves brain network function well, while propofol uniquely maintains better resting brain function compared to other tested anesthetics.
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Background: Assessment of pain in macaques is challenging. The aims of this study were (1) to investigate current knowledge and attitudes of primate veterinarians concerning acute pain in macaques; (2) to synthesise current knowledge and opinion to facilitate pain assessment. A primary question of interest was whether more confident individuals differ in their knowledge and attitudes from less-confident individuals.

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The failure of neuroprotective treatment-related clinical trials may be partially caused by unestablished animal models. Existing animal models are less likely to provide occlusion confined to the middle cerebral artery (MCA), making transarterial intervention difficult. We aimed to develop a novel focal stroke model using a microcatheter and zirconium dioxide that is non-magnetic under fluoroscopic guidance, which can monitor MCA occlusion and can improve hemorrhagic complications.

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Surgery in humans is continuously evolving and promoted minimally invasive treatment. On the other hand, despite the importance of the 3Rs principles for experimental animals is well documented, no reports describe specific methodologies for implementing "refinement" in practice. Here, we describe a new technique, the "Ohta Method" for caudal arthrocentesis in the pursuit of the 3Rs for animal experiments and the development of innovative methods for investigating systemic organ arteries through minimally invasive procedures.

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The objectives of this study were (a) to establish a population pharmacokinetic model and (b) to investigate the clinical and physiological effects of a single bolus dose of propofol in common marmosets. In Study 1, pharmacokinetic analysis was performed in six marmosets under sevoflurane anaesthesia. 8 mg/kg of propofol was administrated at a rate of 4 mg kg  min .

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This study was conducted to identify the brain regions corresponding to mechanical noxious stimulation in cats using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and to investigate the modulatory effect of remifentanil on the activation of these regions. Six healthy cats were anesthetized using a constant-rate infusion of alfaxalone. Cats were allocated to one of three treatment groups: remifentanil 0 (saline), 0.

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Aquaporin-11 (AQP11) is the latest member of the mammalian water channel protein family to be described. Recent in vivo studies have shown that mutation at Cys(227) causes renal failure. However the importance of Cys(227) for the molecular function of AQP11 is largely unknown.

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The recently identified molecule aquaporin-11 (AQP11) has a unique amino acid sequence pattern that includes an Asn-Pro-Cys (NPC) motif, corresponding to the N-terminal Asn-Pro-Ala (NPA) signature motif of conventional AQPs. In this study, we examined the effect of the mutation of the NPC motif on the subcellular localization, oligomerization, and water permeability of AQP11 in transfected mammalian cells. Furthermore, the effect was also assessed using zebrafish.

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